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There are 144 item(s) tagged with the keyword "APSE".

51. Two Tribes? Exploring the future role of elected members

APSE’s recent publication Two Tribes? Exploring the future role of elected members, has proven timely given some of the recent governance challenges that have been thrown at local government.


More than a decade on from modernisation of political management structures, which replaced the existing committee system with a formal cabinet, overview and scrutiny system, one of the main issues emerging from the research is the feeling of disillusionment amongst non-executive elected members, who feel marginalised from real decision making with little influence over issues that affect their local areas.

Tags: APSE, Local democracy, Local government, Accountability, public accounts committee, councillors, elected members, transparency, local government act 2000
52. Commercialisation and governance - you can't have the former without the latter

A lively APSE meeting in Edinburgh yesterday with debates taking place on governance, environmental challenges, commercialisation and demand management. With over 60 delegates present including Chief Executives, Directors, Leaders and portfolio holders a healthy discussion flowed across all of the topics.

Tags: Commercialisation, governance, demand management, environment, local government, austerity, APSE
53. Contract management - time for action, talk is cheap

The recent Public Accounts Committee report on contract management made for interesting reading over the holidays with some important lessons for local government contained within it.


In launching the Committee's findings, its Chair, the Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP, pointed to the fact that £90bn of taxpayers' money is spent each year on the private sector supplying public goods and services. She quite rightly stressed that, with this amount of public money at stake, it is vital that the highest ethical standards are practised by contractors.

Tags: contract management, Outsourcing, public accounts committee, Performance Management, Insourcing, core capacity, APSE
54. Tough times, tough decisions

Over the past few months, APSE and our academic partners have been looking at what the future role of elected members will be between now and 2020 - and sadly the forecast is for stormy waters. 

Tags: APSE, elected members, Local democracy, ensuring council, austerity
55. A New Year's resolution for local government

It's time to show central government the key role councils can play in helping achieve an economic recovery.

Tags: APSE, Local government, local economies, Economy
56. Invest to save the health of future generations

It’s time for national politicians to show more bravery and think long term if we are to make the money available for public services go much further. Whilst I welcome the Chanecllors announcement of funding for free school meals for junior school children in his Autumn statement I would like him to go much further. In my view one of the best invest to save schemes available would be extending free school meals to all primary school children.

Tags: school meals, APSE
57. Who really keeps the country moving? #Ourday

To the workforce in local government this is your day.

Getting up at the crack of dawn to grit and maintain the roads infrastructure, sweep the streets, clean the schools and public buildings, this is your day.

Tags: APSE, #Ourday
By Paul O'Brien
58. Public health: Prevention not cure the best medicine

While there are few surprises when it comes to local government’s ability to attract the blame for issues of national significance they have had very little control over, even a cynic like myself was shocked at how quickly they became the whipping boys on public health when recent life expectancy league tables were published. 

Tags: health and wellbeing boards, Public health, local government, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
59. Developing commercialisation strategies in local government

This blog is based on my recent article published in the MJ

Never has the need for local government service delivery teams to have a commercialisation strategy been more apparent than at present.

Tags: Commercialisation, Entrepreneurship, Local Government, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
60. Local authorities leading the response to youth unemployment

APSE's latest research shows how local authorities can take a lead in ensuring the lives of a generation of young people are not blighted by long-term unemployment.

Tags: Local government, APSE, Youth Unemployment
By Paul O'Brien

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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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