How does it work?
We use Survey Monkey to create the online survey for each service and customise it to your authority with your authority logo. We then send you the link to distribute however you want for people to complete the surveys. We can also provide a results link for each survey (which would be password protected) so that you can see results and individual responses in real time.
How do i add bespoke questions?
We can add as many questions as you wish, but the results of these questions would not be included in the overall performance score which feeds into the performance indicators for that service. You would just get a score for those questions.
How is it reported?
We create you a report after the surveys have closed and this is emailed to the nominated contact.
Does performance networks publicise my survey?
No, we will send you the hyperlink to the survey and you can then distribute to your networks as you wish.
Can people complete the survey more than once?
There is an optional setting that doesn’t allow the user to complete the survey more than once from the same IP address. This can be turned off if you prefer.