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APSE Scotland Fleet, Waste and Grounds seminar 2018

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Session 1 - Keynote address - commercialisation and the road ahead

A strategy for income generation
Paul O'Brien, Chief Executive, APSE

The Leeds parks service approach to civic enterprise
Tony Stringwell, Senior Projects Manager, Leeds City Council

A council vehicle workshop opportunity (commercialisation) - Dumfries & Galloway's EnterprisingDG perspective
Ronnie Dempster, Head of Enterprising Services, Dumfries & Galloway Council

Session 2 - Meeting driver and vehicle standards

Next generation of enforcement: Earned Recognition Scheme
Gordon Macdonald, Head of Enforcement Policy, DVSA

Freight Transport Association: Helping operators achieve the required standards (unavailable online)
Mags Simpson, Country Manager - Scotland, Freight Transport Association

IVECO commercial break slides

Session 3 - Initiatives and guidance relating to recycling services

Introducing the Trolley Box triple stack system
Douglas Gardiner, Team Leader - Recycling Services and Malcolm Rae, Waste Services Manager, East Ayrshire Council

Deposit Return Scheme for single use containers (unavailable online)
David Barnes, Programme Manager - DRS, Zero Waste Scotland

Maximising reuse and recycling at HWRCs (unavailable online)
Paul Doherty, Environmental Strategy Officer, Resource Efficient Solutions

Session 4 - Keynote address - alternative technology and funding

OLEV's programme of work
Steve Ives, Head of Competitions, Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)

Switched on Scotland
Laura McCaig, Network Development Manager, Electric Vehicles Infrastructure, Transport Scotland

Implementing EV charging infrastructure in Scotland
John Boyd, Contracts Manager, Boyd Brothers (Fauldhouse) Ltd

Electric refuse collection vehicle technology
Alun Williams, UK Brand Applications and Order Desk Manager, Andre Lagendijk, LI-ON Power Pro - Product Manager and Colin McMorine, Business Manager, Geesinknorba

Session 5 - Staff training and new LAMS developments for parks, grounds and streets

Operative competence: HSE's expectations
Liz Hunter, HM Inspector of Health and Safety, Health & Safety Executive

Staff training workshop
Stuart Pryde, Principal Amenity Officer, East Lothian Council

New developments in the Land Audit Management System (LAMS)
Debbie Johns, Head of Performance Networks, APSE

Session 6 - Alternative strategies for garden waste collections

The Angus experience
Graeme Dailly, Service Manager (Environmental Management - Waste), Angus Council

The Perth & Kinross experience
Bruce Reekie, Waste Services and Community Greenspace Manager, Perth & Kinross Council

The Scottish Borders experience
Ross Sharp-Dent, Waste Manager, Scottish Borders Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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