HBM0539A - Stand By Duty Officer for out of hours housing repairs service
A local authority is reviewing it’s out of hours housing repairs service and is keen to hear from other member authorities in terms of:-
?HBM0539 – Future Social Housing Provision – 200821
A member authority is seeking to increase the local provision of social housing
It is assessing the best structure and funding options to achieve this
Please can you answer the following:
HBM0538 - Home charging facilities for council vehicles - 06092021
A Member Authority is currently looking at providing home charging facilities for council vehicles and are seeking details on what other authorities have in place. Specifically, the Member Authority would like to know the following:-
HBM0536 - Drone surveying - 060921
A Member Authority are seeking information regarding drone surveying. In particular the Member Authority would like to know if other authorities do drone surveys, and if so, what is the charge for carrying out the survey.
HBM0535 - Stores stock items costs - 260721
A Member Authority are conducting an efficiency review into the Stores services. The Member Authority are seeking information regarding what additional costs other authorities place on top of their base Stores stock items cost?
HBM0534 – Building services rest periods for operatives post standby call outs
This authority is looking at the rest period provided to building services operatives, in particular they are keen to hear from other member authorities regarding what extent of rest period is provided to operatives at the start of the working day, if they have been attending calls on standby on week nights or throughout the weekend?
HBM0533 - Lettable standards - 150621
A Member Authority is currently reviewing their Lettable Standard and is interested in what standards other authorities have in place and they would be grateful if you could share your standards.
HBM0532 - Gas safety - 150621
A member authority is interested in finding out what other housing providers do, from a housing management perspective to properties where gas is capped, or a tenant doesn’t have credit on their meter so a safety check can’t take place.
HBM0531 - Policies for repairs and renewals - 100621
A member authority is seeking information regarding what policies other councils have in place for repairs/renewal. Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following:-
HBM0530 - Schemes to provide power tools to Housing and Building Maintenance operatives
This authority would like to ask other member local authorities in the Housing and Building Maintenance Sectors if they have a scheme to provide power tools to their operatives? If so would they be willing to provide details of their scheme?
HBM0529 - Local plans and green agenda policies for new housing - 140521
A member authority is seeking information regarding Local Plans and would like to know if there are authorities that have a Local Plan Green Agenda that stipulates that all new build housing must be environmentally friendly, and have solar panels, ground heat pumps etc. If so, please can you supply details.
HBM0528 - Disinfection of voids and asbestos surveys - 100521
A member authority is seeking information regards voids. In particular, they would like to know the following:-
HBM0527 - Gauging tenant satisfaction - 280421
A Member Authority is seeking information regarding what other authorities have in place to gauge tenant satisfaction. Specifically, they would like to know the following:-
HBM0525 - Housing disrepair claims - 260521
A Member Authority is seeking information regarding housing disrepair claims.
The Member Authority would specifically like to know how other housing providers are defending disrepair claims and does your authority have in place a process/policy? If so are you happy to share the details?
HBM0524 - Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for building/ housing services
This local authority is looking at how they could potentially utilise the “internet of things” and other artificial intelligence solutions to help their Council tenants as well as other residents within for example elderly extra care housing and sheltered housing accommodation. They are interested in the possibilities of connecting products with IT solutions such as Amazon’s “Alexa” to control appliances/ switch them off if left on, check the health conditions of residents remotely and provide other safety measures etc.
They are keen to hear from member authorities who have explored this or something similar and would therefore be happy to share information on any developments made including those with large IT operators of AI solutions.
HBM0521 - Stores Management Systems – 090321
As part of an ongoing stores review, a member authority is seeking to understand what systems and tools colleagues within other local authorities use to help with stock control and its various processes including software systems, links with job costing, the use of handheld devices, smartphones and scanners etc.
HBM0517 - Supply, delivery and replace or repair of tools - 190221
A member authority’s Repairs and Maintenance team (DLO) are looking at the options to issue team members with a full tool kit (Power Tools predominantly), and cease paying the tooling allowance.
Ideally, the member authority would like to tender for both the tools and a suitable company or organisation to take ownership of the whole system i.e. purchase, delivery, repair or replace the tools on their behalf. The member authority seeking information on the following:-
HBM0515 – In-house DLO back-office systems 280121
A member authority is looking to establish information regarding In-house DLO back-office systems.
The member authority is particularly interested in the following
HBM0513 - Void Energy Management – 220121
This APSE member local authority is currently seeking to change its void energy management supplier (current contract recently terminated by SSE) to ensure energy supplies are restored as quickly as possible when properties become void. It is looking to reduce energy spend during the void periods and if possible, ensure tenants move into their new property with either a lower-priced energy supplier or the cheapest energy supplier. Any feedback would be appreciated from other Authorities that can suggest good service providers in this area including any ethical, renewable/green, municipal/public sector suppliers.
HBM0512 - Out of hours repairs service - 190121
A member authority is currently reviewing their out of hours repairs service and is seeking information regarding what other authorities have in place. In particular, the member authority would like to know the following:-