COM0020 - Selling packages to businesses
A Member Authority are currently looking at options for selling packages to businesses. They are specifically seeking the following information:-
1. What services does your council include as a package e.g. pest control, trade waste, food hygiene training?
2. Does your authority offer different levels of cover to businesses?
3. How do you set your charges?
4. How do you resource and structure the service?
COM0018 - Appointing a company to manage income from advertising/sponsorship - 110320
This local authority would like to know if you have or have considered appointing a company (as opposed to managing all aspects in-house) to manage all aspects of income from advertising and sponsorship for the Council?
COM0017 - Traded Services and Commercial opportunities across Cemeteries & Crematorium - 060120
A member authority is undertaking a project to review traded services/commercial opportunities across cemetery/crematorium, registrars and licensing.
They are looking for opportunities where new services can be provided at a cost, and those current services which could be charged for.
They would be interested to receive information from any local authorities which have done something like this before and are willing to share any experience.