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What we do

APSE Energy Consultancy


APSE Energy Consultancy Case Studies (pdf)


APSE Energy can provide a full range of expert consultancy services to member local authorities and public bodies on energy, climate change and green economy related matters. Our experts provide strategic advice, technical feasibility and business case development and project management expertise to support local authority energy efficiency and generation projects. We also provide facilitation and stakeholder engagement.

The following are some of the consultants’ areas of expertise:

  • Strategic understanding of a local authority’s role in the energy agenda within their locality;
  • Developing climate emergency strategies & action plans;
  • The planning process for energy projects;
  • Asset mapping;
  • Heat networks;
  • Business case development;
  • Energy audits and heat decarbonisation plans;
  • Solar PV projects;
  • Technological advances, including battery & storage options;
  • Identifying costs and income over the duration of the asset’s life & accessing funding;
  • Grid access & capacity;
  • Electric vehicles & charging infrastructure;
  • Wind turbines;
  • Sustainability strategies;
  • Engagement strategies;
  • Energy management support;
  • Procurement. 


APSE Energy can provide support such as:

  • Helping to write or update your energy/climate/sustainability strategy by, holding priority setting workshops with your managers and councillors; analysing your assets and how you might include them in your strategy; drawing up an action plan to take projects forward; or writing the strategy for you if required;
  • Identifying costs and income over the duration of the asset’s life for specific investment projects such as a solar farm;
  • Providing advice on grid connections and submitting applications and negotiating with DNOs;
  • Engaging with potential customers for any energy you may be generating or plan to generate;
  • Advising on electric vehicle purchase and operational issues around charging;
  • Acting as a critical friend on existing or planned heat network or biomass schemes, advising on performance levels and applicability of this technology in particular circumstances;
  • Supporting your work around specific technologies such as solar, wind, heat pumps and batteries;
  • Providing advice on how the council might trade in energy;
  • Plus a variety of other bespoke consultancy services.


We can provide interim managers to help boost your capacity for the day to day operation of your energy service, sustainability section or climate emergency programme.


For further information on APSE Energy's consultancy services please contact Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy, on 0161 772 1810 / 07920 801014 or [email protected], or James Jefferson, Principal Advisor - Energy on [email protected].


APSE Energy Consultancy Case Studies (pdf)

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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