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There are 8 item(s) tagged with the keyword "cuts".

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1. Local government should be the key arbiter in shaping place

Many ingredients go into making a community a place where people are proud to live and work, so is there a danger of eroding local government’s ability to place-shape effectively as a result of a series of policy decisions and funding cuts?

Previous governments’ strategies for neighbourhood renewal seem a distant memory, alongside the levels of accessible funding that went alongside them. Whilst criticism existed of approaches being overly centralist, ‘funding with strings attached’, local government remains at the mercy of central government policy decisions and delivering budget cuts is the only thing in which it seems to have more freedom.

Tags: place, Local government, Local democracy, Neighbourhoods, cuts, Housing, planners, local communities, roads, parks, Leisure, streetscene, community wealth-building, stewardship
2. Not knowing what you've got till it's gone

Debate has been raging in recent weeks about whether the public have begun to notice the impact of cuts to local government services, following a recent opinion poll which suggested they hadn’t, and the Prime Ministers own intervention in his own local council’s approach to budget constraints.

Much focus is placed on the big spending budgets of adult and children’s services, ones that the public are often not regularly engaged with, ironically the services that they experience on a daily basis, like parks, public realm, refuse and leisure services are being eroded significantly.


Tags: APSE, Local government, cuts, parks, Street Cleansing, public realm, Libraries, refuse collection, Leisure, Meals on wheels
3. Care not cuts

Attended the launch of national community meals week today at the Central Hall in Westminster. APSE’s National Chair Cllr Leon Unczur and myself wanted to show our support for a service that is coming under severe pressure as a result of the budget cuts facing local government.

Tags: Meals on wheels, local government, cuts, NACC
4. Tough times in greenspace environment

Participated in meeting of Greenlink today in London. This is the body bringing together organisations involved in the parks and open spaces sector, an area that is being particularly hit hard by cuts at present. Many of the organisations present where third sector and social enterprises, who depend heavily on local authority funding and contracts to survive. This is a point the group has pursued at a recent lobbying meeting with DCLG Minister Andrew Stunnell, along with concerns on skill erosion and a reduction in perceived Government supportiveness for the importance of quality green space.

Tags: greenspace, parks, open space, APSE, Greenline, Localism Bill, Cuts, renewable energy
By Paul O'Brien
5. Guardian Public Services Summit

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg opened the summit in St Albans by posing the question, how do we reinvent public services in the current climate? Perhaps he was referring to the impossible conundrum of raising standards and quality, whilst demand is increasing and huge cuts are being made.

Tags: Nick Clegg, Cuts, David Walker, public services, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
6. Avoiding the road to nowhere

A senior central government figure recently asked me what a transformed council should look like in four or five years’ time. Whilst this is a fairly obvious question to ask, then a fairly obvious answer to give is that it depends on what you want it to look like.

Tags: Ensuring council, APSE, cuts, De Montfort
By Paul O'Brien
7. Blue do in Birmingham

Attend the Conservative party conference Sunday and Monday and we hold a fringe with South Warwickshire Conservative Association on ‘getting more bang for the public buck’ through procurement, with Neil McInroy from CLES speaking with APSE’s Mark Bramah.

Tags: Conservative party, procurement, cuts, APSE, CLES
By Paul O'Brien
8. Challenge in the city

Spoke today at the City and Financial seminar in London on the topic of ‘Grasping the scale of the medium to long term challenge facing local government.’

Tags: public finance, APSE, Cuts
By Paul O'Brien
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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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