A Free In Person Seminar at Shakespeare North Playhouse, Knowsley - Wednesday 9 April 2025
10.00 am
Seminar Opening - Cllr Tracey Dixon, Leader of South Tyneside Council and APSE Northern Chair.
A Welcome to Shakespeare North Playhouse - Cllr Graham Morgan, Leader of Knowsley Council
Plenary Session 1
Knowsley’s Ambitious Approach to Regeneration and Local Economies
Knowsley’s reputation as an ambitious council, unafraid of intervening to support regeneration and growth has generated a 27% uplift in council tax revenue, provided a footprint to retail renewable and led an ambitious new cultural offering with the Shakespeare North Playhouse.
Plenary Session 2
The Case for Public Investment to Generate Economic Growth
The right conditions for Growth? Jobs, localities and place; what makes for interventions that work? Is investing in local public services a drain on taxes or a means to generate wealth and jobs. Exploring the data and evidence will provide some interesting answers!
12.30 -13.00
Much Ado About ….Something! Shakespeare North Playhouse Theatre Tour and Talk.
Delegates will be taken through an interactive tour of the theatre and gardens. Showcasing the educational, cultural and economic impact of this stunning new theatre, which is a cornerstone in the regeneration of Prescott. From Ken Dodd to King Lear this will be a tour like no other!
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch and networking (provided to all delegates)
Plenary Session 3: What does good look like?
Whilst efforts are made to regenerate and repurpose our high streets, designing out crime and antisocial behaviour can be challenging. Where can police and crime commissioners support local authorities in regeneration which supports communities and engineers considerate use of public realm?
Plus, a case study of a journey to deliver a renewed local economy that works for people and place. With an ambitious approach to retail, space for new start-ups and redevelopment of an area previously blighted by an under-used and outdated retail block as new flexible-use public space and riverside areas for culture and leisure the pace and scale of change is an exemplar in positive public interventions.
Close 15.00
Venue Address
Shakespeare Playhouse in the North,
Prospero Place, Prescott, Knowsley
L34 3AB
Public Transport and Parking Information
To pre-book parking spaces at Prescot Registry Office (L34 3LD) please use this link: Parking | Shakespeare North Playhouse
Other parking options include:
For people travelling by train, Prescot Train Station is around a 12-minute walk.
What is included?
This event is FREE to APSE northern members. If you are receiving this email you are a member council in APSE’s northern region.
The event includes all refreshments and lunch, a full free seminar place and access to post-event presentations.