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G0493 - Low/Zero carbon depots - 291121

A member authority is enquiring whether any Authorities have created/implemented a low/zero carbon depot?

They are interested to know:

  • What elements of their services have they included- Waste, Parks, Street Cleaning, Fleet Workshop, Nursery etc.
  • What was their budget for the project?
  • What “Green Solutions” did they implement?

G0493 – Environment bill implementation for biodiversity net gain within local authorities –301221

As part of the Environment bill passing into law, a member authority are working on biodiversity net gain and offsetting for the Council. As It is likely to be at least a year before all the various instruments associated with the bill will be made available, they would be interested to know how other local authorities are dealing with this, in particular:

Do you have a scheme for taking on developers’ biodiversity losses?

How is this priced, i.e. cost per unit - if so what is that cost?

G0492 - Professional Staff Recruitment - 121121

A Member Authority have undertaken joint working within a Strategic Alliance; both of which, are experiencing difficulty recruiting professional staff in Environmental Health and Planning service areas; in particular:

  1. Fully qualified Environmental Health Officers
  2. Principal Planning Officer
  3. Principal Conservation Officer
  4. Tree Officer.

The Member Authority would is seeking information and feedback from other councils in respect of the following:

  1. Has your council experienced recruitment difficulties?
  2. What is your authorities pay and grading arrangements for these type of posts?
  3. Would you be able to share your Job description and person specification for these type of posts?
  4. Has your authority had a need to review pay, grading, terms and conditions to make these posts more attractive and if so what increased duties\responsibilities were included to influence increased grading outcomes?
  5. Have other incentives been offered to make such posts more attractive? If so, what were they?

G0491 – ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management and the benefits – 051121

A member authority would like to hear from members who hold ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management certification as they are interested in what benefits it could bring to their authority.

  • Do you have ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management certification?
  • Do you have it within street services?
  • Other Waste services?
  • Collectively across your authority?
  • What benefits has it brought to your authority?

G0488 - Paddling Pool surfaces  - 071021

Unfortunately, the rubber is delaminating and clogging the filters after less than 5 years of use.

The member authority is therefore looking at alternative surfaces before committing to replacing them with new wetpour and would like to know of other Council’s experiences with different paddling pool surfaces, advantages and disadvantages and/or recommendations to assist us in this choice.

G0486 - One Front Door – review of the customer journey  - 051021

A member authority are currently undertaking a ‘One Council’ programme of work. As part of this programme they are embarking on a “one front door” project which aims to comprehensively review the customer services team and improve the customer journey, enabling more contacts to be fully and properly resolved at first point of contact, avoiding passing calls to the “back office”, and allowing transactions to be completed online wherever possible.

The member authority would be keen to hear from other authorities who have implemented the same approach. In particular they would like to know the following:-

  • What has worked well?
  • What problems were encountered?
  • How staff and customers were engaged?
  • How external partners were involved?

G0485 – Redevelopment of a council depot – 051021

A member authority are considering redeveloping their depot facility. They are considering including a waste incinerator, highways, refuse collection, vehicle maintenance, weighbridge, storage of salt grit, street maintenance in the new depot.

The member authority would be keen to gain information from other authorities that have redeveloped their depot. Specifically, the information being sought is relating to:-

  • Procurement
  • Project management,
  • And any lessons learnt.

G0484 - Roadside Memorials - 170921

A member authority is currently reviewing the issue of roadside memorials in their area.

They are wanting to know if any other authorities:

  • Have actual permitted memorials on their roadside and if so what is the requirement/agreement with regards to size etc. and permitted time period for the memorial?
  • Have unauthorised memorials on their roadsides?
  • What is the approach to unauthorised memorials- immediate removal, time period allowed and then removed or any other approaches.
  • Do you have a formal policy on roadside memorials which you would be willing to share.?

G0483 – Operational Staff - Flexible Working Systems – 030921

A member authority is considering a flexible working policy for its operational staff and is interested in how other authorities are working

It would therefore be very much appreciated if you could answer the following: 

  1. Do your operational staff have a flexible working policy or has this ever been considered?
  2. If operational staff do work a flexible working policy, what core hours have been applied?
  3. Do the operatives clock in remotely? What system is being used?
  4. If a flexible system is being implemented, what were the barriers that where encountered to incorporate the system?

G0481 - Digitisation of internal srock control processes – 160821

A member authority is looking at options to automate/digitise its internal Stock Control process.
They are therefore keen to find out if any other local authorities use any automated/digitised stock control system and would comment on its suitability, costs, benefits, positives & negatives etc…

G0480 - Flexible utilisation of councils market area - 060921

A Member Authority are currently reviewing how their market is utilised and is seeking information from other local authorities. Specifically, the Member Authority would like to know the following:-

  • How many stalls does you market have and how many days a week does it operate.
  • Are the stalls taken down and set up between trading days? If so what is the total time taken, the person-power allocated to do this and the space needed to store the market stalls?
  • Where are the market stalls stored and how are they transported?
  • What is the cost per annum setting up and taking down your markets?
  • How are the stalls affixed – either with weights, traders own stock used as ballast or fixed to the ground?
  • What extremes of weather your stalls withstand, particularly wind? In what types of weather would you either not allow the market to take place or close the market?
  • Has your authority commissioned anything bespoke from a manufacturer and who they are or indeed if you manufacture your own?

G0479 - Ecological assessments of glyphosate use – 050821

A member authority is enquiring as to whether any local authorities have done an ecological assessment of their glyphosate use?

G0478 - Environments Case Management Systems - 230721

A member authority would like to know what the other LAs use for a local services/environments case management system?

  • Developer name?
  • System name?
  • What aspects of the service the system is used for?
  • Any pros/cons of said system?

They are looking for information to help them develop a starting point to begin the initial pro-procurement investigation process."

G0477 - Electrical sockets in public spaces for events

This authority is considering providing electrical sockets in public spaces for organisers of events to access a power supply. It would be useful to understand the details of other similar schemes that have been successful or otherwise.

Of particular interest would be:

  1. Whether the sockets are in cabinets or recessed in chambers, and whether there has been any issues with water ingress?
  2. Also, have the sockets been used frequently by event organisers and, if so, what power ratings have been the most popular?

G0476 - Training courses fees - 190521

A member authority would like to hear from authorities that offer training, have you reduced the amount you are charging for your courses during the pandemic to take into account online delivery and reduced costs of course provider for room hire, refreshments etc? If yes, can you share level of reduction or if you have maintained the training rate but added value to training in terms of course material, no of delegates, certification?

G0475 – Driver Assessments – 120521

A member authority would be interested to hear from other LA’s who have a formally agreed policy / process in place for conducting driver assessments particularly in response to adverse incidents / accidents.

This would include how the management of drivers deemed to have a less than acceptable level of driving ability is undertaken i.e. the suspension of driving privileges, additional training – at whose cost?

Also the enquiring authority would be interested to know whether a driver assessment is undertaken (and by whom) prior to completing the mandatory probationary period.

G0474 - Unauthorised traders - 300421

A member authority has experienced a number of unauthorised traders, e.g. ice-cream vendors or boot camps, etc, coming into the parks without licences. They already have concessions within the park, or the boot camps have licences and permissions to be in there.

They are now having to go down a legal route to see whether we can deal with these types of activities in a more effective manner. However, they have been told that they need some sort of signage to say that this type of trading cannot take place. It should be to the entrance of the park or open space in plain view.

They want to hear from any members who have experienced this problem, what you do about it, and/or whether you have signage and if so, would you be happy share it with them showing photographs and the wording?

G0473 – PPE hubs – 300421

A member authority is seeking information on the distribution of PPE

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is currently supplying councils with free PPE and has confirmed this will continue until March 2022.

If you are currently running a PPE distribution hub:

  • What are your plans post-March 2022, should the provision end?
  • Where does the hub sit within your authority and from where are the personnel drawn?

G0472 Community Safety structure and salary 260421

A member authority is currently reviewing their Community Safety service and they would be interested in how other councils operate the service. In particular, the member authority would like to know the following:-

  1. What structure other councils have in place for community safety?
  2. What salary grades are attributed to these posts?

G0471 Project Management Review - 260421

A member authority are currently in the process of reviewing its project management provision and is setting up a Project Management Network and a supporting PMO Framework for the delivery of change and improvement projects across the Council. The member authority is keen to gain knowledge on other authorities project management provision. Specifically, they would like to know the following:-

  1. Does your authority use a Project Management Framework to support the governance and delivery of improvement projects across the authority? If yes, would you be willing to share a copy?
  2. Does your authority deliver projects using PRINCE2, Agile or other good practice methodologies?
  3. Do you have a dedicated corporate led Project Management Team or similar supporting the delivery of improvement projects across the council? If yes, how many staff work in the Team?
  4. If you do not have a dedicated Project Management Team delivering improvement projects, who delivers change and improvement projects for services and at what level to they work e.g. Service Delivery Manager (Senior Operations Manager).
  5. Do you actively track project benefits for completed projects? If yes, who tracks the project benefits e.g. the service, a corporate level performance management team, a project management team, a dedicated benefits realisation colleague?
  6. Do you have an internal project management network to support service managers and project managers who deliver change and improvement projects across the Council?

G0470 – Banning of releasing birds, balloons and lanterns as part of celebratory events on council land – 130421

A member authority has recently banned the release of birds, balloons and lanterns from their cemeteries as part of funerals etc.

This decision has been taken to prevent animal cruelty, environmental damage and potential impact on flight paths.

They would like to extend this to all public parks and open spaces in the city and wondered if other local authorities have done the same and if so, what the process was?

G0469 – Changes to employee contracts to encompass homeworking arrangements – 130421

A Member Authority is seeking information regards what other council have put in place for homeworking. Specifically the member authority would like information about the following:-

  1. Has your authority made changes to employee contracts to make them permanent homeworkers or Hybrid workers…
  2. Has your authority made the decision to pay expenses? If so on what basis?

G0468 - Time recording and attendance systems –  290321

A member authority would like to know what time and attendance systems councils are using for their workforce, e.g. biometric clocking in or other systems?

They would like to know what systems are being used and what has been the experiences of using their particular systems?

G0465 - Adoption of roads and the street cleansing provision – 050321

This local authority is reviewing its policies and procedures in relation to the adoption of roads and would be grateful for any information/ policies relating to this from member authorities including any agreements with housing developers regarding bins on streets and within open spaces.

G0464 – Web based approaches  to job recruitment in local authorities – 070121

"This APSE member council is improving its hiring and recruiting process by implementing a web based approach for the completion of application forms. The aim to benchmark against other local authorities, drawing on examples and best practices to identify the following:-

  • Are your application forms online based? If not, are you embarking or considering moving to this method?
  • Do you use paper based applications and if so in what instances?
  • Are online application forms adapted for individual job vacancies each time the job is advertised, or is a generic approach taken?
  • (if generic application form(s) are used please provide examples)
  • If an online generic application form is used what benefits has this made to your internal processes?
  • Approximately what percentage of application forms are submitted online?

G0463 - Sponsorship of war memorials- 040121

A member authority  has been asked  to look at  the sponsorship of War Memorials, to see if they can offset some of the money currently being  spent on maintaining them.

They would like to know if any other Local Authorities have achieved this and what agreements/ levels of income were achieved.

G0462 - Management of river/water bodies – 040121

A member local authority would like to hear from any network members who have river/water bodies within their land domains and would be interested in any policy documents that exist covering the overarching management.

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Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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