BC0209 - Service engineers to carry out repairs - 160924
A member authority is currently employees two service engineers directly, that carry out all Building Cleaning equipment repairs, minor handy man type jobs, and carry out kitchen equipment repairs (not Gas, external provider for this). The member authority is keen to gain information regarding what arrangements other councils have in place
1. Do you employ your own engineers of is this role contract it out?
2. What are the costs associated with buying in the service in?
BC0208 - Cashless payment collection for public conveniences - 300824
A member authority would be grateful to know if you currently use a system to collect contactless payments for your public convenience provision? Any information you are able to share would be greatly appreciated.
BC0207 - Insourcing an outsourced building cleaning service – 230724
A member authority is seeking information from other local authorities who had outsourced their building cleaning service but have made the decision to bring the service back inhouse.
BC0206 - Emergency pull cords for disabled facilities in public conveniences - 280624
For those Local Authorities who operate Public Conveniences with disabled facilities:
Do you provide a pull cord, for emergencies, within these sites?
If you do, what is the procedure for when these cords are pulled, does it activate an alarm (audible only) or does the pulling of the cord trigger an emergency response from the Council service responsible?
Are there any policies or procedures which could be shared around this issue?
BC0205 -Charging for public toilets-100424
A member authority is looking at the possibility of bringing in charges for using our Public Toilets. They would be interested to capture information and best practice from other Local Authorities. Specifically, the member authority is seeking the following information:-
BC0204 - Service level agreements for communal estate and block cleansing and caretaking services – 210324
A member authority is seeking information from other councils regarding service level agreements for communal estate and block cleansing and caretaking services.
Specifically, the member authority is looking for examples of service level agreements that other council have in place.
BC0203 - Implications of moving to daytime cleaning
A member authority is currently reviewing the implications of moving towards a daytime cleaning regime in the office buildings they clean. The authority is seeking information from other authorities who have changed to daytime cleaning. What have been the implications of making the change? For example, cost, productivity etc.
BC0202 - Cost data for libraries - 190124
A member authority is seeking regarding data for libraries.
Specifically, the member authority would like to know if other councils have any data relating to cost per visit and best practice on how much libraries should cost.
BC0201 - Calculating cleaning hours in schools - 170124
A member authority is seeking information regarding calculating cleaning hours.
Specifically, the member authority would like to know how other authorities calculate the number of cleaning hours required in schools and would appreciate any guidance that other council have on calculating cleaning hours.