Association for Public Service Excellence
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Who we are
What we do

GDPR policy

Our GDPR policy

The following is our GDPR policy statement

APSE is a networking organisation and our main role is to support local government frontline services. We hold individual contact details so that we can communicate with our members. If you do not consent to our GDPR policy we will not be able to add you to our systems to ensure you receive APSE services such as our briefings, network queries, research, training, seminars and specialist support options.

We will hold your details on the APSE database until you tell us you wish to be removed. We will action all requests for changes to your details as soon as possible but we will not take longer than 30 days.

We will not sell or pass on your details for commercial gain to any third party.

If you have requested that your details be deleted you will receive a verification email asking you to confirm this in accordance with GDPR. The request for a deletion will be stored for a maximum of six months but your deletion request will be actioned as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days.

If you have logged more than one email address with APSE please tell us about the additional email addresses. This will help us to keep your details accurately recorded and action any requests

Third parties

We may need to pass your name and organisation details to some third parties. Examples include hotels or other accommodation providers if you book a residential seminar or training event, a mailing house so you can receive APSE research, APSE’s member magazine or other member information, or provide details to venues for health and safety purposes or for reasonable purpose to ensure we continue to provide a service to our contacts like you. We may need to pass on your details to public health agencies or government officials in line with for example any ‘test and trace’ schemes in operation from time to time.

We will include delegate names and organisation names in seminar delegate packs, training packs, and network queries or other service based information. We will also include contact details in performance networks reports within your specified performance reporting areas for those contacts who are lead names for APSE performance networks. At some of our events we may photograph or video our delegates and speakers and use images on social media, our website and other platforms. As APSE is a networking organisation this will help all our members make the most of the network. You will need to specifically ask us not to do this if you object to your inclusion. We also occasionally deliver online training or events which may also be recorded in both audio and or video and whilst we will make this clear at the start of any such events we would also ask that you specifically ask us not to record you if you object to your inclusion in any post-event materials.  

We occasionally use external software platforms to collect data for both APSE and external members and customers. In such circumstances, the third-party platform or software provider must agree to ensuring that all information is securely stored in accredited data centres that adhere to industry security best practice. They must also ensure that collected data is transmitted over a secure connection and that all data is protected and encrypted using industry-standard encryption algorithms and strength. On these occasions any third-party contractor / sub-contractor will not be permitted to pass your data to any other person or organisation.

APSE Associates

APSE associates are field workers who may from time to time be engaged in helping APSE members or our clients. All APSE associates agree to abide by GDPR. Equally APSE will treat an individual Associate’s data in accordance with our GDPR policy. APSE Associates engaged on work for APSE members or clients agree to safeguard data in accordance with the requirements of GDPR. Where we or our associates are provided with data by a third party we will ensure so far as we are able that any third party is compliant with GDPR.   

More information

You can update your email preferences here.

You can also contact APSE using this email address [email protected]. This mail box is monitored on normal working days.



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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