Association for Public Service Excellence
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16 November 2011
Insourcing Bradford’s Education Services

I recently met with colleagues from Bradford Council to discuss how they had been involved in Insourcing the City’s Education Services from Serco. 1,300 staff were transferred back to the authority in July this year from a £53m per annum contract.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: APSE, Insourcing, Bradford
14 November 2011
A pause before feeding on renewables recommences

Although many Armageddon prophecies have been written about the coalition Government’s proposed cut to Feed in Tariffs for solar PV and its impact on the wider renewables agenda, I have to say that I don’t quite buy this vision of the future.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: APSE, FIT's, feed in tariffs, renewables, solar PV, solar PV
20 October 2011
Expanding your competitive edge

Now that we are over halfway through the financial year, more and more councils are revisiting plans they have made to generate efficiency savings to see if they will stack up and achieve their desired outcome for this year and beyond.

At APSE, we have noticed an upsurge in enquiries about how you make remaining services more commercially viable by either reducing costs or generating additional revenue to offset budget cuts. This suggests that councils are concerned they may fail to meet existing targets and are attempting a ‘take two’.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: Efficiency, commercialism, APSE, Charging, Trading, income generation
15 September 2011
Alternative models of service delivery - a price worth paying?

A huge debate is taking place at present about which are the best models available to divest public services through. I have got to say I remain to be convinced. Whatever service options local authorities decide to pursue in future the benchmark against which to appraise the options is the existing in-house service. Does any alternative form of provision meet or surpass the benefits that managing services directly yourself brings.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: in-house services, APSE, Public Services, local economies, Local government
5 September 2011
The housing crisis is back

The housing crisis is back. For many in local government dealing with the consequences of homelessness, overcrowding and poor stock condition, it has never really gone away. The difference is that the problem is now reaching previously untouched sectors of society – and it's about to get worse.

Home ownership is predicted to drop to 63%, its lowest level since the mid 1980s, a whole generation are 'locked out' of the housing market, and there is chronic lack of supply of new homes, according to the Oxford Economics' report that recently hit national headlines.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: Housing, APSE, Local government
17 August 2011
Proof of delivery?

Many extravagant claims have been made about the potential benefits that co-operatives and mutuals could bring as service delivery vehicles for the provision of local public services. However, when the evidence is examined in detail do these claims stand the test of scrutiny? This is what the latest research publication by APSE ‘Proof of delivery’ sets out to explore. This research was undertaken through APSE’s knowledge transfer partnership with De Montfort University.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: Co-operatives, mutuals, APSE, Public Services, Service delivery
12 August 2011
Who really cleaned up after the riots?

Some of the unsung heroes in the aftermath of the riots of earlier this week were the street cleansing crews who returned city centres to some semblance of normality with maximum efficiency and the minimum of fuss. Whilst senior political figures were quick to praise the public response with brooms and bin bags and cite it as an example of the ‘Big Society’, in reality many were turned away as local authority crews had been out from 5.30am and dealt with much of the clean up by the time the public actually arrived.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: Riots, Street Cleansing, Public Service, APSE, Big Society
11 June 2011
Transforming local authority estate and solving the funding crisis

Local Government owns £250B of property with an estimated one fifth of revenue expenditure going into managing that property. This was a fact that made me sit up in my seat when I attended an event on Local Authority Estate Transformation in Manchester the other day.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: APSE, estate management, carbon reduction, property utilisation
6 June 2011
Plugged into the renewables grid

When APSE launched its research publication ‘The virtuous green circle: creating a revolving fund for local authority solar energy’, in Birmingham recently, I was impressed by the number of authorities present who were making progress with delivering projects in this area of renewable energy.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: APSE, solar pv, renewables, biomass, electric fleet, local government
2 June 2011
Managing parks and open spaces in the age of austerity

Took part in Guardian online debate today on managing parks and green spaces despite the budget cuts and with over 100 posts in two hours it was a lively debate.

I pushed the APSE line about whilst we disagree with the cuts we recognise that they are happening and therefore we need to find ways to stop services from imploding. The only response is to seek efficiency, generate additional income and innovate.

By Paul O'Brien
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Tags: APSE, parks, open Space, Efficiency, income generation, innovation

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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