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HBM0509 - Future supply of building materials for their planned works and housing repairs service - 151220

A local authority is considering the future supply of building materials for their planned works and housing repairs service and is interested in gaining information regarding what other authorities are doing. In particular they would specifically like to know the following:-

  1. Have you recently considered options for the supply of materials?  If so, what options did you consider (e.g. single source / frameworks / other?
  2.  Do you have a central stores function supplying your workforce? And if you do, do you offer both a collection and delivery service?
  3.  If you have internal stores function, is it managed by in-house resources, or have you outsourced it as a managed service?
  4.  If you do not have an internal stores function, how is material supply managed with your workforce?
  5.  How cost effective is your chosen method, and what are the negative aspects?
  6.  How do you deal with bespoke products, such as kitchens, bespoke joinery (e.g. stair cases), do you have separate arrangements set up for these?


HBM0508 - Hep B and disposal of Hazardous waste while undertaking property clearances - 151220

A Member Authority is seeking information regarding Hep B and disposal of Hazardous waste while undertaking property clearances.

The Member authorities would like to know what risk assessments and information other authorities have on this area of activity.


HBM0507 - Tradespeople being paid a standby fee and call-out fees for emergency repairs - 141220

A Member Authority is seeking information regarding tradespeople pavement for a standby fee and call out fees for 24/7 emergency repairs. The Member Authority would like information on the following:-

  1. Does the money you get paid cover full cost of delivering this service?
  2. If yes, do you make a surplus on this or just break even?
  3. If no, how do you cover the cost of this service?


HBM0506 - Unable to access a property to carry out repairs - 141220

A Member Authority is seeking information regarding what payment arrangement other authorities have in place. Specifically they would like to know the following:-

When the tradesperson turn up to a tenants property to undertake repair works in line with an appointment and the tenant is either not there or they do not allow access for the tradesperson

  1. Do you get paid?
  2. If so how much do you get paid?


HBM0505 - Letting Standard and Void Repair Procedures – 011220

This local authority is currently reviewing its letting standard, void repair procedures and is seeking to improve its void re-let timescales and performance reporting. They would like to hear from other Authorities with regards to;

  1. How do they deal with major upgrade works identified in void properties (e.g. replacement heating, kitchens etc.)?
  2. Do you have a published lettable standard that highlights to tenants the level of repairs they will do during and after the void period?
  3. How do they deal with utility meter debt and do they include delay periods in average re let performance calculations?
  4. Do they have a management system/tool to monitor performance at each stage of the void process?5.
  5. Do they record the timescales of the various stages of the void period (e.g. days keys with a contractor, days to inspect etc.) and if so, what % of the average re let timescale is attributable to repairs?
  6. On average, what percentage of voids are classed as exclusions from re let/rent loss published performance, and what criteria is used to define and record exemptions?
  7. Do they carry out any decoration to void properties or provide tenants with vouchers/paint packs?
  8. What are the most common issues experienced that delay typical re let timescales?


HBM0504 - Customer Feedback for Reactive Repairs – 011220

This local authority is currently seeking to improve the way it gathers customer feedback for reactive repairs and would like to hear from other Authorities in respect of:

  1. How repair feedback is gathered (e.g. tradesman’s hand held device, email, calling tenant etc.)?
  2. Has the Coronavirus pandemic presented issues gathering customer feedback since non-emergency repairs resumed (e.g. restricted tenants feeding back on on hand held devices in the field)?
  3. What is the most successful mechanism currently used to gather customer feedback?
  4. What overall % of customer feedback is targeted and actually gathered annually for non-emergency repairs?
  5. Are there any improvements being considered to improve customer feedback?
  6. Are any incentives offered to tenants to provide customer feedback?
  7. How is feedback used to improve the service?


HBM0503 - Reactive Repair Service Provision – 011220

This local authority is currently reviewing its reactive repairs policy and procedures and would like to hear from other Authorities in respect of:

  1. What local repair target timescales do authorities have in place (e.g. Emergency – 4 hours, Urgent – 1 day, priority – 5 days, Ordinary – 20 days is what this authority currently has in place)?
  2. What percentage and type of non-emergency repairs are carried out by appointment?
  3. What appointment slots are offered to tenants (e.g. AM – 8.00 – 12.00pm, PM – 12.30 – 4.30pm, All day – 8.00am – 4.30pm is what this authority currently has in place)?
  4. How are repairs booked (e.g. by internal contact centre separate to DLO is what this authority currently has in place)?
  5. Does the authority offer an online reporting/self-service facility for booking repairs and if so, what % and types of repairs are booked this way?
  6. What ICT systems does each authority use for booking, scheduling, recording, monitoring costs and recharging repairs (e.g. Lagan (CRM) / DRS (Scheduling) / Northgate (recording and recharging) and Servitor (job costing is what this authority currently has in place)?
  7. Are all response repairs carried out ‘in house’ by an internal DLO or by an external provider?
  8. Does the authorities operatives/contractors use hand held PDAs to carry out and record repairs and if so, what repairs system is used (e.g. this Authority has its own in house ICT solution, but is aware of other systems such as Servitor mobile etc.)’
  9. Are any other Authorities currently considering reviewing/changing their reactive repair policy/procedures or service providers?


HBM0500 - In-house / external stores models - 261120

A Member Authority are currently undertaking a review of their in-house stores service and are seeking information from other councils, specifically, the Member Authority would like to know the following:-

  • Do you have an in-house stores service?
  • Do you use an external stores/materials supplier – if so did they undertake a lean review to move from internal to external provider?
  • If moving from internal to external what was the drivers for change, has there been any impact on service delivery using an external provider?
  • What cost savings/efficiencies have you made by using an external provider?
  • Do you operate using an alternative model?


HBM0499 - Safe System of Work for short duration domestic roof repairs - 161120

A Member Authority is currently reviewing their Safe System of Work (SSoW) for short duration domestic roof repairs. The Member Authority are  keen to hear the following from other repairs and maintenance services:-

  1. What system does your authority have in place?
  2. Would you be willing to share your SSoW?

If any members could share their specific risk assessment for this activity that would be very much appreciated


HBM0498 - Out of hours emergency customer contact service - 230920

A Member Council is keen to understand if other authorities provide the out of hours emergency customer contact service and if so they would be particularly interested in gaining the following information.

  1. Is out of hours customer contact provided in-house or outsource
  2. If in-house; is this a corporate customer contact centre that operates 24 / 7 or a dedicated team
  3. Number of team members engaged to deliver the service
  4. If in house; is there any supplementary duties the team carry out such as customer satisfaction surveys
  5. If outsourced; cost of service


HBM0497 - Council Advertisements for Planning Applications - 110920

This APSE member authority is looking at the way in which other councils advertise planning applications, not necessarily for big strategic developments, but for smaller and household applications.

They would be interested to hear from any other APSE member councils as to how they advertise their applications, particularly if this goes beyond the statutory minimum requirements. Any copies of relevant policies or information on any innovative approaches would be greatly appreciated. The authority would also like to know of any difficulties caused by doing more than the statutory minimum.


HBM0496 - Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on apprenticeships – 280820

"This local authority has been extending all apprenticeships until the apprentices sit and pass their final exam. Currently, all apprenticeships are extended until 31st August but will extend most of them until 30th September (two apprentices have completed their apprenticeship term,  but have yet to sit their final exams). The authority does not see there being a requirement from the training bodies for them to complete the full four years, and although the apprentices have lost approx. 4 months of practical experience due to COVID-19, are considering sending the apprentices to work on their own. 

Are there any other local authorities going through the same process, and are you putting in place any extra measures to compensate for the missed 4 months of practical experience and the exams not having been sat?

Any information on how you are dealing with this situation would be greatly appreciated.


HBM0495 - Expanding or redeveloping council archives

A member authority are current reviewing their council archive provision, and are seeking information from other councils who have expanded or redeveloped their archives. In particular they would specifically be interested in gaining the following information:-

1. What was the nature of the expansion or redevelopment e.g. expanded the provision in the existing site; relocated to an alternative site?
2. What was the rationale for taking this approach to the expansion / redevelopment?
3. What has been the impact on the archives?
4. What has been the impact on service users?


HBM0490 - Digital systems/processes used for facilities management & monitoring

A member authority are seeking information regarding digital systems/ processes used for facilities management & monitoring (legionella checks/ fire equipment/ alarms) in particular cleaning regime checks by janitors/ cleaners/ contract cleaners.

In addition, the authority would also like to know about any new processes implemented or planned as a result of COVID-19 and the resources applied to facilitate the necessary changes e.g. removal of paperwork/ digital checks/ increased frequency of checks


HBM0488 - Out of Hours Services – 150520

1. How many calls on average do you receive per month out of hours across all your services (including repairs, homelessness, anti-social behaviour complaint callouts and those dealt with by waste management and refuse collection services)?

2. Are your out of hours services in house or outsourced?

3. If out of hours service is in house, what service area within the council provides this OOH service?

4. How much does your out of hours service cost per annum?

5. What are your biggest challenges with your out of hours service provision?


HBM0478 - Maintenance of assets and the associated cost - 250320

A Member Authority are seeking information with regards to the maintenance of assets and the associated cost. The Member Authority are specifically looking for information regarding the following:-

1. What percentage of maintenance costs are budgeted for, in proportion to their total asset value?

2. Is there a recognised percentage, that your authority work to, which should be allowed for annual maintenance as a percentage of the overall value of the asset?


HBM0487 - CDM Arrangements - 020320

This Member Authority self-deliver on Repairs and Maintenance and also carry out some Capital and planned works. Therefore have a ‘soft’ Client/Contractor split and the Member Authority are seeking information regarding what other councils with similar arrangements have in place for their Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. In particular the authority would like to know the following:-

• What CDM arrangements does your authority have in place?
• Is there Separate CDM policy?
• What assigning responsibilities does your council have in place for Client, Principal Contractor , Designer for internal works
• What are the monitoring responsibilities for the Client on internal and external contracts


HBM0486 - Void Utility Bills - 280220

A Member Authority are interesting in finding out how other local authority landlords manage their void utility bills. The Member Authority are specially interested in the following:-

1. Does you council manage this in-house or use specific companies,
if so, which company does your authority use and what their experience has been.


HBM0485 - Universal Credit Claims - 280220

A Member Authority currently checks the Landlord Portal to see if individual claims are still live. However, as the number of cases increase the authority are finding this process impractical. Therefore, the Member Authority are keen to understand what process other councils have in place for check when a universal Credit claim has ended.


HBM0484 - Management of sub-contractors - 260220

A Member Authority is seeking information regarding how other authorities deal with the management of their sub-contractors. The Member Authority are specifically seeking the following details:-

(i.) What is the frequency of contact?
(ii.) How are the KPIs measured on the contract?
(iii.) What other aspects of influence performance e.g. Green agenda items, or impacts on social values etc.
(iv.) What penalties or sanctions are in place for poor performance if any.
(v.) Is there any other useful information you would like to share?


HBM0483 - Salaries for employees in the building maintenance stores section - 260220

A Member Authority would like ascertain the current salary offered for employees working in dedicated building maintenance stores sections i.e. Stores Supervisor, Senior Stores Assistants, and Stores Assistants. Copies of job descriptions for these posts would be appreciated, if willing to share.

In addition the Member Authority would like to know Information regarding the value of stock held within stores and number of stores personnel employed at your authority.


HBM0480 - Moving heavy and bulky items – 280220

A Member Authority currently offer a service to deliver and collect back equipment to keep people safe and comfortable in their own homes. Most of the equipment is fairly straight forward and easily managed i.e. bulkiness and weight wise. However, there are some heavy items in particular riser recliner chairs that are motorised and the very heavy ones weigh up to 70 kg.

The Member Authority are seeking information regarding the policies, Risk Assessments and Method Statements that other authorities have in place for moving heavy and bulky items.


HBM0486 - What Building & Housing services are you providing to tenants during the current coronavirus outbreak? 130320

This local authority would like to know given the current situation:-

1. How are you ensuring that your tenants are safe from contamination?
2. How are you ensuring staff and contractor safety when carrying out works on your behalf?
3. Are you halting the start of kitchen and bathroom refurbishments or planned repairs?
4. Are you down to emergency repairs only yet and what repairs are you carrying out?
5. How are you supporting vulnerable tenants?
6. Have you asked tenants to identify if they are self-isolating before a repair is accepted?


HBM0481 - The hourly charge out rate for operatives carrying out Repairs and Maintenance and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) on public buildings and schools - 230120

A Member Authority are seeking information regarding the hourly charge out rate for operatives carrying out Repairs and Maintenance and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) on public buildings and schools.

1. The Member Authority are looking for the rate for the following roles:-

• Commercial Heating Engineers
• Commercial Heating Engineers with Gas Safe qualification
• Commercial Plumbers
• Commercial Electricians
• Commercial Electricians with testing qualification (2391)
• PAT testers
• Joiners
• Painters
• Plasterer

2. The Member Authority is also seeking information regarding what the overhead breakdown or % included within the rate as outlined in the table in appendix 1.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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