COM0023 - Advertising on council uniforms - 200921
This local authority would like to hear from any others who have introduced advertising on staff uniforms.
COM0022 - Digital advertising - 160821
A member authority would like to hear from other authorities around any work you have done around digital advertising.
COM0022 - Commercial Strategy information - 220621
A member authority has a strategy for their traded environment services and we are currently reviewing this post Covid.
They are keen to promote a ‘golden thread’ throughout their local authority so that commercialisation features prominently within all services plans/strategy documents. They would be keen to hear from any other local authorities who would be willing to share their commercial strategy documents.
COM0022 - Providing back office functions to other authorities - 070521
A member authority is seeking to understand if any other authorities are providing or have provided back-office support functions to other authorities on a traded, delegated function or shared service basis and if so, are they single service areas or multiples packaged as a suite?
Examples may include some or any of the following:
COM0021 – Software / CRM systems in Commercial Activity – 150421
This APSE member is exploring investment in software to assist in the management of commercial activity. Key components would be:-