The latest network queries circulated for this service are listed below.
If you would like more information about any of these queries or want to submit a response, please email Rob Bailey.
BC0132 - Pricing school cleaning 21.11.16
A member authority is reviewing the costing and pricing of schools
cleaning. The would be interested to know:
· What financial model you use to determine prices for
cleaning in schools?
· How do you demonstrate your quality of service?
Please share your SLA’s
BC0131 - Kitchen extraction cleaning services 21.11.16
A member authority is seeking to offer a kitchen extraction cleaning
They are interested to hear from another authorities who currently
provide such a service or contract one in
Do you provide an extraction cleaning service in-house?
What is a typical charge?
If you buy the service in:
What is the typical cost?
BC0130 - Key holding arrangements within schools 29.06.16
This local authority would like to know your key holding
arrangements within schools, specifically:-
1. Who are the main key holders during school core hours?
2. Who are the key holders out of hours? If you have first,
second and third etc named key holders please list. If you use an
out of hours security provider please provide the name.
3. Do you have any further contingency arrangements for our of
hours, such as a full set of keys stored in a central location?
BC0128 - Joint Management Structures - Catering & Cleaning 11.03.16
A member authority is seeking to combine the management of their
catering and cleaning services
Do you have a combined management structure?
For all above operative level, please can you share details of:
· Job Descriptions
· Grades
· Structure
BC0127 - Janitorial Risk Assessments 02.03.16
This local authority is currently reviewing its janitorial risk
assessments and would be grateful to hear from local authorities
willing to share their risk assessments. Please attached a copy with
your response if possible.
BC0126 - Caretaker and Cleaner Support 02.03.16
A member authority is developing a Management Support service
for Caretakers and Cleaning staff
They wish to know the content and charge rate of the following SLA
packages offer to schools for :
1. The provision of Caretaker Support to Schools who employ
their own Caretaker
2. The provision of Cleaning Management to Schools who employ
their own cleaners or private contractors.
BC0125 - Budgets for cleaning materials and chemicals 23.02.16
This member authority is currently reviewing their building cleaning
material and chemical budgets. They would like to know how other
Local Authority members set their budgets for building cleaning
materials and chemicals? Is this measured by:
Floor Area
- What process was followed to achieve accurate budgets?
- If applicable, what formula is applied?
Staff Costs
- Is your budget based on a percentage of staff costs?
- If so, what percentage is applied?
- Is this applied to contracted hours only or does it include additional
- If you use another method to achieve accurate budgets for
building cleaning materials and chemicals, please can you share
this knowledge/experience?
- Also, do you hold one budget for building cleaning materials and
chemicals or do you have these separate? Please can you provide
details of any percentage splits between these budgets?