G0340 - Monitoring and Recording Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome - 07.12.17
A local authority officer is currently overseeing and monitoring Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). They would like to know how other authorities carry out, monitor and record this process.
In particular the member officer would like information from member authorities on the following areas:
G0339 - Car Park Construction - 30.11.17
A member authority is at the seeking to build a new mutil-storey car park and would value contact with colleagues within other local authorities who have recently undertaken the same, to discuss experiences in assessing project viability and appointing external advisors to oversee the design and build. Further, they would be grateful for any related documentation you could share giving an overview of the project; a sense of the scope, overall approach and suppliers used that might help inform their work. For example, reports prepared for elected members and/or project boards to
update stakeholders.
If, in the last 5 years within your authority, you have been delivered a new multi-storey car park and you would be happy to share your experiences, we could be very grateful if you could send an email with the contact details of the best person to speak to along with any related documentation.
G0338 - Overtime payments and standard working hours – 20.11.17
This APSE member authority is implementing a new HR / Payroll System and they wish to know what other authorities do in relation to claw-back on overtime payments in the scenario where:
Do you:
G0337 - Quiet Rooms for Staff - 20.11.17
This APSE member authority is looking to set up a quiet room for staff which could be used for a variety of tasks; such as report writing, proof reading etc or even to sort out any personal issues (confidential phone calls)
As an increasing number of authorities move to open plan offices, hot desking and agile work spaces the use of quiet spaces is increasingly commonplace. Sharing sensible arrangements on how these spaces are managed will therefore be helpful and APSE will of course share information with all respondents.
G0336 - Mileage Rates and Car User Criteria – 20.11.17
This APSE member authority is seeking to benchmark against other local authorities in relation to car user status. The information requested is as follows:
G0335 - Accident Packs / Management - 03.11.17
This local authority would be grateful if other local authorities could provide information on the following questions about managing accidents :-
G0332 - School Crossing Patrols - 11.10.17
A member authority is reviewing their approach to School Crossing Patrols services to see how the service can be effectively delivered, at a reduced cost.
They are seeking examples of how other local authorities have reduced the cost of the service either through service reductions or through alternative funding or engineered solutions, where a change to the road infrastructure has enabled children to safely cross without assistance of a School Patroller to help inspire their search for new ideas.
If, in your authority you have recently reduced the costs of this service, we would be very grateful if you would please let us know how you have approached this, what key factors affected your decision-making and what measures achieved the most significant budget reductions. Any further information you can supply that may assist this authority such as any discussion/research papers would also be gratefully received.
G0331 - Financial assessment of projects regarding social and environmental benefits - 20.09.17
A member authority is starting to do some work on putting a financial value against human, social and environmental benefits of their projects.
They have found examples in the private sector but it would be helpful to know if other members have already gone through this process or are currently doing something similar.
One of the member authorities biggest issues at the moment is how we scope the work to ensure they hit their corporate aims and objectives as a priority, but equally don’t miss out on any additional benefits.
G0330 - Place Based Structures - 20.09.17
This authority would like to ask others to:
G0329 - Public Toilets - 11.09.17
This local authority would be grateful if other local authorities could provide information on the following Questions regarding public toilets :-
G0328 - Agile and flexible working – 25.08.17
This local authority are looking to implement agile and flexible working as part of their WorkSmart programme and would like to hear from other authorities who have undertaken this recently.
They are particularly interested in hearing about:
G0327 - Contract Compliance Audits - 25.08.17
A member authority is seeking to undertake a Contract Compliance Audit. They wish to verify that the Council has not been charged/paid for anything that the contractor should not have charged for and that the amounts charged/paid are correct in accordance with the contract and goods, services or works delivered and subsequent Contract Negotiation processes.
Have you carried out contract compliance audits?
Did you engage a third party to carry out the audit?
G0325 - Comparing local authority approaches to allocating and processing Community Grants - 11.08.17
A member authority is seeking to benchmark their approach to Community Grants and to help with this, would be very grateful for short replies to the below questions, which will then be shared with all who respond.
G0324 - Lone working Alarms - 01.08.17
A member authority is seeking information on the technology you use to protect lone workers and service users operating remotely (e.g. GPS trackers / Alarms/ Phone Apps etc)
G0323 - Random Drug & Alcohol Testing - 07.08.17
A member authority is looking at the issue of random Drug & Alcohol testing of Drivers Please can you confirm the following:
If you have decided not to pursue random testing, what alternative action do you take if any?
G0323 - Freedom of Information Requests , Processes and Procedures - 27.07.17
A member authority is looking to make improvements to how they deliver responses to Freedom of Information requests (FOIs) and are seeking examples of procedures and processes in place within other authorities that enable a good response rate and ensure queries are handled efficiently, logged centrally and processed in a way that other team members can quickly pick up if key staff are absent.
To help with this, they would be very grateful if you could please share any documentation available, which outlines your internal approach to handling an FOI and if possible, include a sentence about what works well in your approach and in particular, what helps ensure an efficient and effective response rate.
They would also be grateful to hear from any local authority within APSE’s Southern region that might be interested in delivering a joint approach to FOI requests.
G0322 - Volunteering Opportunities - 26.07.17
A member authority, along with APSE, is interested in exploring where other local authorities utilise volunteers. Please can you provide information on the following:
G0321 - Reviewing Events Support - 28.06.17
An APSE member authority is currently reviewing their Events
Support[1] processes and methodology and would welcome details
of other local authority members approaches, in particular:-
[1] The Council delivers and/or supports a wide range of events
across a number of its functions including Tourism, Regeneration,
Arts, Leisure and Democratic Services. These events require
support from other Council Services including, but not limited to,
Waste and Cleansing, Assets and Property, Corporate
Communications and Administration.
G0320 - Digital Readiness - 07.06.17
This local authority would like to know if any other member
authorities are doing any work on Digital Readiness Assessment
G0319 - Parking for Council employees in the field -260517
APSE has received reports that social care staff are spending
significant periods of time accessing parking close to service users’
In residents only parking areas, what provision is made to enable
the following employees to park? (e.g. permits, designated spaces
G0318 - Use of Self Service Kiosks in Customer Contact Centres -100517
This APSE member authority is looking for information on the use of
self-service kiosks and in particular they would welcome details on
the following areas:-
G0317 - Naming Rights for Bridges -100517
Do any local authorities have experience in selling naming rights?
This local authority is considering selling the naming rights to a
bridge they are building and are reaching out for advice to any local
authorities who have experience in this area.
G0315 - Lettings for Local Authority Schools - 110517
A member authority is seeking information in relation to school
lettings. The authority would like details relating to the following:-
G0314 - Strategic approach to community grants - 270417
A member authority is reviewing their approach to Community
Grants and would very much value comments from colleagues
across the membership with regards to the following questions, to
enable them to benchmark their current approach:
G0313 - Management of technical skills training programmes - 120417
Following the restructuring of their Council and centralisation of the
Training budget this member authority would like to ask how other
authorities manage their Technical Skills training programme. E.g.
Drivers CPC, Sector 12, Signing Lighting & Guarding, Abrasive
Wheels, First Aid, Needlestick & Sharps, COTs (Cemetery
Operatives Training) etc. In particular they would be grateful if you
could answer the following questions:-
G0312 - Public Sector Taxation and Investment Advisors - 100417
This APSE member authority is currently exploring their future
investment strategy and as such they will be seeking to procure
specialist advisors on taxation, including VAT and Investment (
including risk assessment and management ) as part of the process
and to ensure due diligence in any reports to elected members.
Accordingly they would be interest to find out the experience of
other APSE member authorities and specifically as follows:-
G0311 - Business planning software - 290317
This APSE member authority is reviewing its business planning
software. They would be interested to learn what business planning
software or KPI software systems you use across your business
planning processes. They would be interested in your experiences;
successful or otherwise, including costs if known.
G0310 - Review of communications, print and design functions - 290317
This APSE member authority is currently reviewing their
communications, print and design functions and they would be
interested to learn how other councils
deliver media and communications. In particular they would be
pleased to receive the following information.
G0309 - Use of seasonal workers - 160317
This council would like to ask other members about their approach
to the use of seasonal workers to deal with the peaks and troughs
of the demands of different service areas. In particular: