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Find out who will be speaking at the APSE Annual Seminar 2016 here. Keep up-to-date with the latest speaker announcements by checking regularly.


  • Luc De Rooms

    City of Antwerp

    Luc works for the City of Antwerp, Belgium. He has 35 years’ experience in Environment and Waste and is an expert in prevention campaigns. He has worked with all kinds of containers and garbage bins, as well as automatised collection and planning by fill level sensors. Luc is familiar with both Belgium and European legislation about public procurement. He has experience in inventing, planning, coaching, and managing projects.

    This year, he is working on a project called "Innovative Waste Management towards a circular economy". This involves looking at collection, sorting and recycling more plastics, waste transport on water, and urban Pre Composter.

  • Sally Loudon

    Chief Executive, COSLA

    Sally was appointed Chief Executive of COSLA in January 2016.  Before this, she was Chief Executive at Argyll and Bute Council, and has over 20 years’ local government experience in a range of senior roles at a number of local authorities. Sally has also held key office bearer positions within SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives) Scotland, and with ALACE (Association of Local Authority Chief Executives).

    Sally is a key player in the Scottish Local Government world. She has a real desire to get local government back to its rightful place in the governance of Scotland and is also very much a champion of the role Councils can play in terms of Community Leadership.

  • Tim Sadler

    Executive Director of Community Services, Oxford City Council

    Tim is Executive Director of Community Services at Oxford City Council, one of the four-person team that has transformed the council from CPA weak to earning the MJ Top Achieving Council, IIP Gold award and APSE Council of the Year Award 2015. Tim currently works on Environmental Services, Leisure, Parks and Communities, Community Safety and the Council's aim to become a future European Green City.

    With 20 years' experience of working at Chief Officer level in local government, Tim has helped to turn failing services around at Oxford. He is now focused on place shaping and delivering great outcomes for the city and its people. 

  • David Bentley


    David is a professionally qualified Quantity Surveyor with over 35 years’ experience in the Public and Private Sectors. He has been with CIPFA for 17 years where he holds the role of Head of Asset Management within the CIPFA group, with an overall responsibility for construction and highways-related networks. David is known as one of the leading UK experts on property and asset management within the public sector.

    Before joining CIPFA, he was involved in the management of corporate procurement functions within two large unitary authorities, together with research and policy development for ‘Best Value’ at a strategic level.

Derek McCallan

Chief Executive, NILGA

Derek McCallan has been Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association since April 2011. Derek is responsible for advising and supporting the NILGA political leaders, Executive and 90 elected members, taking forward policy and legislation as the representative body of the 11 councils, this includes negotiations with central government departments and agencies. Derek represents NILGA within the Local Government Group as part of the UK/devolved assembly national body for councils and is contracted by various Departments fulfilling Strategic Migration, EU, Waste Management and other key services for the sector.


  • Richard Bradley

    Interim Director of Environment, Economy and Culture, Brighton and Hove City Council

    As interim Director of Environment, Economy and Culture for the 3rd largest city in the South of England, Richard is responsible for a budget in excess of £200 million. A visitor economy of around 12 million visitors, the 2nd largest arts festival in the UK, over 10 miles of coastline, a National Park, two vibrant universities, huge transport and regeneration infrastructure schemes, and a billion-pound seafront investment programme are just part of the challenge preserving and enhancing the local environment, protecting the City’s unique Biosphere status.

  • Charlie Devine

    Head of Resource Management, Zero Waste Scotland

    Charlie heads the Resource Management team within Zero Waste Scotland, where he oversees the provision of a variety of support services to local authorities, resource management businesses, and third sector organisations. Charlie’s team delivers activities, including expert guidance, funding and training, which aim to deliver the policies of the Scottish Government and to help change the face of Scotland’s Resource Management sector.

    Charlie has been closely involved in Waste and Resource Management since 1990, working both in the public and private sectors, and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of the sector to his role with Zero Waste Scotland. He is currently the Chair of the CIWM Scottish Centre and also the Chair of the Scottish Waste Industry Training Competency and Health (SWITCH) Forum.



    Gail Scholes

    Head of Energy Services, Robin Hood Energy, Nottingham City Council

    Gail has worked in the energy industry for 30 years, starting with a regional electricity company, East Midlands Electricity. Gail has lived through the de regulated electricity and gas markets in 1990 and ‘93 and has seen many changes in the competitive market for energy.

    She has worked in both the private and public sector and has a wealth of experience in delivering commercial energy deals; this is currently evidenced through the delivery of Robin Hood Energy, the first local authority owned ‘Not for Profit’ energy company.

    Gail thinks this is an exciting time for local authorities and energy, and insists that this is nothing new for the sector – we are just rolling the clock back.

Paul Gribben

Head of Digital Services, Belfast City Council

Paul is Head of Digital Services in Belfast City Council and is responsible for the council’s ICT application portfolio and ICT infrastructure. Paul joined the council’s ICT service 25 years ago as a student and has worked his way through the ranks to head up the delivery of digital services across the council. Digital transformation will play a major role in the delivery of the council’s emerging priorities and in the transition of new powers into the council.


  • Jon Rae

    Director of Resources, WLGA

    Jon has worked in variety of research and analytical roles in the private and public sector. He has worked as a capital market analyst in Reuters Ltd and as a consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has also worked as a statistician for the LGA special interest group, the Councils' Network, based at Somerset County Council. Recently he has held various positions in the Welsh Government, working on local government finance and public service reform.

Performance Networks

Paul O'Brien

Chief Executive, APSE

Paul is Chief Executive of the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE). Based in Manchester, APSE has 250 local authorities in membership.

Paul has represented APSE on the Scottish Executive Health and Physical Activity Council, the Office of the Deputy Prime Ministers, Strategic Partnership Taskforce, Trading and Charging working party and the Local Government Procurement Forum. He is currently the independent facilitator of the Northern Ireland Local Government Reform Joint Forum.

Paul is a columnist with the MJ magazine and regular contributor to numerous local government publications. He is currently a member of the Guardian’s Local Government Network Advisory Board. He was also a board member on the partnership between APSE, IDeA and LGIU which delivered the ODPM’s National Councillor Mentoring Programme.

Paul was previously APSE’s Principal Advisor (Scotland), and has over 30 years’ experience in local government.


  • Cllr Robert Light


    Robert has 24 years’ experience serving as a Kirklees Metropolitan Councillor. In that time, he has held numerous roles from Council Leader to Chair of the Kirklees Strategic Partnership.

    Last Year, Robert took on the role of Northern Chair and Board Member for the Consumer Council for Water, following six years on the board of the Environment Agency. During this time, his responsibilities included driving forward the effectiveness of the Agency on sustainability, water, business regulation, biodiversity and waste.

    Passionate about ensuring a strong voice for Yorkshire and the north, Robert has been deeply involved in developing new Combined Authorities and he presently chairs the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Scrutiny Committee.


  • Claire Mansfield

    Head of Research, NLGN

    Claire oversees the NLGN research programme. Her particular interests include; place shaping, community engagement, and local government’s relationship with other public services and local stakeholders.

    Previously, Claire worked as a Support Officer for a Local Involvement Network (LINk) in London and carried out research for the Social Inclusion Unit of Cork City Council.

    Claire holds a PhD (NUI) in Social Sustainability, an MA in Geography (Sustainable Development) and a BA in Mathematics/Geography from University College Cork (NUI).

  • Dermot O'Hara

    Director of People Strategies, LGSC

    Dermot is Director of People Strategies with the Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland. Within this role he has led on the preparation, development and implementation of the People and Organisation Development initiatives, supporting councils in developing best practice at a regional level. Dermot has previous experience in developing and implementing business improvement, performance management frameworks, and deploying strategic improvement tools such as the EFQM Excellence Model. He has served as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Health and Social Care Trusts and has experience in promoting and supporting good governance, with a focus on performance across a range of organisations.

  • John Kelpie

    Chief Executive, Derry City and Strabane District Council

    John Kelpie 4 June 2015John Kelpie is the Chief Executive of Derry City and Strabane District Council. This newly-formed Council serves a larger geographical area and has a range of additional powers, functions and responsibilities to its predecessor councils.

    John led on the creation of the new organisation, designing an innovative, flexible and responsive staffing structure with a clear vision; to develop a thriving, prosperous and sustainable City and Region with equality of opportunity for all.

    This vision will be achieved by focusing on economic, environmental and social well-being, and regeneration. The Council will work to address and target poverty, social exclusion and disadvantage through its new processes and functions.

  • Professor Steven Griggs

    De Montfort University

    Steven is Professor in Public Policy at De Montfort University. Steven’s research investigates local democratic governance, the delivery of local services, and the mobilisation and evolution of community campaigns (with particular reference to the field of environmental politics). He has undertaken policy development work with a number of local authorities and public sector organisations, as well as undertaking national policy evaluations and contributing to senior management leadership programmes.

    He is currently participating in an ESRC comparative research study on the impact of austerity on cities and collaborative governance across eight countries.

    Steven was one of the founding editors of the international journal, Critical Policy Studies. 

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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