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Rebuilding capacity: The case for insourcing contracts

Rebuilding capacity: The case for insourcing contracts

For many years the narrative of public service delivery has been dominated by big policy ideas of big government; often a narrative driven by the holy grail of high quality but cost-effective public services. By mimicking market mechanisms public services, it was assumed, could be delivered more effectively and more cheaply. What is now clear is that the over-simplification of public service delivery into commodified units, capable of being delivered by the market, has led to increasing market failure.

This research therefore explores the growing phenomenon of ‘Insourcing’; bringing back ‘in-house’ the delivery of services. It takes a particular focus on UK local government services and questions the drivers for this increase in insourcing. It finds that insourcing is not a passive reaction to contract failures but is increasingly viewed as a proactive response to the public policy pressures facing local councils, not least the ongoing impact of austerity.

Including a comprehensive analysis of public policy as well as case study councils that have insourced services, this research report is a must read for those considering returning local authority service back to public control.

* To order print copies of the report, please use the order form below.

Supporting documents to ‘Rebuilding Capacity: The case for insourcing public contracts’

The research report was informed by a more detailed academic study with the University of Liverpool. You can download the full research report and supporting secondary data including the latest APSE Insourcing Survey.  


Is your council interested in insourcing?

Learn how APSE Solutions can help your authority bring services back in-house

APSE Solutions is a not-for-profit ethical consultancy service which supports local councils who endeavour to provide excellence in local services. Through two decades of knowledge and experience in local government APSE Solutions is supporting a number of councils to develop insourcing strategies, review outsourced contracts to see if they can be improved or deliver better value, and assist councils seeking to end contracts which are failing and to bring services back in-house. As the foremost specialist in insourcing APSE Solutions could assist you. For more details click here or contact Emma Taylor, Client Liaison Officer on [email protected]



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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