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APSE Parks and Open Spaces Seminar 2016

Friday 23 September 2016
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA


Click here to view the full programme

We are pleased to announce this unique opportunity to examine the State of UK Public Parks, the
means and ways for funding future green space provision and innovative approaches to Parks

This seminar will include a review of the debate on glyphosate, a presentation from the APSE Best
Service Team- Parks, Grounds and Horticultural Services award winner 2015, feedback from the 11
RE-thinking Parks project and key findings from HLF’s second State of UK Public Parks 2016

Speakers include Kate Webster, Director of law firm, Walker Morris Ltd. on legal powers for
generating income, Julia Thrift, Town and Country Planning Association on the funding available
for green space through planning obligations and David Jamieson, Edinburgh City Council who
will be sharing about ‘My Park Scotland’, an innovative collaboration between Scottish authorities
to deliver crowd-funding initiatives and promote local parks. We’ll also be hearing how Royal
Parks’ have trialled new technology to monitor climatic features in their parks and visitor
demographics through smart-phone data.

The London Parks and Green Spaces Forum will also be launching a new Quality Manual for LPGSF

A day not to be missed, this will be an inspiring and informative day, with wonderful opportunities
to meet and speak with others engaged in addressing the challenges of delivering Parks and
Open Space services today.

Be part of this conversation about our vital parks


Presentation Slides

Session 1: Strategic Perspectives

HLF State of UK Public Parks 2016 report and Rethinking Parks
Peter Neal, Author of State of the UK Public Parks 2016, Heritage Lottery Fund

Cost v Quality: will this relationship last?
Debbie Johns, Head of Performance Networks, Association for Public Service Excellence

Quality Matters
Tony Leach, Chief Executive, London Parks and Green Spaces Forum

Session 2: Parks Management

The Process and Benefits of Integrated Weed Control
Professor John Moverley, Chairman, The Amenity Forum

APSE Best Service Team – Parks, Grounds and Horticultural Services 2015
David Allister, Head of Parks and Open Spaces, London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames

Session 3: Income generation, legal and planning powers

Powers to Generate Income in Parks and Green Space
Kate Webster, Director, Walker Morris

Planning obligations to support the maintenance of green spaces
Julia Thrift, Head of Projects and Events, Town and Country Planning Association

Session 4: New technologies and reviving park assets

My Park Scotland – A collaboration between Glasgow City Council & Edinburgh City Council
David Jamieson, Head of Parks and Green Space, Edinburgh City Council

An Icon of Public Parks – Bringing Bandstands Back to Life
Paul Rabbitts, Environmental Services Client Manager (Parks, Open Spaces and Projects), Watford Borough Council

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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