Association for Public Service Excellence
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The Nottingham Belfry, Mellors Way, Nottingham NG8 6PY
18-19 October 2018


View the full programme here


Local Authorities managing in ‘the best of times and the worst of times’


APSE will be holding its annual Recycling, Street scene, Grounds and Parks Seminar on the 18-19 October 2018 at The Nottingham Belfry.

We are delighted to announce as our opening speakers on day one:  

Andrew Woodend from DEFRA explaining the departments Resource and Waste Strategy and how this will help local authorities.

Simon Ellin, the Chief Executive Officer for The Recycling Association who will be explaining the need to improve the quality of UK recycling and the global opportunities for the industry. 

Paul O’ Brien Chief Executive of APSE who will outline the finding of APSE’s annual State of the Market Report on refuse and recycling services.  

In addition, there will be lots of local authority case studies across waste and recycling services as well as APSE’S perspective on PFI’s and end to end service solutions. 

The focus of the evening session will be the presentation of the Waste, Street Scene and Parks Apprentice Awards, together with the Innovation awards for waste and recycling, street scene and for parks and greenspaces.

Day two will focus on parks and greenspaces, with presentations from the Town and Country Planning AssociationAPSEThe Mersey Forest Team and Sustain, as well as a number of innovative and best practice examples of parks and greenspace management from local authorities.

As part of APSE’s commitment to the government’s Parks Action Group (PAG), the day will end with an opportunity for delegates to add their views to the research work APSE is undertaking on the skills and knowledge requirements of the 21st century parks manager and whether there is sufficient training and support available to meet these needs.


This seminar will have two days of interesting and thought-provoking presentations, and will also include the popular annual Apprentice Awards for Horticulture and Waste and Street scene, along with the Awards Dinner.

Due to the success of last year’s Environmental Innovation Awards, these will again be held with waste and recycling, street scene and parks and greenspace services all being highlighted and their work recognised.

Looking at the list of speakers presenting at the seminar and its workshops, you can be assured there will be plenty of innovative best practice and award-winning case studies to keep officers working in theses service areas up-to-date with the key issues affecting the sector.

This seminar offers a real opportunity for delegates to learn about and contribute to the variety of issues and challenges affecting the environment and, learn about some of the solutions local authorities are developing and implementing.


Click here to book your place 


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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