This is the 5th edition of APSE Energy’s ‘Energy across the authority’. The aim of this document is to give members an insight into some of the energy related projects that are being carried out by local authorities, showing a variety of ways that councils are engaging with the climate change and energy agenda.
The projects highlighted in this document are real life examples of how different councils are committing to the urgent need for drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
There are lessons to be learnt for all local authorities within this publication, from insight into relatively small-scale projects, to substantial and expensive carbon reduction programmes.
In addition to the 7 case studies outlined below, we have also included a number of case study ‘shorts’ towards the end of this publication.
For further information about APSE Energy, please contact Phil Brennan, Head of APSE Energy on 0161 772 1810 or at [email protected] or James Jefferson, Principal Advisor at [email protected]