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Highways Innovation Awards 2019

APSE is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Highways and Street Lighting Apprentice Award, in addition to the winners of the Highways, Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance Innovation Awards. 

The Awards were presented at the Grand Hotel in Blackpool at the end of day one of the APSE Highways, Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance Seminar.

Now in its third year, the Highways Innovation Innovation Awards are one of APSE’s most competitive awards. Speaking of the finalists, Rob Bailey, APSE Principal Advisor for Highways, was delighted to see such a high calibre of entries this year, “Despite local government currently facing many challenges, each finalist demonstrated they can still deliver excellent local services through implementing exciting, innovative projects and new ways of working. They are a credit to their communities."

Speaking of the Apprentice Award finalists, APSE Head of Communications and Coordination Mo Baines said, "The Apprentice Award underlines just how vital apprenticeships are to ensuring excellence in the delivery of frontline services; they remain a highly rewarding and mutually beneficial investment for local authorities. It gives me great confidence in the future to see such talented and ambitious apprentices here in Blackpool. Their councils and local communities ought to be enormously proud of them." 

Congratulations to this year's finalists! 

Please click on an image to enlarge

Overall dinner kindly sponsored by JCB


Highways maintenance services

Kindly sponsored by Bouygues


Darlington Borough Council 

Dorset County Council

Durham Council

Oxford City Council/Oxfordshire County Council/Oxford Direct Services

Tameside MBC

Wigan Council

Winner: Durham County Council


Winter maintenance services

Kindly sponsored by Peacock


Durham County Council

Ayrshire Roads Alliance (Partnership working)

Renfrewshire Council

Northumberland County Council

East Riding Council

Winner: Northumberland County Council


Street lighting

Kindly sponsored by Salix

Conwy County Borough Council

Derbyshire County Council

Milton Keynes Council

Via East Midlands 

Winner: Conwy County Borough Council


Highways and Street Lighting Apprentice Award

Kindly sponsored by WJ Group

Adrian Porter, Ayrshire Roads Alliance – East Ayrshire Council

Kirsty Smith, Ayrshire Roads Alliance – East Ayrshire Council

Sean McLean, Falkirk Council

Declan McFarlane, Tayside Contracts

Derek McCafferty, Glasgow City Council

Holly Curtis, Plymouth City Council

Winner: Kirsty Smith, Ayrshire Roads Alliance – East Ayrshire Council


For photographs of each finalist please email Matthew Ellis at [email protected]


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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