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G0552 - HR Structure and Functions

This local authority would like to ask other local authorities about their HR services:

1. Structure: How your Human Resource department(s) are currently structured – and are they centralised or de-centralised or a mix (sharing of structure would be very welcomed). a. If de-centralised, what is the model for this - e.g. a business partnering arrangement and what is the relationship with the corporate level?

2. What HR functions are included in your service catalogue?

3. Resources: How many staff you have in the organisation and how many staff you have in HR (along with the roles – especially keen to understand if there are functional specialists or if the team are multi-skilled). a. If decentralised, how are resourcing levels established per area or department or function?

4. What IT systems are in place to support HR to deliver their services (and if they are off the shelf or bespoke) and do they provide easy and relevant reporting?

G0551 - Managing Potential Drugs and Alcohol Misuse

A member authority is interested in policies around managing potential drugs and alcohol misuse. In particular, as part of wider potential drug and alcohol misuse policies, the authority is interested in the following:

1. Do you have any options to test employees for drugs or alcohol as part of a wider policy?

2. If you do, on what basis is testing undertaken, e.g. randomly for all, randomly for high risk duties/groups, where there are causes for concern etc?

3. If you do, what are the practical arrangements in place for testing?

4. If you do not, what arrangements do you have in place to keep staff, their colleagues, and any third parties safe if there is suspected drugs/alcohol misuse affecting a member of staff’s ability to undertake their role?


G0550 - Apprenticeships and Internships

A member authority is interested in hearing other councils’ experiences of using or implementing apprenticeships and internships In particular, the authority is interested in how other councils have:

1. Established these kinds of programmes? For example, the resources involved in setting them up and maintaining them?

2. What types of jobs are involved in these apprenticeship and internship programmes?

3. The positive and negative aspects of introducing them


G0549 - Introduction of Lotteries

A member authority is keen to find out the following:

1. Has any member authority considered the introduction of a Local Authority and/or Large Society Lottery? Where an approach has been pursued or implemented:

2. What has been the feedback from localities pre and post implementation?

3. What level of income has been generated and reinvested in localities? Small Society Lotteries worth £20,000 or less with aggregate proceeds not exceeding £250,000 a year must register with the local Licensing Authority (Council).

4. Does the operational decentralisation through Small Society Lotteries increase or decrease the potential income generation and reinvestment in localities?


G0546 - Bullying & Harassment or Dignity at Work Policies

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities who have agreed Bullying and Harassment Policies or Dignity at Work type policies that combine Bullying & Harassment.

G0544 - Low-carbon Skills in London

The London Assembly Environment Committee is investigating low carbon skills in London and looking at actions that various authorities are taking to help bridge to gap and help to achieve the net zero ambitions by 2030.

They would be interested in hearing from London authorities and ask if you could answer the questions below (those that apply)

• Is London training enough workers to be able to install sufficient low-carbon energy infrastructure, to implement the transition to net zero?

• What is the current demand from employers for low-carbon skills in London?

• How is this likely to change over time?

• Is the current provision of training courses for low-carbon skills sufficient?

• Is the Mayor doing enough?

• What are other bodies, e.g. charities, private companies, London Boroughs doing?

• What is the level of diversity within the uptake of low-carbon skills courses? How can this be improved?

• Are there other cities nationally (or internationally) that can act as a guide for progress in London in this area?


G0542 - Commissioning & Procurement Frameworks

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities on your commissioning and procurement systems . The would be grateful if you could answer the following questions.

How are your Commissioning and Procurement teams structured? 


• Strategic commissioning centralised corporately.

• Strategic and operational commissioning centralised within People (Adults and Childrens), Place and Resources • Central Commissioning Advisory team.

• Commissioning teams dispersed across Service areas.

• Other (free write).


• Centralised procurement team supporting key strategic service procurement activity.

• Centralised procurement team supporting all service procurement activity.

• Departmental based procurement teams supporting key service procurement activity.

• Other (free write).

• Would you be happy to share your Commissioning and Procurement organisational structures including salary grading? (Please attach)

• What works well in your Commissioning and Procurement services?

• What could work better in your Commissioning and Procurement services?

• What IT systems / portals do you use to support your Commissioning and Procurement operations?


G0541 - Donation Stations at Public Conveniences

A member authority is investigating the use of donation stations at public conveniences and would like to know:-

Do any authorities use donation stations (cash/chip and pin/contactless)?

Are they willing to share information on costs installation/income?

Any issues with vandalism?


G0540 - Use of Ecosia search engine

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities that have switched to Ecosia as their default search engine. They would like to know: How the monthly reporting works Any lessons learnt from the transfer over Any other comments surrounding the platform

G0539 - Local Authorities booking systems

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities that use booking systems for meeting rooms or venues, this could be anything from your libraries to leisure centres. They would like to hear from authorities that have a booking system for areas like libraries, leisure centres, Town Halls or Civic Centres.


G0538 - Personal Development Planning procedures

A member authority are reviewing their Personal Development Planning procedures and would like to include a performance related part of the process, they would also like to introduce objectives into the review and measure those. They would like to hear from any councils who may be doing anything more innovative or from any councils who have introduced anything measuring performance of employees with some success.


G0537 - Parcel Lockers

A member authority would be interested in hearing from other authorities who have introduced parcel lockers to their neighbourhoods and on/in council owned assets. Specifically: How long was the implementation period? What return have you seen since implementation? What were the biggest challenges/lessons learned? They would appreciate making contact with anyone if they would be happy to discuss further


G0535 - Service Level Agreements

APSE training is currently revising the popular Service Level Agreements (SLAs) course and in line with APSE’s values of sharing best practice amongst local authorities we would welcome any current best practice examples of SLAs that APSE member authorities would be willing to share with us for learning and development purposes. We would also be interested in receiving any poor practice examples to help other councils avoid the pitfalls. The SLAs can be anonymised if preferred. We would be happy to provide confidential feedback if requested to any Councils submitting SLAs. SLAs are welcome from any frontline service sector regardless of size, plus agreements covering multiple service provision.


G0534 - APSE Network Queries: Car User Policy  

An APSE member council is currently implementing a Car User Policy and wishes to understand how other local authorities advertise posts. The aim is to draw on examples of best practice. Can you please answer the questions detailed below:-

• Do you require a driving licence for any posts - excluding driving jobs - that are not essential car user posts?

If yes, please provide examples.

G0532 - Use of 'green leases' to improve environmental performance of buildings - 090623          

A member authority is interested to hear from other local authorities that have used ‘green leases’, which contain additional clauses providing for the management and improvement of the environmental performance of buildings by both the owner and occupier, within their commercial rental portfolio.

In particular they would be interested in responses to any or all of the following questions:

Do councils have a formal green lease policy, and what form does this take?

Have green leases been used with SMEs, and if so what kind of engagement, feedback and issues have there been?

Do you use green leases in buildings of multiple occupancy where service charges are levied to tenants?

What kind of requirements are being included for lessees, and what commitments are councils making as landlords?

What environmental sustainability-related requirements are included in your Community Asset Transfer disposal process?

G0530 - Types of software packages for managing the local authority estates portfolio - 210323  

A member authority is currently reviewing the processes and software for managing it’s estate portfolio and are keen to find out from other local authorities:-

  1. What Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) system do you currently use?
  2. Can you provide the benefits and any challenges/ issues you have experienced when using these?

G0530 - Stray dog collection - 190523    

A member authority is interested to receive information on stray dog collections.

•              Does your authority operate this service.

•              Is the service in-house or outsourced or a combination of both?

•              Are services / contracts shared with any other local authorities / partners?

•              Would be useful to know who other / neighbouring authorities use for this service and any other relevant information.

G0530 - Contract Management Systems

A member authority is considering purchasing a contract management system. We would appreciate it if you are willing to share good practice and/ or discuss how, as a local authority, you have approached the following:

  • What software / systems do you currently use for contract management (in-house, off-the shelf, bespoke, other)?
  • If off-the-shelf – which CMS have you chosen and what is your experience of using it?
  • If your authority has purchased a CSM, which did you purchase and how was your experience of mobilisation/implementation? How effective has the CMS been since implementation?
  • If you are in the process of purchasing - or are considering purchasing - a CMS, which CMS are you considering and why?.

G0529 - Sustainability policies for events               

A member authority is seeking information regarding sustainability policies for events. Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following:-

Does your council have a Sustainability Policy for running events in your area?

If so:

  • Is the policy advisory only, or are organisers required to follow guidance?
  • Are there certain requirements, e.g. surrounding waste, public toilets, single use plastics, energy use?
  • If there are actions which must be taken, how is this monitored and/or regulated?
  • Would you be willing to share your authorities’ policies."

G0528 - Event Framework – Strategy, policy and pricing  

A member authority is currently reviewing its framework and approach to events including the strategy, policy and pricing and commercial approach used for events.  We would appreciate it if anyone is willing to share good practice and/ or discuss their events framework and approach, including the following key areas:

  • Event strategy
  • Vision, outcomes, and key principles for events
  • Governance and delivery arrangements
  • Evaluation and measurement criteria incl. Return on Investment (RoI)
  • Events policy
  • Standards, guidance, conditions of hire, procedures, processes, protocols, and controls
  • Portfolio and classification of events
  • Events pricing and commercial
  • Schedule of charges incl. commercial fees and social value charges.

G0527 - Contactless only charging for services - 030223 

This local authority would like to know if any member authority offers any services which are payable by contactless payment only?  For example entrance into a public convenience.  If so were any equalities issues raised in relation to this and how were these overcome?

G0526 - Comfort scheme payments - 030223     

"This local authority is keen to hear from other member authorities in terms of comfort scheme payments, this is payments made by local authorities to third party providers to allow access into their toilet facilities for the public (i.e. local restaurants, cafes, hotels or village halls etc).  In particular:-

  1. Does your local authority offer a comfort scheme payment?
  2. How much is this payment?, is there a sliding scale depending on facilities offered or is it a flat rate payment per month?
  3. Or do you promote a comfort scheme but give no payment?

G0524 - Working Time Regulations - Workers on standby - 251122            

An APSE member authority is enquiring about Working Time Regulations – particularly those relating to workers on standby or on-call shifts – and what that means for calculating the maximum working week, rest breaks and rest periods.

They would be interested to hear from other APSE members on policies and guidance on average weekly working hours for operational staff.

G0524 - Working Time Regulations - Workers on standby - 251122            

An APSE member authority is enquiring about Working Time Regulations – particularly those relating to workers on standby or on-call shifts – and what that means for calculating the maximum working week, rest breaks and rest periods.

They would be interested to hear from other APSE members on policies and guidance on average weekly working hours for operational staff.

G0523 - Lean Six Sigma / Service Improvement Methodologies – 141122

They would be interested to hear from other APSE members about which systems they deploy in their own authority.

Please could you therefore confirm the following:-  

  1. Do you currently use Lean Six Sigma or other methodologies in your authority?
  2. Would you be interested in taking part in a roundtable discussion, facilitated through APSE, to share information about  different approaches and the depth / scale of efficiency improvement methods that you currently deploy. 

G0522 - Visual tool for measuring and displaying social value       

A member authority is looking to create a visual tool for measuring and displaying social value in procurement.

Has your council created a similar tool, if so would you be happy to share details.

G0520 - Grits Bins and Confidential Waste - 281022         

A member authority is reviewing its process for topping up grit bins and disposal of confidential waste.

Do you top up grit bins in-house? If so;

  • What type of vehicle is used and what is the GVW ?
  • Is it carried out under EU or GB Domestic Drivers’ hours rules ?
  • If it is carried out under GB Domestic rules, what exemption is being claimed ?

Do you collect confidential waste in-house? If so;

  • What type of vehicle is used and what is the GVW ?
  • Is it carried out under EU or GB Domestic Drivers’ hours rules ?
  • If it is carried out under GB Domestic rules, what exemption is being claimed ?."

G0517 - Community food growing activity            

This local authority is looking for examples of agreements in place for community food growing activity. i.e. Licence to occupy, Landshare Agreement, SLA, Lease.

  1. What type of agreement have you put in place for Community Food Growing on vacant land, where the whole site is allocated for food growing? Would you be willing to share an example?
  2. What type of agreements have you put in place for Community Food Growing activity in a public park? Would you be willing to share an example?
  3. If community food growing happens in public parks with no formal agreement in place, do you have a management plan for the park? Would you be willing to share an example?
  4. Are you using mixture of different types of agreements? If yes, how are you determining which is best?

G0516 - Neighbourhood funding model 

A Member authority are currently reviewing their neighbourhood funding model. The Member authority is keen to gain information regarding how other council’s allocate funding to communities/wards etc and how it’s governed please?

G0515 - Competencies in Local Authorities           

A member authority are in the process of configuring a new integrated HR / Learning and Talent system and in order to make the ‘talent’ aspect work (succession planning etc), the authority are considering a range of competencies to include in their system.  It is intended that these would link with the individual job profiles across the organisation and these would be used to guide succession and talent management.  The member authority are interested in hearing from other authorities that have developed such a range of competencies that would work as a baseline across the range of LA jobs.

G0514 - Pay rates for refuse/street cleansing and fleet/workshop staff - 020922  

A member authority is enquiring if colleagues would be willing to share payrates amongst refuse workers They are looking for pay rates for the following roles

Waste/street cleansing:

Waste Service Manager

Team Leader

Operational Supervisor

Admin assistant



Fleet Manager

Workshop foreman


Admin assistant"

G0513 - Time recording systems

A member authority would like to know what time recording systems other councils have introduced for operational staff who operate from a depot but do not access the offices on a regular basis. This is to ensure that health and safety requirements are complied with in relation to monitoring of staff attendance. 

G0512 - S106 contributions for climate change/sustainability works - 190822       

A member authority would like to hear from other authorities who have established successful collection of S106 (or CIL) to cover the cost of any climate change/sustainability works, including the delivery of net-zero new builds.

G0511 - Dealing with HAVS and Vibration White Finger – 150722

A member authority is interested to learn how other member authorities are managing Hand Arm Vibration and Vibration White Finger across the services affected by this problem.

They are particularly interested to know:-

  • What systems do you have in place to manage and monitor Hand Arm Vibration
  • What parameters have you set in terms of trigger points numbers and thresholds and who in your authority made that decision
  • Do you set the same parameters across all areas of operation or do you have differing levels at local service level related to the type of operation i.e. Tree Services / Cemetery Services
  • Where monitoring is in place is this managed on a daily basis or over longer period such as the working week
  • What changes if any have you made to address issues related to exceeding vibration levels? i.e. use of battery equipment / manual operations
  • In the event of an employee be identified with mild white finger aside from monitoring this who in your authority / OH team sets any adjusted trigger point threshold
  • What systems and frequencies do you have in place to test hand held equipment"

G0510a - PSPOs in controlling dogs - 150722      

A member authority has PSPOs imposing controls on dogs which requires the following:

  • Requiring dog walkers to clean up after their dog has fouled.
  • Requiring dogs to be kept on leads in certain defined areas eg graveyards.
  • Excluding dog from certain defined areas e.g. school grounds and at certain times of the year eg designated bathing beaches in summer.

They would be interested to gather the following information from member authorities:

  • What rationale have local authorities used to decide which control to impose on what piece/type of land?
  • What controls have you imposed on open grassed playing fields and park areas?
  • Has your authority used PSPOs to impose any controls relating to aggressive dog behaviours in public places, that wouldn’t fall under the Dangerous Dogs Act? In particular dog on dog attacks.
  • What other legal routes do you use for dog on dog attack cases?


G0510 - Combined dog and litter bins - 060722 

A member authority  who currently use separate dog and litter bins are investigating the possibility of  changing   to combined bins to take both litter and dog waste.

They would like to hear from other authorities who have made this change. They would like to know the pros and cons of using combined bins if they were to go down this method.

They would also like to hear from authorities who have tried this and gone back to separate bins.

Any information you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated."

G0509 - Disabling comments on Facebook            

A member authority is in the process of reviewing their social media protocols. One of the issues they are currently discussing is if/when to switch off the ability to comment on particular Facebook posts.

The member authority would like to know if your authority:–

  • ever disables comments on Facebook posts
  • If ‘yes’ to the above, do you have a written protocol/guidelines that you refer to for deciding on if/when to do this; and
  • would you be happy to share these?."

G0508 - Out of hours team - 300622      

A member authority is interested in finding out how Out of Hours teams work within other authorities.

Currently their Parks & Green Spaces team form the Out of Hours (OOH) team.

This approach is practical as many OOH calls are about fallen trees and require clearing

Current our Council Connect service calls a Manager and an Arborist or the OOH team.

This is a ‘volunteer’ role with paid call out and retainer.

Each officer is on duty for 7 days and there is one phone which stays with the OOH backpack

They are interested in how other authorities manage their OOH service, how do rotas work and how people get paid?

G0507 - Difficulties with Embedded Purchase Cards - 300622     

G0506 - Communication channels for hard to reach "offline" non-office based staff            

This local authority is currently looking at the potential for improving how they communicate with their traditionally offline workforce groups (e.g. cleaner working nights at a remote location school or road worker based at a satellite office) and would be very interested in hearing about any examples of good practice that have been successful in this regard, or any innovative approaches you are aware of within similar groups of staff?

G0505 – Staff Networks and Facility Time – 020622         

This APSE Member Council would like to explore how staff networks are facilitated withing their authority. It would help them if you could provide a response to the following:

  1. What staff networks do you have in your council?
  2. What time allocation is given to network Chairs per month.
  3. Are the network chairs chosen by the network or are they an appointed council lead or officer?
  4. What time allocation to Vice Chairs per month?
  5. What time allocation to steering group members per month?
  6. What time is allocated for staff to attend network meetings / events each month?

Any further information in addition to the above would be greatly appreciated.

G0503 - How do local authorities charge/fund Public Open Space associated with new Housing Developments? - 310522

Some years ago a member authority took the decision to not adopt public open space (POS) as part of new housing and other developments.

This has meant that POS was created, but subsequently managed through a third party management company, with annual fees charged to householders.

A number of complaints are now being received about the charges that are being levied by these management companies and we have been asked to look at an alternative approach which brings the management of POS back to the Council when developments are proposed.

The member authority is therefore interested to know what other local authorities do in terms of the POS management as part of development proposals and, if POS is managed by the local authority what mechanism is used to charge for this, for example commuted sums, S106 or management fees, or incorporated into Council Tax.

Any other information about the charging mechanism or how this operates would be welcome.

G0502 - Electronic procurement and process policy - 130522      

A Member Authority is reviewing their electronic procurement process and policy.

The Member Authority would appreciate your assistance with the following:-

What E-Procurement system are you operating?

Would you recommend your current provider?.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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