APSE Northern Region AGM Invitation
APSE Northern Region AGM Agenda 2022
APSE Northern Region Minutes of the AGM 2021
This meeting is an ideal opportunity for officers, elected members and local authority partners and trade unions to hear how the aims and objectives of the Environment Act (2021) are being addressed by local authorities in the north of England.
The approaches highlighted are varied and cover the areas of waste, public realm, greenspaces, biodiversity and climate change.
We will be looking at how each of the presenting local authorities are responding to the challenges of the Act. Some are enhancing current service delivery, others are adopting fresh strategic approaches to existing assets, whilst others have adopted ground breaking and innovative technologies.
Each of the presenters have an interesting and engaging story to tell, which means delegates will find a great deal of useful information to take away with them.
With many uncertainties facing local authorities, meetings such as this will help provide guidance and opportunities to speak with fellow colleagues about the challenges facing councils and hopefully ways in which solutions are being developed.
It is therefore the aim of the meeting to look to address how local authorities can go some way towards meeting the requirements of the Environment Act (2021), by hearing about the experiences of other local authorities and be presented with opportunities to ask questions about the implications of the Act and discover how local authority colleagues are dealing with these implications.
This event is FREE for APSE Northern Region members.
12:30 Annual General Meeting
The APSE Northern Region AGM will be your opportunity to have your say in APSE Northern representation to our National Council and other important business. The APSE Northern Region audited accounts statement will also be presented to the meeting and round-up of the year’s regional activity. Please ensure your authority is represented at this meeting which is your chance to share in the governance of your APSE region.
13:00 Networking Lunch