Please find below a list of the 2015 briefings.
If you would like to receive a copy of any of these then you can click here to request a briefing.
Briefing 1-15 Discussion paper on Electricity Hubs
Briefing 2-15 Ground mounted Solar PV
Briefing 3-15 General Election - Party manifesto commitments
Briefing 5-15 Community Energy under the Feed in Tariff Regime
Briefing 6-15 - The Cost Effective Energy Measures Bill
Briefing 7-15 Statistics Update - CO2 Emissions 2005-2013
Briefing 8-15 Changes to financial subsidies for solar PV
Briefing 9-15 Summary of Government policy changes on green energy
Briefing 10-15 Solar PV Medium Trerm Strategy
Briefing 13-15 - The Merton Rule