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APSE Annual Seminar 2015

APSE Annual Seminar 2015: The Ensuring Council - Delivering on frontline services

Kindly sponsored by DAF Trucks

This year’s annual seminar will explore the issues of devolution and reorganisation which impact upon APSE member authorities throughout the UK. Exploring the need for innovation and effective demand management in local government services, routes to generating new sources of income and management tools and techniques, to help deliver improved local government services this is a must attend event for senior managers and councillors


Session 1: Opening sympssium: Governance, devolution, evolution

Transformation and re-organisation - the Northern Ireland experience

Derek McCallan, Chief Executive, NILGA

Local Government...a continuing story 

Neil Barnett, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Faculty of Business, Leeds Business School

How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing

Jon Rae, Director of Resources, WLGA


Session 2: Building Social Justice

Stewarding the local economic recovery

Phil Roberts, Corporate Director (Place), City and County of Swansea

Delivering social justice through jobs and skills

Paul Kane,Employability Services Team Leader, North Lanarkshire Council

Delivering on new social housing

Clive Skidmore, Head of Housing Development, Birmingham City Council


Session 3: Delivering Entrepreneurial Local

Nottingham’s approach to a commercial strategy in frontline services

Andy Vaughan, Strategic Director, Commercial and Neighbourhood Services, Nottingham City Council

Caring for older people….. but not through social care
Mark King, Head of Street Care, South Gloucestershire Council

Re-imagining School Meals

David Melvin, Managing Director, Cordia


Session 5: Local Government Leadership Forum

What it means to Stockton on Tees to be an Ensuring Council

Neil Schneider, Chief Executive, Stockton Council

Delivering on Transformation in North Ayrshire

Elma Murray, Chief Executive, North Ayrshire Council


Session 6: Innovation and demand management

Nudge budge reduce

Claire Mansfield, Chief Executive NLGN

Using behaviour change sciences to reduce demand

Toby Blume, Lambeth Council

Channel Shift your Citizens

Jon Dyer-Slade, Transformation Head of Service, Southampton City Council


Session 7: Upping Production; How councils are delivering on the energy challenge

The APSE / Infrangilis Research

Philip Monaghan, Leading Author on Climate Change and Sustainability

Opportunities for civic energy

David Kilduff. Partner, Walker Morris LLP

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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