EH008 - IT services for Pest Control - 070918
A member authority currently provides an in-house Pest Control Service.
They are looking to improve on their existing IT provision for the service and were wondering how other local authorities manage getting jobs out to the officers out in the field (e.g. scheduling, completing tasks and rescheduling jobs)?
Do other authorities use app based systems or do they download daily work schedules?
EH007 - Pest control on closed landfill sites - 050718
A member authority currently runs the following waste operations from one site:
- Waste Transfer Station
They used to have an active landfill (now completely closed and capped).
As a result of the closure of the landfill they are reviewing pest control services.
In theory they feel they should be able to scale pest control right back due to the landfill closure, however, they do not want to scale it back too much and create a large pest problem.
Seagulls are the biggest pest issue, currently managed by falcons most days of the week with limited success.
What level of pest control do other member authorities use to manage pests on similar sites?
EH006 - Rats in public sewers - 240718
A Member Authority has seen a significant upsurge of rats within their area over the last few years and the source of the problem seems to be the public sewers.
The Local Water Authority have not baited the public sewers for years and the Member Authority are seeking information regarding the following:-
1. What other councils are doing in terms of managing the public sewers/rat population
2. Is there any jurisdiction that can be placed on the Local Water Authority?