Association for Public Service Excellence
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15-70 Transport Trend analysis
15-69 Building Cleaning Trend analysis
15-68 Sports & Leisure Trend analysis
15-67 Education Catering Trend analysis
15-66 Norovirus and the cost of absence to the public sector
15-65 Environmental Health Performance Information for 2015
15-64 Local authority income generation, trading and charging: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-63 Street Cleansing: Trend analysis 2014/15
15-62 Parks, Open Spaces and Horticultural Services: Trend analysis 2014/15
15-61 Cemeteries and Crematoria: Trend analysis 2014/15
15-60 'Travel time is working time' - implications for mobile working
15-59 Care Act 2014 (Part 1) - A PESTLE Impact Analysis
15-58 Evaluation of universal Free School Meal (FSM) provision for P1 to P3 in Scotland: Update
Briefing 15-57 Three weekly residual waste collection service (003)
15-56 Government Funding for Pocket Parks
15-55 Autumn Spending Review - reissued
15-55 Autumn Statement and spending review 2015
15-54 Charter for Household Recycling in Scotland
15-53 Local Authority Sports and Leisure Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-52 Local Authority Catering Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-51 Local Authority Building Cleaning Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-50 Changes to Business Rate Retention
15-49 Consultation on the Draft Code of Audit Practice for Local Government Bodies in Northern Ireland 2016
15-48 The Duty of Performance Improvement in Northern Ireland – Cultural Services
15-47 A critical review of evidence related to handarm vibration syndrome and the extent of exposure to vibration – a HSE Report
15-46 The Duty of Performance Improvement in Northern Ireland - Corporate Performance
15-45 Renewables and energy efficiency update
15-44 The Duty of Performance Improvement in Northern Ireland – Sports and Leisure Services
15-43 Findings from a report into the impacts of reduced street lighting
15-42 The Spending Review and Highways funding update
15-41 Holiday Hunger
15-40 Fleet maintenance remuneration and market supplements
15-39 Creating a Fairer Scotland - Employability Support (Scottish Government Consultation)
15-38 Local Authority Allotment Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-37 DVLA Driving Licence Changes (June 2015)
15-36 Barbecues in Public Parks
15-35 Adopting a sensible approach to the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s)
15-34 Giant Hogweed identification, threats, responsibilities and treatment solutions
15-33 The Need for Integrated Weed Control
15-32 Building Cleaning Support Packages
15-31 The Duty of Performance Improvement in Northern Ireland – Environmental Services
15-30 Performance Duties in Northern Ireland – the ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘who’, ‘why’, and ‘when’ of continuous improvement
15-29 Natural Capital
15-28 Local Authority Parks and Green Space Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-27 Local Authority Refuse and Recycling Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-26 Long term void properties survey
15-25 Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance (ALARM) Survey 2015
15-24 Equality Evidence Toolkit for Public Authorities
15-23 Scottish Environmental Protection Agencys Flood Risk Management Planning Consultation
15-22 Schools Meals and Ofsted
15-21 Summary Report of HSE’s Inspection Initiative of Household Waste and Recycling Services 2010-2014
15-20 Changes to Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015
15-18 Scottish Government Climate Change Required Reporting Order 2015 Consultation
15-17 An overview of local government in Scotland 2015 (Accounts Commission report)
15-16 FlyMapper: A free reporting tool for local authorities to record and manage flytipping crime
15-15 Local Authority Street Cleansing Services: State of the Market Survey Report 2015
15-14 Public Procurement: A Consultation on Changes to the Public Procurement Rules in Scotland
15-13 Maximising Income Generation in Fleet Maintenance Services
15-12 APSE response to Draft Local Government (Performance Indicators and Standards) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
15-11 Highways funding, self-assessment and capitalisation of repairs in England
15-10 The Local Government Wales Bill
15-09 The Elphicke-House Report From statutory provider to Housing Delivery Enabler
15-08 Progress report on the Scottish Fuel Poverty Statement 2002
15-07 Journal Article review - Huntingford, C. et al. 2014 Potential Influences on the United Kingdom’s floods of winter 2013/14, Nature Climate Change
15-06 Response to The National Pollinator Strategy 2014
15-05 New Waste Collection Requirements and TEEP issues for local authorities (England and Wales)
15-04 Evaluating universal free school meal provision for P1 to P3 in Scotland and how local authorities can get involved
15-03 Developing the Young Workforce: Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy
15-02 The Lyons Housing Review - Mobilising across the nation to build the homes our children need
15-01 Scottish House Conditions Survey 2013

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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