Find out who will be speaking at the APSE Annual Seminar 2019 below.
Cllr Julie Simpson is co-vice chair of APSE’s northern region and a long-serving councillor on Gateshead council serving on the Care, Health & Wellbeing Overview Scrutiny Committee; the Communities Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and the Appeals Committee. Julie is passionate about local public services and is an experienced local government officer in addition to her role as a councillor. Julie has also held the role of Chair of APSE Facilities Management Advisory Group which works to primarily support the provision of school meals; a role which also sees APSE provide on-going secretariat support to the All-party Parliamentary Group on School Food.
Andy Mudd is the Head of Solutions, the consultancy arm of APSE. The consultancy works with local government clients throughout the UK and across all service areas. APSE solutions also provides interim managers, drawing on a large pool of expertise. Andy joined APSE in 1999 as a Principal Advisor and before joining APSE, he played a role in the development of Best Value through leading Bradford's Best Value pilot and representing the pilot authorities on the then DETR's Best Value Steering Group. He holds a Master’s degree in social policy from the LSE and has worked in housing, social work, youth work and the voluntary sector. Contact Andy on [email protected].
Cllr Dixon is the Lead member for Independence and Wellbeing on South Tyneside Council and is co-vice chair of APSE’sNorthern Region and an APSE Advisory Group chair.
Tracey is married with two children, and has had a career in hotel management before moving to support the development of a family restaurant business. Tracey has a keen interest in the needs of younger and older generations. She is also passionate about improving public services at a local level.
Anita has over 30 years’ service with Local Authority Direct Services and is currently Head of Catering & Building Cleaning at Stockton Borough Council, responsible for the provision of School Meals, Civic, Leisure Catering and Building Cleaning within the Authority. Anita began her career within Education in 1981 as a trainee School Cook. Having worked through the ranks in all areas she has been in her current post for 18 years. Her determination and experience have led the team to collect many accolades including the team being shortlisted for APSE Catering team of the year for the last 6 years, winning twice. Anita is responsible for around 500 employees, the biggest area being School Catering .
Derek McCallan has been Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association since April 2011. Derek is responsible for advising / supporting the NILGA political leaders, Executive and 90 elected members, taking forward policy and legislation as the representative body of the 11 councils, this includes negotiations with central government departments and agencies. Derek represents NILGA within the Local Government Group as part of the UK/devolved assembly national body for councils and is contracted by various Departments fulfilling Strategic Migration, EU, Waste Management and other key services for the sector.
Derek is a graduate in Politics and English from Trinity College, Dublin, and enjoys walking, running, cycling, wine, cheese and Private Eye.
Steven Griggs is Professor in Public Policy at De Montfort University where he is Director of the Local Governance Research Centre. Steven’s research investigates local democratic governance, the delivery of local services, and the mobilisation and evolution of community campaigns (with particular reference to the field of environmental politics). He has undertaken policy development work with a number of local authorities and public sector organisations, as well as undertaking national policy evaluations and contributing to senior management leadership programmes. He is currently participating in an ESRC comparative research study on the impact of austerity on cities and collaborative governance across eight countries. Steven was one of the founding editors of the international journal, Critical Policy Studies
Adrian is Chief Executive at Preston City Council a post he has held since May 2018. Prior to this he was Director of Environment at Preston where he led on the major Markets Quarter redevelopment.
In his role as Chief Executive he has a key focus on working with the leader and cabinet to deliver the council’s ambitious growth strategy. Re shaping the council’s services to meet budget challenges and leading on the city councils partnership City Deal delivery are other strategic work areas. Adrian is a member of APSE’s National Council.
Alison Evison was first elected in 2012, becoming the first Labour Councillor in Aberdeenshire. In 2015 she became Chair of Education, Learning and Leisure and in 2016 Co-Leader of Aberdeenshire Council, in partnership with the SNP. Alison has served on Aberdeenshire's Community Planning Board and has been a member of the Aberdeen City Region Joint Board. She is an Equalities Champion and served as a Champion for Looked After Children.
Councillor Evison was elected as the 15th President of COSLA and only the third female President of the organisation in June 2017.
Alison is also currently Deputy Leader of the Opposition Partnership in Aberdeenshire. She has taken up the First Minister’s Mentoring Challenge to support a female apprentice.
As Chief Executive, Joyce is responsible for driving the Council to deliver against its strategic priorities, the management of Council operations and the work of approximately 5,000 staff who deliver a wide range of key services and manages a revenue budget in excess of £220m. This role also requires working closely with Elected Members to ensure there is strong and visible leadership and direction.
After joining West Dunbartonshire Council in 2008 as Executive Director of Corporate Services, Joyce was successfully appointed Chief Executive in 2011. Joyce is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and currently finalising a Coaching Diploma. Joyce is also past Chair of SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives) and is a non-executive with Solace in Business and the Improvement Service.
Katherine has worked in local Government for over 20 years.
Katherine led the transformation of the Council’s core development services bringing them together and embedding key cultural change to deliver a business focussed, coordinated service focussed on delivering sustainable growth, delivering flourishing communities alongside a commercial return.
In 2015 Katherine led the Council Team that negotiated the Telford Land Deal with MHCLG – a unique Government Deal which is seeing £44.5m invested from the sale of government owned land in Telford back into site preparation, infrastructure and job creation.
Since 2015 Katherine has been a Director of Nuplace, Telford & Wrekin Council’s wholly owned Housing Company. The Company has constructed and owns and manages over 300 private and affordable rent properties in Telford and is currently developing further sites incorporating delivery of supported and specialist homes.
As UK President of Solace, Martin provides national leadership, representing the sector across all configurations of Local Government. His focus as President is to create the right platform, conditions and relationships for the sector to emerge stronger and more sustainable. Prior to becoming President, Martin served as Spokesperson for Economic Development and Housing for six years.
Martin has been Chief Executive of South Tyneside MBC for ten years. South Tyneside is a recognised 'high performing Council with many outstanding features' (LGA Corporate Peer Challenge, October 2017).
Patrick joined the local energy team in 2015 with a remit for supporting local energy and climate change projects. This includes chairing the National sub-committee on growth covering ERDF funding on low carbon, city deals and local devolution on energy issues and Community Energy. Since the Clean Growth strategy in 2017, his team has set up the Local Energy Programme for England which has created local energy hubs, energy strategies for every LEP and re-opened and devolved the Rural Community Energy Fund.
Prior to that he led the development and delivery of the Domestic RHI and a member of the heat strategy team for the 2012 heat strategy and responsible for developing community energy. He set up the LEAF project that enabled over 400 communities to organise local energy schemes in 2012.
Richard is the Commercial Director for Scarborough Borough Council with responsibility that includes the Economy, Regeneration, Planning, Strategic Estates, Communities and Tourism. In his time at Scarborough, Richard has delivered a Commercial Property Investment Strategy and a Commercial Strategy, both of which are designed to modernise and transform services and deliver significant additional revenue for the Council. Prior to that Richard held Exec Director and Assistant Director positions at Brighton & Hove City Council with responsibility environment, economy and transport.
Michael Lenaghan is a leading expert on the circular economy in Scotland. As Zero Waste Scotland’s Environmental Policy Advisor, his work has helped inform Scotland’s Climate Change Strategy, 33% Food Waste Reduction target, forthcoming Deposit Return Scheme on beverage containers, and the recent expert panel recommendation to Scottish Government for separate charging on single-use beverage cups. Michael has also conducted a series of environmental behaviour change studies, working with a wide range of public sector partners, including the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges, Historic Environment Scotland and various local authorities
Terry Collins was appointed to the role of Chief Executive, Durham County Council in October 2015 having previously been Corporate Director with responsibility for Neighbourhood Services at the council.
Terry is responsible for overseeing the management of the council, which has a gross expenditure budget of nearly £1.4b. Durham County Council is the largest council in the North East and the seventh largest in the UK. Terry is currently overseeing the economic development of County Durham, which has resulted in £3.8b of investment currently being delivered throughout the county. Terry has also been responsible for leading a transformation programme within the council, which has resulted in significant efficiency improvements. The council has delivered £250m of savings since 2010.
Despite austerity and rising demand for services the council continues to massively invest in culture and tourism with 2019 being designated as the council’s second year of culture. Events such as World Cup Cricket, Brass, Durham Book Festival, Kynren, Food festivals and Lumiere are being held which have attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors to the county.
Bernie joined Wokingham Borough Council in 2003, coming from the private sector, having spent some 25 years in the commercial construction industry, moving through the project management ranks to Operations Director level. He joined Wokingham as Head of Property managing wide ranging functions including assets, buildings and FM but has focused from 2009- 2018 solely on the Wokingham Town Regeneration programme, his town now for 25 years and one for which he passionately cares. Having invested so much time on this programme, with so many wonderful colleagues in Wokingham, it is fabulous to see the town being regenerated and fulfilling a key role within the community.
Bernie now has a wider role within Wokingham Borough Council which includes our recently adopted Property Investment Strategy together with management of all of the Council’s property assets but maintains responsibility for the delivery of the town centre programme