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APSE Future Focus Seminar 2024 - Tuesday 8 October 2024, Online

Seminar Programme


About the seminar

A Sustainable Future for Front Line Services

What does the future provision of local authority front lines services look like in the current climate?

This seminar will examine this question and more, shining the spotlight on Neighbourhood Services and Sustainability And Waste Management, looking at approaches being under taken in providing services for the future. We will be, hearing from a panel of experts, learning through peer-to–peer learning and expertly led Innovation Hubs.

Open to all interested in the future of local government services, this is an ideal opportunity to meet and engage with like-minded colleagues exploring service specific issues and strategies for local authorities.

The seminar will be framed around two streams:

• Neighbourhood Services
• Sustainability and Waste Management

The day will also include Innovation Hubs to explore and share good practise among delegates across both strategic and operational matters.


Plenary Session:  

What lies ahead for local councils post the General Election? - Mo Baines, Chief Executive, APSE

Making Flexible Working work for your organisation and public - Claire Campbell, CEO, Timewise and Sheila
Kerins, Culture Change Programme Lead (Employee Experience), Camden Council

A Review from the NAO: Learning from Commercial Activity in Local Government Over the Last Decade
Abdool Kara, Executive Leader, Local Services, National Audit Office


Stream One - Neighbourhood Services:

Caroline Wheller, Commercial Development Manager, CSG, on the topic of “Commercial Approach to
Deliver Social Value & Community Wealth Building”.

• Justin Galliford, CEO, Norse Group on the topic of “Partnership – removing the risk from income

• Brenda Howard, Service Change Team Leader, Gravesham Borough Council on the topic of “GBC– Utilising
Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT)”

• Amy Caldow, Senior Training Officer, APSE on the topic of “The role of learning and development in
frontline services”.


Stream Two - Sustainability & Waste Management:

Paul Naylor, Executive Head of Neighbourhood Services, Eastleigh Borough Council, on the topic of
• “Eastleigh making the case for greener fuels: Switching from a diesel to biofuel and electric refuse fleet”

• Emma Sharpe, Funding Manager for Climate Action Partnerships, Housing and Residents Services,
London Borough of Brent Council, on the topic of “ Empowering local action on climate change – Brent’s
Together Towards Zero Community Grant”

• Rachel Killian, Strategy & Commissioning Lead, Marketing and Communications, Warwickshire County
Council, on the topic of ‘’Sustainable Warwickshire Podcast: Taking action to reduce carbon emissions,
support biodiversity and promote sustainability in the county”


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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