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COM0016 - Concessions Policies - 251019

A Member Authority is seeking information regarding the approach authorities use to determine the cost of delivering a council service and how rates and concessions are decided. Specifically the member authority are looking for the following:-

(i) What charging review approaches does your authority have in place?

(ii) Does your authority have subsidy calculations in place, e.g. toolkits and would you be willing to share the details?

(iii) What are the councils pricing strategies - how are these rates decided and the concessions applied?

COM0015 - Car parking income and free parking - 150819

This APSE member council currently offers a one hour free parking scheme across a number of its car parks. They are considering removing this benefit. They would be interested to find out information from any other councils that have taken this approach and in particular:-

  • What happened to volumes (number of people parking) and income when the facility was removed?
  • What was the immediate reaction from residents?
  • Was there any reaction from businesses?
  • If there was an initial fall in parking numbers (volume) did this flatten out and return to previous levels?

COM014 - Income from Advertising Sales - 040719

This APSE member council is currently considering their strategy to raise additional income through advertising sales. They would welcome details as follows:-

· Do you sell adverting to raise income?
· If so, do you do this directly or do you use an advertising agency?
· If directly, do you incentivise sales?
· Do you have an ethical policy e.g. no junk-food advertising?
· What platforms do you offer for advertising eg Highways, Roundabouts, Website, Pay-slips?


COM013 - External commercial work in Parks - 130319

This authority would like to ask the following quesitons in relation to Parks services:

1. Do you undertake any external work bringing in revenue? Can we call you to discuss?

2. Do you undertake any Factoring services?


COM012 - Plant nursery operations - 120319

This authority would like to know the following:

1. Do you have your own in-house plant nursery?
- If yes, do you sell to the public, wholesale/commercially? How and when is that undertaken? Can we call you to discuss?
- If no, do you buy in plants or plants and service? If yes, can we call you to discuss?

2. Have you commercialised your plant nursery operations by retailing or wholesale? Can we call you to discuss?


COM011 - Commercialisation - Asset Value of Car Parks - 280119

This APSE member authority would like to explore how other authorities calculate and treat the asset value of car parks particularly those in Town Centres. Please could you provide the following information:-

• What is your annual income received for your car parks / and at what capacity do they operate (e.g. number of spaces available ) ?
• What is your annual expenditure for car parks?
• What is the percentage return on the asset value? How do you calculate this if known?



Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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