Wednesday 19 February, 1.30pm - 3pm, MS Teams
This roundtable is free for APSE members
Local authority drug and alcohol policies continue to be considered and developed across the UK to ensure safety on the roads for all. According to statistics from the Ministry of Justice, convictions have risen from 41,457 in 2014 to a staggering 58,117 in 2022, this represents a 40% increase and emphasises an issue which requires attention from all areas of society. Robust drug and alcohol policies within organisations can play a crucial role in promoting employee wellbeing, mitigating risks, ensuring compliance, protecting assets and maintaining the reputation in its operations. However, during the process and implementation of such policies local authorities can encounter various challenges and considerations which we hope to discuss as part of this important roundtable event.
They will be discussing topics including: employment considerations, potential barriers to implementation for testing, how policies impact the insurance risk, and policies in practice.
Injecting some caution into drug testing | News | Law Gazette
The Human Rights Act and employment law | Law Society of Scotland – see Article 8