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APSE Scotland Fleet, Waste and Grounds seminar 2017

Conference brochure

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Reducing emissions and improving air quality: Scotland's National Low Emission Framework
Drew Hill, Senior Environmental Engineer, Transport Scotland

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure - lessons learnt and best practice
Stephen Rennie, Business Development Manager (Scotland), APT Controls

Resolving the energy problem, reduction emissions, moving to sustainable transport and improving air quality
Ray Noble, Associate, APSE Solutions and Co-Chair of the DECC Solar Strategy Task Force

Benchmarking street cleansing in core cities: what lessons can be learnt?
Vince Dignam, Business Improvement & Performance Manager and Jim Graham, Assistant Director of Cleansing, City of London

Demonstrating the impact of change
Debbie Johns, Head of Performance Networks, APSE

Quantifying improvement in parks and street services under continued budget pressures
Harry Thomson, Head of Civic and Local Services, Dumfries and Galloway Council

Household Recycling Charter update and communications support (unavailable online)
Adrian Bond, Programme Manager - Recycling and Evonne Cannan, Project Manager - Consumer Engagement, Zero Waste Scotland

Our journey from linear waste contracts to contracts which manage risk and share benefits
Robert Robb, Assistant Waste Resources Manager (Strategy and Contracts), North Ayrshire Council

Slim down with West Lothian - the move to slim bins
David Goodenough, Waste Services Manager, West Lothian Council

Responsibilities of fleet managers and latest issues (unavailable online)
Joan Aitken, Traffic Commissioner for Scotland

Driving to your destination
Matthew Eastwood, Head of Transport, Energy Saving Trust and Rob Robertson, Health and Safety Manager, Fife Council

Lightfoot - how technology can enhance the driving experience (unavailable online)
David Pugh, Fleet Coordinator, Falkirk Council

Designing with maintenance in mind
Stuart Pryde, Principal Amenity Officer, East Lothian Council

Focusing on prevention: Code of Practice on Litter & Refuse
David Barnes, Programme Manager - Litter & Flytipping, Zero Waste Scotland

Material Quality Regulations - 1 year on
Naomi Ross, Waste Specialist, SEPA

Challenges and benefits to operating your own MRF
Ross Fenwick, Waste Strategy Coordinator, Falkirk Council

SWITCH Forum update
Martin Kingham, Service Manager, Fife Council


Striving for Excellence Award Winners

Fleet - Gold Award
Falkirk Council


Parks, Grounds and Streetscene - Gold Award
West Lothian Council


Waste and Recycling - Gold Award
East Lothian Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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