Association for Public Service Excellence
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Tackling the housing crisis

Will new Housing Minister Esther McVey succeed where her predecessors have failed and finally make significant inroads to solving the housing crisis? Only if she recognises that 100 years on from the Addison Act local authorities must once again play a key role in delivering quality affordable housing.’


There are three main areas of Government housing policy that APSE has called for action on in our latest research, with the Town and Country Planning Association, ‘Housing for a fairer society’.


The first issue is delivering and retaining genuinely affordable housing. A good start would be for Government to reinstate a definition of affordability that is linked to income. Government also needs to provide significantly more direct grant for social rental homes. It should also suspend the right to buy in England as happened in Scotland and Wales, where the numbers of council houses are increasing, for the first time in a generation. In the meantime, Councils should be allowed to keep 100% of their right to buy receipts to reinvest in building. The current validity test also needs reformed in order to close loopholes that allow developers to avoid contributing affordable housing.


Secondly, with regard to housing standards and permitted development rights, Government should adopt a set of robust mandatory national standards on safety, accessibility, space, environmental impacts, energy performance, flood resilience, noise and light. Local authorities should also be given back powers taken away by centrally imposed permitted development rights, something that is creating major concern at present in terms of poor-quality outcomes for people and place.


Thirdly, in terms of planning holistically for wider social and economic benefit to communities, there needs to be a wider recognition at both central and local level of the linkages between place making and the delivery of homes in terms of health and wellbeing, life chances and local economies. Local planning authorities also need to be empowered and resourced to take on the role of master developers. Government needs to create a national strategy around building sustainable supply chains and modern methods of construction, at the local level, in order to create the skills and materials required for a low carbon future. There should also be much clearer guidance on the use of community benefit clauses in the national planning policy framework.


Future Prime Ministers have built their reputations through major achievements as Housing Ministers in the past. What an opportunity there is for a Housing Minister to be radical and bold in the present.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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