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The latest network queries circulated for this service are listed below.

If you would like more information about any of these queries or want to submit a response, please email Rob Bailey.

HBM0273 - Tracking Right First Time – 210514

This authority is looking at how they track RFT. They are concerned about the duration of time a repair remains in good order  before a call back or complaint about it means the original work becomes a failure in Right First Time terms. For example, a broken door is repaired and signed off as RFT on counts of the appointment being kept, completed in one visit and having agreement that the quality of the job was up to standard by the tenant. There is then a call 3 months later about the repair and a judgement has to be made about whether this means the original repair is now classified as ‘not RFT’.

They would like to know

1.       Whether others have a period after signing off a repair during which it can be changed (from RFT to ‘not RFT’) if there is a complaint / call back about it?
2.       What that period is?
3.       What software they use to track this element of repair work?
4.       How they decide in a case when the customer thinks the job is not up to standard but the provider does?

They would be glad to hear any related information. 

HBM0272 - Uplift on top of hourly rate for emergency jobs, A1 within 2 hours, A2 within 2-5 days – 170414

This authority is in the process of pricing for a contract and are interested in what others charge as a % uplift for an emergency job, A1 within 2 hours, A2 within 2-5 days.

Please respond if you do charge an uplift and provide the level charged.

Also please explain what your criteria are for emergency response (the council enquiring responds to A1 jobs within 2 hours and A2 within 2-5 days).

HBM0271 - Facilities and building management agreements – 110414

This authority is interested to hear from others who have multi-speciality contracts in place or who utilise facilities management agreements of any sort, including compliance, reactive maintenance and emergency response, and cover the following:

·         fire alarms
·         legionella and water quality
·         sprinkler and suppression systems
·         heating / air-conditioning systems
·         other specialist building maintenance issues
The authority is carrying out significant internal upgrades and they would be grateful to hear about the lessons learned, problems encountered, opportunities and threats of such an approach. They are considering appointing a single provider for 4 larger complex buildings only which are critical to the operation of the council. The above services for a large number of remaining council properties will be provided under separate contracts. 

HBM0270 - Recent tenders for housing IT systems

This authority is considering procurement of a new IT solution covering it’s needs for building repairs, maintenance, improvements and asset management within social housing. They would like to hear from other APSE members who have undertaken tender exercises over the past 2 years specifically

•         The systems that were looked at
•         The system that was chosen
•         Examples of tender documentation
•         Purchase and ongoing costs

HBM0269 - Recycling in flatted properties – 020414

This authority is interested to know how others pay the cost of fines for communal bins which have been contaminated with the wrong materials and whether the source is the Housing Revenue Account or the General Fund.

They would also like to know what arrangements others have in place to enforce recycling in flatted properties.

HBM0268 - Reduction in number of bedrooms – 180314

This authority would like to hear from others who are completing works on their void housing properties to reduce the number of bedrooms therein. They would be interested to hear any relevant information.

HBM0267 - Bar coding systems used within a main store as a materials issuing device – 030314

This local authority is examining the feasibility of purchasing and installing a bar coding system to allow their Stores Team to issue materials from the main store to operatives. They are keen to hear the experiences of others who have already done this.

In particular they would like to know:
1.  Which bar coding system do you have?
2.  Which costing system do you use?
3.  Would you recommend installing a bar coding system for use when issuing materials to operatives?
4.  In your experience have you found that purchasing and installing a bar coding system represents value for money?
5.  Can you give examples of how this has been achieved? i.e. savings on Stores staff time, improved accuracy.
6. Are there any pitfalls that you encountered and could you advise what they were and how you solved them?

HBM0266 - Council communications to tenants/ home owners regarding capital works – 140214

A member authority is looking for examples from other local authorities of communication with tenants and/or home owners regarding forthcoming work contained within capital programmes.  This would involve notification of how works are to be progressed, potential impacts, any potential disruptions and any other relevant factors.

They would be interested to hear what type of communication methods are have been used, e.g. letter, leaflets, dvds, local press, etc. and would like to have sight of any examples.

HBM0264 - Non housing building maintenance arrangements – 160114

This organisation is looking to review how it delivers its non-housing building maintenance service. They would like to know how others have moved on from a client/contractor split or if they have retained such a split.

They are interested to hear how others have brought services together and the benefits and problems they have experienced.

Outcomes from similar reviews would be gratefully received. Those who respond will sent copies of all replies.


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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