Association for Public Service Excellence
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11-75 NAO highways finance report.pdf
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11-74 Potholes review HMEP.pdf
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11-73 Scottish Government Infrastructure Plan.pdf
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11-72 Catering Trend Analysis.pdf
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11-71 Building cleaning trend analysis.pdf
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11 -70 Civic cultural and community venues performance analysis .pdf
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11-69 Scottish Government - Local Government Finance Settlement 2012-15.pdf
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11 -68 Workplaces and social networking .pdf
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11 -67 The new Localism Act .pdf
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11-66 Consultation NI Councillors allowances.pdf
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11-65 PPE briefing.pdf
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11-64 Scotland's Recycling Performance.pdf
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11-63 Scottish government Economic Strategy.pdf
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11-62 Transport state of the market survey 2011.pdf
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11-61 Scottish Governments Spending Review and draft budget.pdf
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11 - 60 Future of Local Public Audits.pdf
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11-59 Waste collection in alleyways query briefing.pdf
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11-58 PN and new frameworks 2011.pdf
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11 - 57 The Code of Recommended Practice on Data Transparency.pdf
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11-56 Scottish government spending review 2012-15.pdf
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11-55 Scottish government comment on Christie Commission.pdf
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11-53 New Best Value Guidance including Duty to Involve .pdf
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11 -52 'Community Right to Challenge' policy statement.pdf
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11-51 Cleaning state of the market survey.pdf
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11-50 Scottish government programme.pdf
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11-49 Scotlands Public Finances addressing the challenges.pdf
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11-48 The Halal Dilemma.pdf
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11-47 SEPA Waste Data Strategy for Scotland.pdf
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11-46 Waste policy review.pdf
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11-45 OFT Comp Commission aggregates.pdf
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11-44 Consultation Social Housing Reform.pdf
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11-43 Green Cleaning.pdf
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11-42 Asbestos and carbon monoxide.pdf
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11-41 The future of audit inspection and performance data in local authorities.pdf
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11-40 Leisure Trends Analysis.pdf
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11-39 Catering state of the market survey.pdf
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11-38 Simpson review.pdf
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11-37 Green income generation for local authorities.pdf
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11 - 36 open public services white paper.pdf
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11 - 35 Future delivery of public services in scotland.pdf
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11-34 Surface treatments.pdf
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11-33 Bribery Act.pdf
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11-32 - Arm's Length External Organisations _ALEO's_.pdf
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11-31 Unfair leisure contracts.pdf
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11-30 Going the distance achieving better value for money in road maintenance.pdf
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11-29 E-Coli Update for Local Authority Caterers.pdf
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11-28 Renewable Heat Incentives.pdf
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11-27 Street cleansing state of the market survey 2011.pdf
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11-26 2011 Refuse services - state of the market survey.pdf
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11-25 FITs March 2011.pdf
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11-24 Party manifesto's.pdf
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11-23 Merchandising in leisure.pdf
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11-22 Charging for School Meals.pdf
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11-21 APSE member viewson the community Right to Challenge.pdf
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11-20 Highways Street Lighting and Winter Maintenance state of the market survey 2011.pdf
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11-19 Best Value Duty New draft statutory guidance.pdf
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11-18 Catering for change.pdf
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11-17 Where next for road safety.pdf
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11-16 Briefing NI Consultation response Local Govt Reform Policy Proposals.pdf
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11-15 - Maintaining Scotland's roads.pdf
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11-14 Transport efficiencies briefing.pdf
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11-13 Efficiency Briefing Highways.pdf
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11-12 Efficiency Briefing Street Lighting.pdf
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11-11 Allotments query.pdf
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11-10 Parks performance on cost and quality issues.pdf
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11-09 Street cleansing performance on cost and quality issues.pdf
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11-08 Leisure Efficiencies.pdf
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11-07 Refuse collection performance on cost and quality issues.pdf
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11-06 Devolved settlements.doc.pdf
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11-05 Local decisions - a fairer future for social housing.pdf
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11-04 Updated spread rates winter maintenance.pdf
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11-03 Refuse efficiencies briefing.pdf
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11-02 Response to cabinet office green paper on commissioning.pdf
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11-01 APSE response to the Communities and Local Government Select Commitee Inquiry on the Audit and Inspection of Local Authorities.pdf
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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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