Find out who will be speaking at the APSE Annual Seminar 2018 below.
Derek MCllr Payne is Deputy Chair of the LGA. He is a member of the LGA’s Leadership Board, which directs the LGA's activities and business in accordance with strategic priorities and direction set by the LGA Executive. The LGA Leadership Board reports and makes recommendations to the LGA Executive, which Cllr Payne is also a member of. It is made up of the office holders of the LGA and headed by the Chairman of the LGA. Cllr Payne is also Deputy Leader of the LGA’s Labour Group. He was first elected to Gedling Borough Council in 2011 and has been Deputy Leader of the council since then. He is also a Nottinghamshire County Councillor..
Cllr Dixon is the Lead member for Independence and Wellbeing on South Tyneside Council and is co-vice chair of APSE’sNorthern Region and an APSE Advisory Group chair.
Tracey is married with two children, and has had a career in hotel management before moving to support the development of a family restaurant business. Tracey has a keen interest in the needs of younger and older generations. She is also passionate about improving public services at a local level.
Cllr Julie Simpson is co-vice chair of APSE’s northern region and a long-serving councillor on Gateshead council serving on the Care, Health & Wellbeing Overview Scrutiny Committee; the Communities Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and the Appeals Committee. Julie is passionate about local public services and is an experienced local government officer in addition to her role as a councillor. Julie has also held the role of Chair of APSE Facilities Management Advisory Group which works to primarily support the provision of school meals; a role which also sees APSE provide on-going secretariat support to the All-party Parliamentary Group on School Food.
Andy Mudd is the Head of Solutions, the consultancy arm of APSE. The consultancy works with local government clients throughout the UK and across all service areas. APSE solutions also provides interim managers, drawing on a large pool of expertise. Andy joined APSE in 1999 as a Principal Advisor and before joining APSE, he played a role in the development of Best Value through leading Bradford's Best Value pilot and representing the pilot authorities on the then DETR's Best Value Steering Group. He holds a Master’s degree in social policy from the LSE and has worked in housing, social work, youth work and the voluntary sector. Contact Andy on [email protected].
Derek McCallan has been Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association since April 2011. Derek is responsible for advising / supporting the NILGA political leaders, Executive and 90 elected members, taking forward policy and legislation as the representative body of the 11 councils, this includes negotiations with central government departments and agencies. Derek represents NILGA within the Local Government Group as part of the UK/devolved assembly national body for councils and is contracted by various Departments fulfilling Strategic Migration, EU, Waste Management and other key services for the sector.
Derek is a graduate in Politics and English from Trinity College, Dublin, and enjoys walking, running, cycling, wine, cheese and Private Eye.
In Laura's current role she provides strategic leadership to the Place and Infrastructure Directorate which covers abroad range of “place” related functions. She contributed to corporate leadership of the Council through the Corporate Leadership and Management Team.
Laura empowers and motivates key staff within the Directorate to push forward on the delivery of key corporate projects which will have a transformation impact on the Council in the future. This includes a Waste Review, Energy Programme, Building Control options a strategic review of the Licensing Service.
She has launched Luton’s new Investment branding at a national property exhibition to deliver £1.5billion investment and maintained momentum on a number of projects within the Council’s Investment Framework. She has secured Enterprise Zone status for land at London Luton Airport to facilitate earlier delivery of new employment land in the town.
Laura is a Director at Luton Traded Services Ltd, she has established a SME to allow Luton Borough Council to provide services to private sector organisations and individuals. She is also the Service Director Business and Consumer Services at Luton Borough Council. Where she provides Strategic direction and lead of a portfolio of operational and regulatory services. Laura has seven years’ experience as a planner at Luton Borough Council.
Elma Murray was appointed Chief Executive of North Ayrshire Council in 2009 and is also the current Chair of Young Scot (Scotland’s youth information and citizenship charity).
With a local government career spanning around 35 years she is passionate about public sector services and their vital role in supporting local people and the most vulnerable in our communities. She focuses on children’s services and inclusive growth.
Elma has held several senior positions including Chair of SOLACE, Director of the Improvement Service, Depute Director of Finance and Head of Service Reform at Glasgow City Council, Head of IT Services at North Ayrshire and at Strathclyde Police.
Elma was awarded an OBE for Services to Local Government, Education and the Economy in the Queen’s 2018 New Year’s Honours List.
Stuart joined Zero Waste Scotland in 2012, following roles at both Falkirk and North Ayrshire Councils. For the last year Stuart has worked exclusively on developing the deposit return scheme (DRS) for Scotland having previously partnered with local authorities across the country to improve their recycling and resource management.
Stuart has developed significant expertise in DRS and how it will support Scotland to improve the quantity and quality of beverage containers collected for recycling. He has a BSc (Honours) degree in Technology & Business Studies from the University of Strathclyde and is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM).
A chartered engineer with 20 years’ experience, Taliesin has been responsible for leading the delivery of waste to energy infrastructure within the Welsh Government since 2009.
Prior to the Welsh Government, he held senior project and commercial positions in several major infrastructure programmes.
His experience ranges from the regeneration of east Manchester for the 2002 Commonwealth Games and London’s Crossrail, through to investment planning in utilities and an integrated programme of flood and coastal defence works
With a specialised focus on infrastructure development, public private partnerships and clean energy projects across the UK and the Netherlands, he is a Projects Director in Mott MacDonald’s London based infrastructure advisory business.
Steven Griggs is Professor in Public Policy at De Montfort University where he is Director of the Local Governance Research Centre. Steven’s research investigates local democratic governance, the delivery of local services, and the mobilisation and evolution of community campaigns (with particular reference to the field of environmental politics). He has undertaken policy development work with a number of local authorities and public sector organisations, as well as undertaking national policy evaluations and contributing to senior management leadership programmes. He is currently participating in an ESRC comparative research study on the impact of austerity on cities and collaborative governance across eight countries. Steven was one of the founding editors of the international journal, Critical Policy Studies
Neil is CEO of CLES – UK’s leading independent think and do tank, realising progressive economics for people and place. CLES’s aim is to achieve social justice, good local economies and effective public services for everyone, everywhere.
At present he is focused on applying a progressive economic model for places which includes ideas around local wealth building. He has published widely on this, including: Forging a good local society: tackling poverty through a local economic reset.
James is integral to delivering CTS’ cloud consultancy services as Head of Innovation, ensuring that every requirement and expectation is fully understood and exceeded. Having previously worked in roles at Warwickshire County Council and the UK Government G-Cloud initiative, James’ experience with local authorities allows him to develop roadmaps for clients to take advantage of Google’s Cloud technology using his knowledge of pain points and deployment.
James focuses on supporting the onboarding of partners and clients, working with the sales team as a technical specialist. James has worked with clients including the Cabinet Office, Department for Culture and Manchester City Council.
Alistair has been Chief Executive of Orkney Islands Council since August 1997. From July 2010 until October 2012 he took on a secondment as Chief Executive of Shetland Islands Council to assist the SIC through a period of change and improvement following a critical Audit Scotland report and associated organisational challenges. His local government career began in 1988 with the post of Personnel Officer, Western Isles Council going on to become Orkney Islands Council’s Chief Administrative Officer. Prior to that he worked in the health service and in the private sector in the field of Human Resource Management. Alistair graduated from Glasgow University in 1985 and from the then Napier college in 1987 where he gained a post- graduate diploma in Personnel Management.
Away from work Alistair’s interests include family, golf, history, music, gardening, boating, reading and DIY.
In 2014 he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen’s birthday honours list.
David is a Surveyor with over 35 years’ experience in the Public and Private Sectors. He has been with CIPFA for 20 years and in this time become known as one of the leading UK experts on property and asset management within the public sector. David is Head of Asset Management within the CIPFA group with an overall responsibility for construction, asset management and highways related networks. Back in 2000 David founded CIPFA’s popular ‘Asset Management Network’, which now has approximately 260 member organisations across the UK Public Sector
David is often involved UK wide in the development of asset management practices, taking part in national working groups, advising central government and authoring asset management guidance for local authorities. He also develops and delivers training and consultancy on construction and property, procurement and wider strategic issues to a range of bodies within the public and private sectors.
Debbie is a native of the Highlands and grew up on the Black Isle to the north of Inverness. Debbie studied Hospitality Management at University in Glasgow. Debbie has travelled extensively, including spending a year in New Zealand and time in the Middle and Far East.
Debbie has been working in local Government since 2005, starting at South Lakeland District Council before moving back to the Highlands. Debbie is committed to improving the places that people live and work in, whilst making services more sustainable and responsive to the needs of the Highlands’ communities. Until 2016, Debbie was responsible for: developing the Greenspace Strategy for Inverness ‘We All Need Space’, protecting and improving the Cities greenspaces and securing £4.2m of investment in City greenspaces, delivering integrated front line roads and grounds maintenance services in Inverness and Nairn, and managing a diverse range of services from car parking, to sheltered housing, play areas, public conveniences and anti-social behaviour.
Highland Council covers 25,657 square kilometres, and Debbie is currently Amenities Manager responsible for all grounds maintenance, grass cutting, cemeteries, war memorials, play areas and public conveniences in the south of the Council area. Debbie recently led the insourcing of the Council’s grounds maintenance and public conveniences contracts, which saw services worth £3.3m brought back under Council control. Since then, Debbie has completed a full strategic review of the services aimed at: contributing to the flourishing tourism industry within the Highlands, increasing community involvement in service delivery, working in partnership with communities, the third sector and the private sector to improve facilities, and reducing reliance on direct service delivery by the Council in times of reducing budgets.
Nick is Climate Change and Sustainability Manager for Birmingham City Council, with a current lead on green infrastructure and natural capital; where he has devised the ‘Naturally Birmingham’ policy- which seeks to put nature at the heart of all decision-making, providing the framework for a 25 Year Environment Plan and the Future Operating Model for Parks. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham commencing a 5 year study in October 2018 as Principal Investigator on the benefits from green infrastructure to urban air quality.
Nick sits on 3 Government Working Groups – for Biodiversity offsetting; for developing a planning Eco-Metric; and developing a national Gi standard; the UN Habitats UK Urban Ecology Forum; West Midlands Natural Capital Roundtable and WM Environment Board; and advisor on the Biophilic Cities Network Steering Committee.
Nick was a key researcher on the Liveable Cities research programme (2012-2017) resulting in being a co-author of The Little Book of Ecosystem Services in the City (2018)- which introduced the two-tier hybrid model approach for the future of parks:;
Nick was a key advisor working with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in helping to re-shape their global ‘Zero Emission City’ criteria to now major on natural capital; helping attract global green investors to Birmingham Smithfield. Nick also led on the creation of the Natural Capital Planning Tool- now being trialled in 17 national locations- to generate a net positive for natural capital from all major developments; co-sponsored by RTPI and RICS
Gavin is a native of the South of Scotland and has extensive experience across the UK in both the Public and Private sector. He is a graduate of Edinburgh University and a qualified accountant. His former roles include management in Retail and Banking sectors as well as senior positions in the Civil Service, NHS and English and Scottish public sector Scrutiny Bodies. He has been Chief Executive of Dumfries and Galloway Council for 9 years.
Anita has over 30 years’ service with Local Authority Direct Services and is currently Head of Catering & Building Cleaning at Stockton Borough Council, responsible for the provision of School Meals, Civic, Leisure Catering and Building Cleaning within the Authority. Anita began her career within Education in 1981 as a trainee School Cook. Having worked through the ranks in all areas she has been in her current post for 18 years. Her determination and experience have led the team to collect many accolades including the team being shortlisted for APSE Catering team of the year for the last 6 years, winning twice. Anita is responsible for around 500 employees, the biggest area being School Catering .