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Catering related services to DIY schools - CAT0146/271113
A member authority is looking at providing a package of catering related services to those schools who currently operate their own (DIY) school meal service.
Ideas might be Menu Planning, Nutrition and Special Diets, Health & Safety, HACCAP, Training, Staff cover etc.
Please can you provide the following information:
  • Do you offer services to DIY schools?
  • What is the scope of those services?
  • What is an indicative price to the school?

Appetite for Life funding - CAT0142/270613
Following on from the transfer of Appetite for Life grant funding to the Revenue Support Grant, this
local authority would like to find out which local authority catering services have:
  • Received all of this grant funding for 2013/14 as it appears in the RSG breakdown.
  • Received a proportion of this grant funding for 2013/14 (please state % of the RSG amount)
  • Received none of this funding for 2013/14.

Beverage charge out rates – CAT0140/100613
A member authority is trying to establish the costs of beverages supplied to internal meetings:
Please could you provide your charges for the following:
  • Bottled water - 1 litre  (Or typical size and cost)
  • Juice - 1 litre  (Or typical size and cost)
  • Tea & coffee - per person
Is there a price difference for internal / external customers? The consolidated replies will be shared with all respondents.

Pupil involvement in food preparation CAT0141/180613
A member authority is looking at ways to involve school pupils (Primary, Secondary & Special Needs)

in food preparation in both a classroom and production kitchen setting.
If you have experience, please can you share any relevant information including:
  • Risk Assessments
  • Guidance Documents for Staff
  • Set up costs/ budgets
  • Instruction sheets for Pupils

Grounds maintenance equipment – TVM0114/070513
The local authority would appreciate feedback from other local authorities on their ride on triple
mowers and tractors with gang mowers attached. Specific information required is as follows:
  • Internal lease cost to user
  • Make and model of grass cutting equipment
  • What is included in the internal lease i.e. tyres, insurance etc.
  • Maintenance costs for normal fair wear and tear
  • Costs for non-fair wear and tear

Fitting 360 degree cameras to refuse vehicles RSC0551/090513
This local authority would welcome feedback from other local authorities on their refuse freighters.
The next refuse freighters that will be delivered to this authority will have 360 degree cameras fitted as standard. Have any other authorities had to introduce a policy on use of footage for disciplinary/
training purposes? Also is there any issue with recording images of the public?

Staff Catering – CAT0139/100513
A member authority is looking at ways to improve its in-house catering service which serves employees at lunchtime.

Please can you supply answers to the following questions:
  • Does a pre-ordering service positively impact on reducing waste and increasing sales?
  • What effect does the purchase of pre-packed sandwiches have on uptake as opposed to 'made on site'?
  • Do pre-payment cards positively or negatively impact on sales ?
  • How does a vending option effect lunchtime sales?
  • What are your daily opening times?
  • Are there any specific 'lessons learnt' that significantly impact on customer spend?

On-cost for frozen food - CAT0138/120313
A member authority is seeking to establish the typical ‘on-costs’ for the delivery of frozen food
  • How much do you pay for delivery in addition to the cost of the frozen food?
  • To where is the frozen food normally delivered?

Use of Biometrics CAT0138/120313
As member authority is evaluating the use of biometric systems for their school meals service
Please can you provide your thoughts on the following:
  • Of those schools using biometric technology, what percentage of pupils refuse to use the system; and how do you manage this?
  • Do you currently seek parental consent for use of biometric systems
  • Do you anticipate seeking consent in the future
  • What percentage of students using card based systems are problematic e.g. cards lost, replacement costs
  • Do you have any problems with using the biometric system e.g. finger prints not recognised?

Catering Query: Flexible pricing of school meals – CAT0137/100113
The 2011 Education Bill allows governing bodies to introduce flexible charging for school meals - e.g.
reduced prices for meals provided to children in reception classes discounts for more than 1 child in a family discounts for up front purchasing of meals
Are you aware of any schools operating such a system?

Debt and arrears for school meals CAT0136
A local authority caterer is seeking to revamp its policy on debt and arrears for school meals
  • Do you have a policy that you can share?
  • Do you include this policy in the school information pack sent to parents?
  • Who is responsible for reclaiming the debt?

VAT on meals supplied at Academies CAT0131
A member authority is seeking clarification on the treatment of VAT in relation to meals it supplies to
pupils at an Academy school.
  • They are keen to know whether you currently charge VAT?
  • Do you regard yourself as an agent, occupying the catering facility but delivering meals on the Academies behalf?

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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