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G0501 – Charging for public toilets – 310322

A member authority is seeking information regarding charging for public toilets. Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following:-

  1. Does your authority charge for the use of public toilets?
  2. If so, what is the charge amount per person?
  3. Does the income cover the cost to install / maintain entrance and exit devices and all associated charges?

G0500 - Pay As You Go Car Club

This local authority are working on the redevelopment of the Provision of Pay As You Go Car Club Services and are interested to see if other APSE members have undertaken procurement activity.

G0499 – Managing volunteers

This local authority would like to know how others manage volunteers? Do they provide training and/or equipment and do they have a current Volunteer Policy and if so could we see a copy of this if they would be willing to share it?

G0497 – Happiness Surveys – 140322

This APSE member council would like to know if any other local authorities have carried out or are considering undertaking a “happiness” survey aimed at residents? If so are you willing to share the scope and type of questions used within the survey, response rates and so forth and what you were able to learn from the survey results.

G0496 - Grounds maintenance on private land (out with contracted obligations)

A member authority has several questions about grounds maintenance on private land:

  1. Does your local authority carry out grounds maintenance on private land
  2. If so do you recover costs from residents / owners or are these absorbed in your revenue budgets.
  3. Have you ever withdrawn from maintenance in private areas.
  4. If yes what strategies did you use.
  5. Were you faced with political pressures to maintain private areas and how were they overcome.
  6. If you do carry out activities on private land how do you work within occupiers liability etc

G0495 – Memorials

A member authority would like some information from other local authorities regarding memorials:

1. Does your local authority accept applications for memorial plaques etc.
2. Are memorials attached to assets, If so where are they attached (benches, walls etc)
3. Do you charge a fee and if so how much
4. Are memorials in place for a limited time ie 5 years, 10 years or are they a lifetime purchase.
5. What strategies do you have in place when assets with memorials need maintenance or replaced.
6. Do you have alternative memorial options ie plant a tree, attach a plaque to a bench, a wall of remembrance etc
7. If given the choice would you offer memorial options or not.


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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