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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "planning powers".

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1. Rising to the climate challenge - the role of housing and planning within councils

With the worst of the pandemic hopefully behind us it is now time to refocus on addressing the longer-term policy imperative of addressing climate change.

Whichever way you look at this issue the scale of transition is enormous; this will require different spheres of governance in the UK to not only recognise the legitimacy of each other’s role, in pursuit of the drive to net zero, but also to work closely together in cooperation and collaboration.

One area where this approach is needed more than ever is in master planning the transformation of local place in terms of sustainable transport, energy systems, developing new build homes and retrofitting existing properties.

APSE’s new research with the Town and Country Planning Association – ‘Rising to the climate challenge: The role of housing and planning within councils’, makes important recommendations as to how the system could be better aligned to boost the progress many councils are making in pursuit of their own declarations of intent on tackling climate change. It also identifies a number of system blockages that hinder current action.

Tags: local government finance, Climate change, planning powers, housing, APSE
2. It's time for the rehabilitation of local government

As we await the recovery and devolution white paper from Government, it will be interesting to see if the summer speeches from ministers that invariably promised ‘putting an empowered local government at the heart of the economic recovery’, will be borne out in reality.

Successive governments have denuded local authorities of powers, finance and resources; stripping the sector back to an emaciated shadow of its former self. If ministers really want councils to play a key role in the recovery of the nation then we need to see more than warm words, we need to see a full-blown rehabilitation of local government in the national psyche.

To do this there needs to be proper recognition of the role of the local authority as the undisputed leader of place, the key actor in helping to deliver a better tomorrow for local communities. When we take the issue of planning for example – a responsibility that is fundamental to driving better outcomes for local people - powers need to be restored not reduced. How can you steer and stimulate a local economy or transform town centres at the very heart of local place if there is continual deregulation of your planning powers?

The upcoming comprehensive spending review represents a great opportunity for ministers.

Tags: local communities, Local democracy, Local government, planning powers, Green economy, Green Jobs, APSE, Housing, local government finance
3. A need for money and powers to respond to climate emergency

It is inarguable that the last decade in local government was tough financially. Every public policy initiative, every council budget was seemingly dominated by relentless austerity. That has not gone away. However, with climate emergency declarations by local councils now standing at 65% coverage across the UK it would appear that this, not austerity, is our zeitgeist for the next decade.

Declaring an emergency is only a statement of intent; a recognition that urgent action is needed. Some have found that their passionate pledges in the council chamber can give birth to a much starker reality. Action on climate change is devoid of quick fixes. As a first step councils need to establish what is within the scope of their declaration. Is this just about decarbonising councils’ services or is it broader? Looking at supply chains or sub-regional economies? And what pledges can be made about those areas where the council is not simply the sole-trader such as municipal airports or transport infrastructure which invokes national agencies? When we start to peel back the covers issues may seem insurmountable. But this is not the case if action is properly planned.

Tags: Climate change, APSE, councils, Local government, renewable energy, local government finance, planning powers
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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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