The 2016 network queries circulated for this service are listed below.
If you would like more information about any of these queries please email Wayne Priestley.
CEM0019 - Renewing expired burial rights - 101116
A member authority is approaching the time when some of their older grave rights are beginning to expire. These are the used graves.
They are looking for information as to what other local authorities do in relation to policies on renewing the right for such graves. As part of this query they would also like to know what extension periods other authorities offer e.g. 50 years? more or less?
CEM018 - Integration of Parks and Cemetery Services – 101116
CEM017 - Closure of cemetery by Environment Agency – 091116
A member authority would be interested to know from other Burial Authorities whether any have been in the position of managing the permanent closure of a cemetery as a result of Environment Agency intervention restricting burials into standing water/ unresolvable drainage issues / potential groundwater contamination.
• Bearing in mind the emotional and practical impacts on 1000’s of Exclusive Rights Of Burial (EROB) owners how was this managed by the Authority in practice?
• How were difficult messages communicated on such a large scale, what was the public relations approach?
• Did the Authority consider any form of compensation scheme to EROB owners affected and what was this comprised of?
GM0518 - Closed Churchyards management – CEM016,211016
GM0517 - CEM015 - Cemetery memorial inspections 211016
A member authority is reviewing its Cemeteries Memorial inspections programme and would be interested in the following information:
· Do local authorities carry out inspections in-house or do they appoint a contractor?
· How often are the inspections carried out?
· Would individual local authorities supply an average cost per Memorial for inspections?
CEM014 - Cemetery rules and regulations – 110816
A member authority is enquiring whether any local authority has revised their rules and regulations in the past 5 years and if so would they be willing to answer the following questions and also whether they undertook consultation.
1. How long ago (approx.) did you last revise your cemetery rules and regulations?
2. Did you undertake any consultation on the revised rules? (please select one)
Yes No (if no, please go to question 6)
3. Who did you consult with? (please select all that apply)
Funeral Directors
Memorial Masons
Members of the public
Other group/s (please state which groups)
4. Given that businesses may favour over-sized coffins / over-sized memorials (as it allows greater opportunity to upsell) did you take any steps to prevent their feedback from skewing the overall results?
Yes No
CEM013 - Cremator and abatement condition assessment report – 010816
A member authority is wanting to obtain a detailed technical report on the condition of their cremator and abatement equipment at a local crematorium.
They are therefore asking whether any other authority has commissioned such a report and who they employed to undertake the work and write the report.
CEM012 - Memorial safety inspection policy – 250716
A member authority is currently reviewing its memorial safety inspection policy. They are interested to learn how others have addressed the following issues:
Do you have in-house or contracted out staff to carry out
a) Memorial safety inspections?
b) And/or making safe / repairs?
Where it has been possible to find the grantee / NOK etc.
a) Are they asked to make arrangements privately to repair / refurbish the memorial
b) Are they able to pay the authority directly to repair / refurbish the memorial
c) If they are able to pay the authority, do you levy any additional costs over and above the actual cost of the works to cover administration etc
Where there is no grantee or where it has not been possible to contact either the grantee or their descendants or where descendants are unwilling or unable to fund repairs to an unsafe memorial to what standard is the memorial repaired
a) Made safe only – laying flat/ stacking kerbs or some other method
b) Repaired e.g. new dowels or ground anchors fitted
c) Removed from grave
d) Something else?
Where repairs or making safe has taken place at the authorities’ expense is a charge levied on the grave which can be recouped in the event that a grantee (etc…) is subsequently located?
If you have a memorial safety policy that you are willing to share please attach a copy.