Association for Public Service Excellence
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16-60 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Parks, open spaces and horticultural services
16-59 Commercial (Trade) Waste Delivery Models
16-58 NHS Health Scotland - Evaluation of Universal Infant Free School Meals in Scotland: Second monitoring report of changes in school-meal uptake
16-57 Scottish House Condition Survey 2015: Key Findings
16-56 Meals on Wheels Survey 2016
16-55 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Refuse and recycling
16-54 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Cemeteries and Crematoria
16-53 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Street Cleansing
16-52 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Highways and Winter Maintenance
16-51 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Transport
16-50 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Sports & Leisure
16-49 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Education Catering
16-48 Trend Analysis 2015/16: Building Cleaning
16-47 Highways England - Occupational Cancer guidance
16-46 Local Authority Building Maintenance: State of the Market 2016
16-45 Guidance and Consultation - SEPA Guidance on Waste Regulation that Applies to Reuse Activities
16-44 Safety helmet colours standard (Highways England)
16-43 Scottish Household Survey - Local authority housing and neighbourhoods
16-42 Scottish Government's Local Government and Communities Committee - Call for evidence
16-41 APSE's response to the Department of Communities and Local Government's Inquiry into the Future Funding of Public Parks
16-40 Local Authority Allotment Services: State of the Market 2016
16-39 Social Media in Local Government State of the Market 2015
16-38 SWITCH Competence Assessment Tool
16-37 Local Authority Refuse: State of the Market 2016
16-36 APSE Survey - The move towards amalgamating environmental enforcement activities into one service area
16-35 The call for compulsory hygiene rating displays for food outlets in England
16-34 Childhood Obesity Strategy - "A Plan For Action"
16-33 Scottish Government Apprenticeship Levy consultation
16-32 English Housing Survey: Key Findings 2014-15
16-31 Dog fouling: Issues and local authority best practice
16-30 HAPPI 3 'Housing our Ageing Population: Positive Ideas (All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People)
16-29 Plans to reduce the number of Welsh Local Authorities postponed
16-28 Local Authority Climate Change and Renewable Energy: State of the Market 2016
16-27 Northern Ireland Executive - Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21 and Questionnaire
16-26 Building Cleaning Services to the Elderly and Vulnerable
16-25 Steam Cleaning of Vehicles
16-24 Local Authority Catering: State of the Market 2016
16-23 Local Authority Building Cleaning: State of the Market 2016
16-22 Local Authority Sports and Leisure: State of the Market 2016
16-21 Brexit implications for local government
16-20 Zero Waste Scotland communications toolkit for tackling litter
16-19 Local Authority Winter Maintenance: State of the Market 2016
16-18 Local Authority Street Lighting: State of the Market 2016
16-17 Local Authority Highways: State of the Market 2016
16-16 Making Things Last: A Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland
16-15 Local Authority Parks and Green Spaces: State of the Market 2016
16-14 NHS Health Scotland - Process evaluation of the implementation of universal free school meals (UFSM) for P1 to P3
16-13 Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance (ALARM) survey 2016 and 5 year comparison of ALARM survey results (2012-2016)
16-12 Budget 2016: What it means to local Councils
16-11 Scottish House Condition Survey: Key Findings 2014
16-10 Managing Legionella – a case study
16-09 Local Authority Street Cleansing: State of the Market 2016
16-08 APSE response to the draft Local Government (Wales) Bill
16-07 Occupational health risk management in construction
16-06 Growing the health and well-being agenda
16-05 The Duty of Performance Improvement in Northern Ireland – Environmental Health Services
16-04 The Housing and Planning Bill 2015-16 and related issues
16-03 Improving air quality in the UK
16-02 SWITCH (Scottish Waste Industry Training, Competency, Health & Safety) Forum
16-01 Local Authority Housing, Building Maintenance and Construction: State of the Market Survey Report 2015

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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