Association for Public Service Excellence
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19-53 Managing the Inspections of Trees
19-52 Building Maintenance Trend Analysis 2018-19
19-51 Education Catering Trend Analysis 2018-19
19-50 Building Cleaning Trend Analysis 2018-19
19-49 Nuffield Trust Social Care Workforce
19-48 General Election 2019: Special briefing: What can we expect for Local Government from the newly elected Government?
19-47 State of the Market 2019 - Street Lighting
19-46 State of the Market 2019 - Winter Maintenance
19-45 State of the Market 2019 - Highways
19-44 State of the Market 2019 - Transport
19-43 State of the Market 2019 - Sports and Leisure
19-42 Economy Energy and Fair Work Committee - Energy Inquiry Call for Views
19-41 Dog fouling - Why it is difficult to tackle and potential solutions
19-40 Environmental Health Trend analysis 2018-2019
19-39 Cemeteries and Crematoria: Trend analysis 2018/19
19-38 Hot Food Takeaways - Planning a route to healthier communities
19-37 Consultation responses to Food and Drink in Schools
19-36 State of the Market 2019 - Building Maintenance and Repairs
19-35 National Food Strategy - A Call For Evidence
19-34 APSE National Housing and Building Maintenance Awards - A showcase of previous winners
19-33 Allotments - State of the Market Survey 2019
19-32 Glyphosate - Where do local authorities stand?
19-31 State of the Market 2019 - Refuse Collection and Recycling
19-30 Definition of Affordable Housing in Northern Ireland
19-29 Healthy School Rating Scheme
19-28 Burial Ground Memorial Safety - Guidance for Scottish Authorities
19-27 Implications of the Resources and Waste Strategy (2018) for Local Authorities - Parliamentary Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Inquiry comments
19-26 Heritage Horizon Awards - Providing funding of £5 million and over for major heritage projects
19-25 National Food Strategy
19-24 APSE Response to the Government consultation on the Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England (2019)
19-23 Climate Emergency: Council Declarations
19-22 State of the Market 2019 - Parks
19-21 State of the Market in Street Cleansing and Streetscene Services
19-20 SWITCH Forum SHEA Passport Scheme
19-19 Review of Crematoria Provision and Facilities - Government Response
19-18 Cemeteries and Crematoria - State of the Market 2019
19-17 Single-Use Plastics Policy
19-16 Resources and Waste Strategy (2018) Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee inquiry into the impacts on local authorities
19-15 Frontline Initiatives to Tackle Worsening Outcomes in Childhood
19-14 Consultation on Good Food Nation Proposals for Legislation
19-13 Sports and Leisure - Trend analysis 2017/18
19-12 Resources and Waste Strategy Latest Consultations
19-11 Transport - Trend analysis 2017/18
19-10 Street Lighting - Trend Analysis 2017/18
19-09 Highways and Winter Maintenance - Trend Analysis 2017/18
19-08 Apprenticeship Levy - Meeting your legal duty and maximising your income
19-07 Alert - GPS Tracking Jamming Devices
19-06 Abolition of the Right To Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Act 2018
19-05 Building Maintenance: Trend analysis 2017-18
19-04 Building Cleaning: Trend analysis 2017/18
19-03 Education Catering: Trend analysis 2017/18
19-02 State of the Market 2018 - Cleaning
19-01 Waste and Resources Strategy For England Government Policy Paper

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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