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HBM0330 - Fitting and repairing double-glazing unit - 031215

This local authority would like to know from others:

  • Do you install and repair double-glazing units?
  • Do you install them yourselves or outsource?
  • If you install them yourselves, then for a full replacement, i.e. a single unit of frame and glass, how many trades are involved? (please list the trades involved)
  • If you install them yourselves, then for a glazing repair, i.e. frame intact but glass broken, how many trades are involved? (please list the trades involved)

HBM0329 - CCTV / Alarm / Security service for council tenants - 171115

This Authority has recently developed a Category 1 Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). From the ARC, the Authority delivers a CCTV, door entrance and ‘remote’ concierge service to residents of the Council’s own Housing stock in the first instance as a security and community safety initiative. 
The Authority has ambitious business development targets to offer these existing services as well as developing  new Lone Working, Key Holding, Intruder Alarm, Environmental Alarm, First responses services to a wide range of internal (schools, operational departments) and external (private customers, RSL, Police, etc.). 
They would like to hear from other authorities regarding the following:-

  • how they have developed income streams around these services detailing the specific service types, including any packages
  • copies of any SLAs that are in place
  • charging and pricing strategies for providing these services, either individually or as part of a package
  • information on the best way to identify business leads for the service including payment models
  • any advice about setting up and development of the wider service

They would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the above with other members

HBM0328 - Emergency repair definitions - 161115

This authority is looking to reduce the percentage of calls which it designates as 'emergency'. Their current definition for an emergency repair is 'a repair that is required where there is a danger to health or the property is unsecured'.
They are interested to know:

  • What definition others use for an emergency repair
  • What response time do others give for an emergency repair

HBM0327 - Sharing good practice in building maintenance contract specification and tendering - 051115

A contact in a member authority, who is new to Building Maintenance services, is seeking to re-tender the following contracts by April next year.
They would very much like to hear from anyone who has examples of good contract documentation or areas of good practice to share in the following areas of building maintenance: 

  • Intruder Alarm maintenance
  • Fire alarm maintenance
  • Drain clearing
  • Mechanically operated doors and automatic shutters
  • Fire-fighting equipment
  • Lightening protection equipment
  • Roof and gutter clearing
  • General Building repairs

HBM0326 - Mobile Working for Building Maintenance - 261015

This local authority are looking information on what mobile solutions have been implemented within BMD service areas.

  1. What Services/processes within BMD has a mobile solution been introduced, e.g. responsive repairs; gas safety inspections; void inspections; stock condition survey’s etc.
  2. What software solution(s) have been used for all service areas?
  3. Due to Public Services Network (PSN) compliance we are only permitted to use Windows devices.  What if any, Windows devices do you use?
  4. What issues have been experienced with 3G/4G connectivity, and if any, how has this been dealt with?

HBM0325 (A) - Green Bonds - 300915

This authority is interested to know whether any other APSE members have looked into the potential of using Green Bonds to fund large scale, long term housing and energy projects in their areas. They would be grateful to receive any relevant information.

HBM0325 (B) - Undertaking private sector construction work

This authority is interested in undertaking construction work for the private sector.
They would like to hear from any council who is doing this or considering it, either through their DLO or having set up an arms-length organisation, LLP or other vehicle.

HBM0324 - Modular/prefabricated housing - 150915

This authority would like to hear from others that are using/or considering using modular/prefabricated homes as temporary accommodation.  
In particular they are interested in:

  • suppliers you have procured homes from and reasons why 
  • suppliers you have considered but not procured homes from and reasons why
  • the particular styles you have settled on
  • other considerations that influenced your decisions

HBM0323 - New council housing and management arrangements - 090915

This authority is looking at its arrangements for building new properties and how others have gone about it. They are keen to hear about different approaches and experiences of other local authorities to inform councillors on the way forward. Please respond to the following questions :
With regard to  housing units built in your local authority area since the Housing Revenue Account changes in 2012 -

  1. what measures are used to detail Value for Money (per bed space / floor area, etc.) for new homes?
  2. how has land for new homes been acquired (i.e. was it in council ownership, secured through the HRA or other achieved through other help/open market purchase, etc.)?
  3. what borrowing mechanisms have been utilised such as drawing against the HRA or using other local authority money or property collateral?
  4. If an ALMO (or other organisation outside of the council) is delivering some or all of your housing services, briefly highlight good and bad points from adopting your approach
  5. If any housing services (management or maintenance) are provided by private sector organisations, please identify the service and briefly explain whether you consider them to have been effective, value for money and beneficial for tenants?

HBM0322 - Garden Sizes - 140915

A member authority has recently carried out a review of their gardens and have found that many of their tenants find their large gardens difficult to manage. In light of this, they are looking into an idea to change the boundaries of these properties to make the gardens more manageable and utilise the spare land for open space / allotments or even to build on.   They would be interested to discover if any other local authorities or developers /landlords within a local authority area have explored this idea?

HBM0321 - Charging for building maintenance work - productive and non-productive time

  1. What method of charging does your authority use e.g. SOR, cost plus, price per property, etc?
  2. When calculating overheads what % of time is allocated to overheads (or non-productive) and productive time?
  3. Below looks for a detailed breakdown of non-productive time. 

Please provide any further comments regarding how you deal with reducing the amount of non-productive time.

HBM0319 - Play bonds calculations for new developments - 270815

This authority would like to ask other Scottish local authorities:

  • How much do others allocate per house unit when calculating the play bond (the amount of money Councils must provide to cover the value of play area provisions) for new developments compared to our own current calculation of £350/unit?
  • How do others calculate their soft Landscape Bond figure (trees/shrubs/grass etc.) on Planning Applications for new housing developments? 
  • How do others calculate their Play Bond figure for on-site Play provision on Planning Applications for new housing developments? 
  • How do others calculate their Developers’ Contribution on Planning Applications where no on-site play provision is proposed? If it is based on a charge per new house, then how much is it per unit? 

 If you could answer as many questions as you are able to, I would appreciate it.

HBM0318 - Charges for building maintenance consultancy services - 240815

This authority is in the middle of a significant investment programme with typical works including enveloping, rewiring, roofing, kitchen and bathroom replacement . The service in question provides the consultancy function i.e. design, QS, Project Management for both pre and post construction activity.

All council functions are undergoing a ‘Commissioning Review’ to ascertain whether the services provide best value in terms of costs and quality.

They are interested in receiving the following information from others in the form of an hourly rate or % fee, please see below. 

Internal consultancy activity                         Hourly rate                            % fee charged

Architectural Design  

Mechanical & Electrical Design  

Quantity Surveying  

Clerk of works  

They are also interested in seeing any information from external providers so if anyone has details of private providers that would be welcome. 

External consultancy activity examples               Hourly rate % fee charged             Organisation

Architectural Design  

Mechanical & Electrical Design  

Quantity Surveying  

Clerk of works  

Any related information which is relevant would be appreciated.

HBM0316 - Housing Void Cleaning - 180815

The Cleaning Service of a member authority is seeking to bid of that Authority’s Housing Void work 
They would like information on the following:

  1. Any specifications or SLA’s for void cleaning 
  2. Approximate time taken and cost for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bedroom properties
  3. How the properties are price
  4. The method of operation
  5. The vehicles and equipment use
  6. Staffing structure - full time, part time, casuals etc.

HBM0315 - Safe working for roofing repairs - 180815

This authority is interested in receiving comments and examples from others about the following regarding roof work:-

  • Examples of processes and procedures in place for dealing with routine roofing repairs
  • Examples of safe working methods
  • What equipment do you use for access when working on flat roofs?
  • What equipment do you use for edge protection when working on flat roofs?

HBM0314 - Mobile device use for delivering housing repairs - 060815

This local authority would be grateful for information in regards to mobile device use when delivering housing repairs, specifically:-

  1. What type of mobile devices are you currently using to deliver your housing repairs service?  Can you supply the make and model.
  2. Can you confirm that the battery life is suitable for your teams purposes (i.e. to carry out a full shift/days work) Is this a standard device or do you have any additional accessories i.e. battery pack.
  3. What security do you have on your device for the trades persons logging in? (i.e. pin code/password/thumb print/NFC)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

HBM0313 - Re-charges policy - 050815

This authority is in the process of reviewing their recharges policy. They would like to hear from others who have been through this process recently and are particularly interested in the following -

  • impacts on the amount of income as a result of the  review
  • recovery and enforcement procedures
  • success rates for collection
  • incentives for tenants e.g. discounts if payment is made prior to the work being undertaken
  • any exemptions offered

HBM0312 - Charges to Owner occupiers for capital works - 150715

This authority is looking at their arrangements for charging owner occupiers for capital works.

They are interested in hearing about following from those who you carry out HRA Capital Improvement works to blocks with owner occupiers

  1. At what stage do you issue charge notices?
  2. At what stage do you issue invoices?
  3. What process and information do you use to establish the charges?
  4. Who issues the charge invoices and why do you organise it this way?
  5. Do you allow owners to spread the costs of repayment?

HBM0311 - Pre-inspections for repairs - 140715

This authority currently has a relatively high percentage of reactive repairs having to be pre-inspected prior to works being ordered following an inspection ticket is being raised by the Customer Services team. They are looking to review their process and are interested in the following

  • What percentage of your repairs are pre-inspected?
  • If you have made changes to reduce pre-inspections, they would be very interested in hearing the steps that you have taken.

HBM0310 - Environmental maintenance costs for housing - GM0416/140715

This authority is looking to compare costs for environmental works for the housing estate. 

The category of work included is as follows - grass cutting to open plan gardens and enclosed gardens to bungalows, shrub and tree maintenance and added value services to sheltered accommodation such as gritting and removal of grass cuttings.

They would like to know the overall annual cost of the work and the number of properties covered. In their case the figures are £455,563 for 15,600 properties so a cost per unit of £29.20

HBM0309 - Building design and project management service - 090715

This authority is seeking information on how others deliver their design and project management services (buildings). They currently have an in-house team and are investigating how others have fared when changing arrangements to, for example, a wholly owned arms-length company.
They are keen to hear both the benefits that have accrued, problems which have emerged and the process others have been through to decide whether or not to embark on new arrangements.

HBM0308 - Cyclical Maintenance Programmes - 030715

This local authority’s building service operates a cyclical maintenance programme over a 5 year period covering elements such as paintwork, roofs, guttering/downpipes, fencing and other external works. The programme is currently under review. 

They would appreciate details from others on how they operate cyclical programmes especially those with a high volume of painter work. They are keen to share best practices with others.

HBM0307 - Fuel Poverty Strategy - 290615

This authority is drawing up a Fuel Poverty Strategy and is looking to learn from others who have been through the process. 
They would be grateful to receive copies of existing strategies a well as thoughts from those who have written them.

HBM0306 - Planned split - 170615

1.    In the Audit Commission days, there were targets for the raising of repair orders, i.e. less than 10% for emergencies; less than 20% for urgent; and more than 70% for routine/planned work.       

  • They would like to know the targets that other authorities are working to now.

2.    They would also like to hear about the categories that other use and how they categorise repairs, e.g. is a 24 hour order classed as emergency or urgent?

HBM0305 - Price Per Property and Responsive - 170615

This authority would like some feedback on the following:
They would like to hear from others who operate Price Per Property (PPP) arrangements for repairs and/or empty properties and who would be willing to share their experiences?

HBM0304 - Roughcasting and Cladding questions - 150615

This authority is looking at some issues with roughcasting and cladding and would appreciate information from others. Please respond to the following questions - those who respond will be sent all replies.

  1. Do you have a programme to roughcast properties?
  2. If so, are you able to give approximate numbers of properties in the roughcasting programme and the duration of it? 
  3. Do you have a programme to clad properties?
  4. If so, are you able to give approximate numbers of properties in the cladding programme and the duration of it? 
  5. What factors do you take into consideration when deciding whether to clad or rough cast?
  6. What is the cost of cladding per property? (for comparison the cost for a 3 bed semi-detached property) 
  7. What is the cost of roughcasting per property (for comparison the cost for a 3 bed semi-detached property)

HBM0303 - Pay rates for kitchen and bathroom fitters - 120615

This authority is undertaking a pay review for its trade operatives and is interested to find out about the following 

  1. whether other organisations use multi-skilled trades for installing modernised kitchen and bathrooms.
  2. the current hourly pay rates for these operatives.
  3. the type of work undertaken by your multi-skilled kitchen and bathroom fitters.

HBM0302 - Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for housing maintenance - 110615

This authority is interested to find out what arrangements others have for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for technical officers, internal trade operatives and external contactors.
They would like to know what arrangements and policies are in place for different areas of work, such as day to day repairs or planned improvement works.

HBM0301 - Stores apprentices - 090615

This authority is interested in hearing from others about stores apprentices. Specifically they would like to see a copy of the job description for the post highlighting main duties as well as qualification criteria used when recruiting a stores apprentice.

They would also like to information on:- 

  • Details of accredited qualification(s) the apprentice is working towards
  • The method of study (day/block release, distance learning, work-based assessment)
  • Details of any certified in-house training provided
  • The duration of the apprenticeship
  • Whether a permanent contract is offered at end of the apprenticeship
  • The salary range for each year of the apprenticeship
  • Any additional benefits offered e.g. corporate clothing, safety boots etc.

HBM0300 - Procedure for routine Domestic Electrical Installation Reports (PIRs) - 260515

A member authority would like to know how other stock-owning authorities manage routine Domestic Electrical Installation Reports (PIRs).
Please e-mail us a quick e-mail with the answers to the below questions:

  1. Do you force entry?
  2. Do you take legal action to gain entry?
  3. How frequently do you carry out these inspections?

HBM0299 - EU Heat Metering Regulations with Communal Heating Systems - 140515

This local authority would like to hear from other APSE member local authorities who are affected by the recent EU Heat Metering Regulations with Communal Heating Systems.
The regulations require meters to be fitted in individual properties from December 2014 to enable accurate billing for energy.  For existing systems, local authorities  are required to carry out feasibility studies by 31/12/2016 to ascertain whether it is technically and financially viable to retrofit meters.   
This local authority would be interested in identifying any authorities which are interested in sharing learning on these issues.

HBM0298 - Quantity surveying role - 110515

This authority is reviewing how it addresses the QS role. They would like to know how others have accommodated this role.

1.    Do you retain a full time QS?
2.    Do others combine it with the duties of other posts in the structure?
3.    Is the role provided by an external provider?
They would be grateful for any information used when you have changed the arrangements you have in place for the QS role.

HBM0297- Insourcing building maintenance services 300415

One of our members has been tasked with identifying and quantifying the benefits of insourcing a building maintenance service. The contract is currently provided by one of the large private suppliers and it has two years to run. They are keen to find material and examples to help build a case to insource and would be grateful to hear from others who have fully or partially insourced their service.

HBM0296 - Heating installation costs - 280415

This authority wants to compare costs for new heating installations including new radiators and the average time taken to install for various sizes of domestic property types.
Please complete the following table. Costs should include the following:-
Labour, materials, CP12, all necessary wiring up of systems, making good, rubbish clearance, gas supply and any other relevant costs. 
Average cost of new heating installation and radiators for:- Average unit cost for a full installation in tenanted and empty properties Average period of time taken for a full installation  in tenanted and empty properties
One bedroom flat new combi up to 4 radiators  
Two bedroom flat  new combi up to 5 radiators    
Three bedroom flat new  combi up to 6 radiators    
Two bed house new boiler feeding hot water and heating with new cylinder up to 6  radiators    
Three bed house new boiler feeding hot water and heating with new cylinder up to 7  radiators    
Two bedroom house new combi up to 6 radiators    
Three bedroom house new combi up to 7 radiators  
Change boiler/combi only and update controls e.g. clock, Magna clean unit  
Gas Servicing and heating repairs Average unit cost per year Average period of time taken per unit/property
Annual gas service  
3-star service including annual servicing and breakdowns

HBM0295 - Head of Service / Director role job description and person specification - 250315

This authority is looking for copies of a job description and person specification for a Head of Service / Director role for a building repairs and maintenance service covering responsibilities for reactive and cyclical repairs and void properties. The service includes gas servicing, emergency heating replacements, electrical  testing. Planned elemental improvements are excluded from the service.  
They would appreciate recent copies of documents as well as any other relevant information.

HBM0294 - Commercial catering maintenance - 190315

This authority is reviewing its arrangements for catering appliances. They would like to know how other APSE members provide servicing & maintenance for commercial catering gas systems;

  • What actions are taken following engineers’ risk assessments relating to catering equipment at time of service and maintenance?
  • If a catering systems ventilation system is non-compliant, are measures implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to C02?
  • If so, what measures are implemented?
  • Are any other actions taken?

HBM0293 - Mobile working for building maintenance repairs 170315

This authority is looking to invest in mobile technology. They would grateful to hear from others who have done the same especially regarding the following:-

  • Which mobile system(s) and software others are using for dealing with responsive repairs?
  • What benefits and problems have you experienced?
  • Which devices do you use?
  • What benefits and problems have you experienced?
  • Are they fully Public Service Network (PSN) compliant?

Any other relevant information would be helpful.

HBM0292 - Use of GPS tracking within property maintenance 130315

This member authority is seeking information from councils on their approach to the use of GPS tracking systems within property maintenance, specifically:- 

  1. Do you use a GPS fleet tracking system?  Is so, which vehicles are tracked e.g. trade operatives, inspectors, supervisors? 
  2. Do you have an agreement or protocol of use which sets out how management can utilise the system and the information


Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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