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Street cleansing

Street cleansing workshop agenda

Thursday 1 December 2016 – Hilton Hotel Blackpool 


Sponsored by Stock Sweepers and Overton UK



Are we still providing a quality service and how do we know?

Looking at the way in which quality is measured for benchmarking and performance monitoring since the demise of NI 195 in England, the continuation of LEAMS in other parts of the UK including a new monitoring strategy in Scotland and the introduction of LAMS (Land Audit Management System) to extend inspections to the wider streetscene service.

Speakers: Andrew Woodend, DEFRA, David Barnes, Zero Waste Scotland, Dave Wesson, Dudley MBC


Efficiency savings through insourcing

Wyre Council brought their street cleansing service back in-house in April 2012 as part of a cost-saving exercise but also to improve the quality of service provision. Last year they were one of APSE’s best performers.  Find out how they did it.

Speaker: Ruth Hunter, Wyre Council


Generating income in times of austerity

In increasingly difficult financial times are there commercial opportunities for street cleansing operations?  Eastleigh BC incentivises staff to find such opportunities.  Can fixed penalty notices bring in much needed income? Wirral Council are one of a number of local authorities who are using private street scene enforcement agencies.

Speakers: Paul Naylor, Eastleigh Borough Council, and Andy McCartan, Wirral Council


Managing Demand

With budgets decreasing and demands on the service continuing to rise, how do councils reduce dependency for the service through managing expectations and changing people’s behaviour?

Speaker: Dave Henrys, APSE Solutions


About the workshop: Who can attend?

The workshop for street cleansing is a working group within the Performance Networks seminar providing an opportunity to explore emerging data trends, service specific issues and any amendments or additions to the APSE Performance Networks data collection and benchmarking arrangements for street cleansing services.

To attend the workshop you must be a delegate to the Performance networks Seminar.

Local councils that do not yet subscribe to APSE Performance Networks are welcome to attend as non-member delegates to learn how street cleansing data benchmarking can help improve your local services. The different booking options are available on line. You will not be charged at the point or booking online but will be invoiced in the usual way.


Book Here

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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