CAT0311 - Kitchen Management software – 111224
A member authority that provides a large school meals service is looking for a software package that will work on laptops for their kitchen management in 94 schools. The software will need to be able to give central access supplying necessary reporting of all school kitchen functions including HACCP documentation /logbooks digitally using the software.
The member authority is seeking information from other authorities regarding what software is in place for kitchen management and how effective the software is.
CAT0310 - Fire suppression systems in school kitchens – 091224
A local authority is enquiring about fire suppression systems in school kitchens especially for deep fat fryers. In particular they would like to ask other member authorities what they have in place to ensure that they are fully insured if they do not have a fire suppression system? They would also be keen to know the methodology behind this.
CAT0309 - Service Level Agreements - 201124
A member authority is seeking information regarding Service Levels Agreement. The authority would like to know the following: -
CAT0308 - Allergen policies and procedures – 251024
A member authority is seeking information regarding allergens and the processes that other councils have in place:
Any other information an LA is happy to share re allergens would be appreciated.
CAT0307 - Community meals (Meals on Wheels) Software systems - 141024
A member authority currently provides Community Meals (Meals on Wheels) and use a software system called M2P to manage all of that information. However, the company is ceasing to provide this from April 2025.
The member authority would like to know what software solution other local authorities use to admin this service.
CAT0306 - Education Catering Service Delivery Models – 041024
A member authority is reviewing the catering service delivery model and are interested to hear from any local authority who has successfully implemented alternative service delivery models for the school catering service.
In particular they are keen to understand the change journey and any lessons learnt.
CAT0305 - New system for recording assets within Cleaning and Janitorial services – 250924
A member authority is looking to introduce a new system to help record their assets within Cleaning and Janitorial services. This is to help track what equipment they have at each site, record repairs against and track information on warranty or service contracts etc.
They would be grateful to hear from any other local authority that has something similar in place and what is being used to manage this?
CAT0304 - Tackling the prevalence of takeaways and fast-food outlets near schools through both planning and licencing regulatory approaches - 130924
This APSE member council is concerned by the prevalence of takeaways / fast food outlets near to school sites, particularly secondary schools, whereby despite the best efforts to promote healthy eating pupils are regularly exposed to the temptations of unhealthy fast-food outlets.
They would welcome information from others, and interest in a roundtable discussion hosted by APSE, on how other councils are tackling this issue through both planning and licencing regulatory approaches and / or successful approaches working with schools.
CAT0303 - Training School Crossing Patrols - 210824
A member authority is currently using an old ROSPA training video which is very dated.
The member authority would like to know what School Crossing Patrol service training videos / training other councils currently use? And would you be willing to share it?
CAT0302 - Training for specialist blended diets - 200824
A member authority’s catering service have been asked several times over the past 12 months to offer specialist blended diets to several of our special schools. The required training for the development team is IDDSI, which is required to fully understand the requirements of the seven levels of texture and to provide a safe meal for our customers.
The member authority would like to know if any other authorities are/have been asked for this. If you know a training provider preferable located in the North of England.
CAT0301 - Mobile food vans for school catering and events - 220724
A member authority is seeking information regarding mobile food vans for school catering and events. Specially, the member authority would like to know the following.
• Have you got a mobile food van within your service?
• Is the van used for school catering and events? Or just one or the other?
• What was the start-up costs?
• Does/Did the van increase income for the service
CAT0300 - Training for school governors, trustees, or the wider school leadership teams – 150724
APSE would like to know if your Local Authority provides training for school governors, trustees, or the wider school leadership team on: o Food hygiene o Allergens o Nutrition o School food standards o Portion sizes of Legislation e.g. Natasha’s Law or Owen’s Law Please tell us about any other training you provide for governors, trustees or the wider school leadership on catering contracts or school food.
Would you be interested in receiving further information about training of this nature?
CAT0299 - Employee access to council sites - 310524
A member authority is interested in hearing from other authorities about how they manage access to their sites for employees. The member authority currently uses Paxon along with access cards and are finding that it isn’t really working. Therefore, they are seeking information regarding what other councils have in place.
CAT0298 - Management Attendance Policies - 210524
A member authority is interested is reviewing their Management Attendance Polices and is seeking information regarding what other council have in place. All information and policies that can be shared would be gratefully received.
CAT0297 - Management of pupils with ARFID - 140524
A member authority is interested to hear from other local authorities regarding the management of pupils with ARFID (Avoidance Restrictive Food Intake Disorder or Selective Eating Disorder). Specifically, the member authority would be interested in the following:
• Do councils catering providers have a food policy which includes ARFID?
• Are parents of children with ARFID requesting food vouchers from their Local Authority as the food provided in school may not be appropriate?
• Have Local Authorities issued food vouchers in these circumstances, and what criteria is used?
• What issues, engagement, and feedback have you been experiencing?
• Have any specific processes been created to cover this area?
CAT0296 - Implementing software manage Catering Heavy Equipment Inventory - 050324
A member authority is in the process of looking at options for implementing software to better manage and keep track of Catering Heavy Equipment Inventory.
The member authority is seeking information from other councils regarding the software that they use.
CAT0295 - Software programme to assist with allergen compliance and management – 270224
A member authority is looking to procure a software programme to assist with allergen compliance and management and is seeking information regarding what other councils have in place.
CAT0294 - Schools traded services - Fees and Charges - 200224
A member authority is seeking information regarding the fees and charges for 2024/2025 schools traded services especially in the following areas:
• Payroll
• HR
• H&S
• Finance
• Grounds Maintenance
• Properties & Facilities Management
• Energy
• Digital & Print
• Cleaning
• Waste & Recycling
CAT0293 - Training for Catering Staff - 090124
A member authority is seeking information regarding training of catering staff. Specifically, the authority would like to know the following:
1. How do you deliver training to Catering staff who work from various locations and can’t attend face to face training at a dedicated location?
2. If delivery of training is online, how do you ensure the training is compatible to those where English is not their first language?
3. What barriers are you faced with when delivering training to staff covering various locations and how are those barriers overcome?