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There are 144 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Apse".

101. How councils can use the green agenda to generate renewable energy and cash

Got this article published on the Guardian's website today on the back of the debate I took part in last week.

With latest ONS figures showing more than 132,000 jobs were lost from the public sector last year and councils grappling with unprecedented budget cuts, green issues are in danger of slipping down the priority list. But in my view, it would be an economic error for local authorities to take their eyes off the environmental ball now.

Tags: APSE, Renewables, Solar PV, Solar PV
By Paul O'Brien
102. Efficiency, Carbon reduction and Sustainability

Spoke today at APSE's Northern symposium on 'Avoiding the road to nowhere' at Formby Hall.

This was the latest event in our roadshow on discussing with our membership the financial challenges they face and debating some of the solutions around efficiency, income generation and innovation.

Tags: APSE, Efficiency, Sustainability
By Paul O'Brien
103. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

APSE held a strategic forum at Parliament tonight to discuss the opportunities created for local government by the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

The guest speaker was Dr Alan Whitehead MP, the Chair of PRASEG, the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group.

Tags: APSE, Alan Whitehead, PRASEG, Renewable Heat Incentive
By Paul O'Brien
104. Are cuts killing the Green Agenda in Local Government?

Took part in a Guardian online debate today on the impact that the cuts were having on the Green agenda in local government.

A point I made that sparked a bit of debate was about how you generate behavioural change amongst the public, the example I gave is pasted below:

Tags: Climate change, renewables, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
105. The Future of Audit and Inspection in local government

Gave evidence today on the future of audit and inspection in local government to the inquiry that the Communities and Local Government Committee is holding at Portcullis House.

Alongside me was Professor John Seddon who has written widely on systems thinking.

Tags: Audit Commission, APSE, CLG
By Paul O'Brien
106. London Calling

Busy couple of days in London, where I attended a couple of conferences and had several meetings.

The first event was 'The Public Sector Efficiency Expo', where I almost seen Francis Maude outline the coalition Government's policy on Public Services.

Tags: Efficiency, APSE, Sustainability, Green Jobs, Insourcing
By Paul O'Brien
107. North Wales symposium

Spoke at APSE's latest roadshow event on 'Avoiding the Road to Nowhere' in Landudno in North Wales.

Tags: Northern Ireland, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
108. Public sector reform

Much like Colin Firth’s character in the film the King’s Speech, it has taken David Cameron some time to find his voice on his true intentions for the future of public services.

In his recent Daily Telegraph article, he stopped hiding behind Big Society and Localism rhetoric and spoke clearly about something a number of us had long suspected – that he wants a much greater role for the private sector in the delivery of public services.

Tags: Big Society, Localism, Public Services, CCT, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
109. Guardian Public Services Summit

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg opened the summit in St Albans by posing the question, how do we reinvent public services in the current climate? Perhaps he was referring to the impossible conundrum of raising standards and quality, whilst demand is increasing and huge cuts are being made.

Tags: Nick Clegg, Cuts, David Walker, public services, APSE
By Paul O'Brien
110. Make your mind up on charging

As if councils didn’t already have enough to contend with, they are now facing a barrage of criticism over charging.

Previously, the Government indicated that local authorities should further explore opportunities to generate income so long as this was not exploiting the public. Faced with unprecedented cuts in resources, many authorities have done exactly that. Indeed, only a couple of months ago communities and local government secretary Eric Pickles cited APSE’s examples of local authority MOT stations providing a service to the public and undertaking tree inspections for private businesses for insurance purposes on national radio and flagged up a link to our web pages on the topic.

Tags: APSE, Charging, Trading, Trade Waste
By Paul O'Brien

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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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