CAT0290 - Software packages for Meal on Wheels Service
A member authority is seeking information from other authorities regarding what software packages are being used by service areas that run a meals on wheels service. Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following:-
What software do you use?
Are users happy with the system?
CAT0289 - Food procurement
A member authority is seeking information regarding food procurement i.e., fresh/frozen/ambient/meats etc for school catering. Specifically, they are interested in the following:-
1.Do you purchase food products via a national framework?
2.Do you use a ‘multi temperature’ delivery solution or are each food category purchased from separate suppliers?
3.Would you consider sharing knowledge and discussing the possibility of aggregating local authority spend?
CAT288 - APSE Network Query- IT solutions for conducting and recording health and safety inspections
A member authority is looking at IT solutions for conducting and recording health and safety inspections, resulting actions, accidents and incidents and recording and monitoring training. Specifically, they would like to know the following:-
• Which IT system does your council use?
• Would you recommend the system?
• Does it provide all functionalities including reporting, dynamic inspection creation?
• Does it enable digital signing?
CAT0287 - No packed lunch policy in primary schools - 220323
"A member authority are wanting to know if other authorities are aware of a ‘no packed lunch’ policy in in place their local primary schools at either Key Stage One or Two or both? This may be in LA Maintained schools or in Multi Academy Trusts within their area.
The member authority would like to be able to contact authorities with this policy in place to understand the effectiveness and outcomes."
CAT0285 - Carbon calculators to measure carbon in their school meal provision – 270123
"A member authority are interested in finding if other caterers are use a carbon calculator to measure carbon in their school meal provision and if this is helping to reduce their carbon footprint.
If your authority is using a carbon calculator
CAT0284 - Sources of income outside of school funds to support the provision of school.
"A Member Authority is seeking information regarding any sources of income outside of school funds that can be used to support the provision of school meals in the boroughs schools. Aside from the funding for breakfast provision or funding obtained through Public Health, does your local authority offer money over and above school budgets to support the provision of a school meals service?
If so, please can you provide details.
Any information or advice would be gratefully received."
CAT0283 - Food for Life Accreditation
"A member authority are seeking information regarding the Food for Life accreditation. Specifically, the member authority would like to hear from other councils on the following: -
CAT0282 - Free School Meals Uptakes
"A member authority is seeking information regard free school meal uptakes. Specifically, the member authority are interest in gaining information regarding the following: -
CAT0281 - Reducing the use of single use plastics primary & post primary schools settings
"A member authority is seeking examples for other councils of best practice in how to reduce use of single use plastics within primary & post primary schools’ settings in particular catering contracts e.g., disposable catering products."
CAT0280 - APSE Network Query: Secondary school cashless catering system
"A member authority are considering options for the upgrading of a secondary school cashless catering system and would like to explore what is currently being used by other member authorities. Would it be possible to ask the network the following questions: