Friday 24 January 2025
Apex Grassmarket Hotel, Edinburgh City Centre
This event and Full Association meeting was available to APSE member councils only.
Symposium Session 1: Finance and Local Government Reform - Chair, Cllr Archie Dryburgh, MBE, APSE National Chair
The Local Government Finance Settlement across the UK, the areas of pressure and what the white paper proposals will mean for the UK local government sector, staff transfers, service delivery and councillor numbers.
Speaker: Mo Baines, APSE Chief Executive
The lessons from local government reorganisation; how to set a political vision and the role of senior councillors and chief officers in implementing change.
Speaker: Cllr Lisa Brown, Deputy Leader, and Executive Member for Governance and Thriving Communities, Cumberland Council
The issues of optimal efficiency in frontline service delivery; bigger is not always better when it comes to neighbourhood level services. So how does the sector manage expectations of savings through reform? How can service delivery models meet expectations of efficiency?
Speaker: Glynn Humphries, APSE Associate and frontline service delivery specialist
Coffee and refreshments break
Symposium Session 2: Devolution and Growth - Chair, Cllr Lynne Short, Dundee City Council and APSE Scotland Chair
Growth and the regions; will it work? And are ‘functional economic areas’ the same as functional areas for service delivery and local council structures?
Speakers: Professor Mark Gregory and Professor Steven Griggs, University of Staffordshire
Developing a proposal for a new unitary; what are the strategic, economic, and political considerations for local democracy? Issues of democracy; will proposals lead to fewer councillors and more powerful mayors? Where does this leave local democratic accountability?
Speakers: Cllr Matthew Brown, Council Leader and Adrian Phillips, Chief Executive, Preston City Council
Lessons from reorganisation and devolution in Scotland
Speaker: John Wood, Director of Membership and Resources, COSLA
The symposium panels will allow ample opportunity for delegates to take part in audience and panel Q&A sessions with discussions continuing over a networking lunch. Lunch will be provided at the rise of the Full Association meeting which will take place after the symposium discussion. The Full Association meeting agenda is below.
12:45 Full Association Business
APSE Chief Executive, Mo Baines will present the following agenda items for the meetings approval:
13:00 Networking Lunch