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HBM0606 - Apprentice Wage Rate – 291124

This local authority is interested to understand what other member authorities pay their apprentices.


HBM0605 - Electrical Safety Certificates – 211124

A local authority is keen to understand how other member authorities produce their electrical safety certificates, in particular: -

  1. Are you providing this digitally?
  2. If you use a third-party supplier, can you confirm the name of the company and provide information on the experience of setting this up?


HBM0604 - Cost Plus contract - 121124

A member authority is seeking information from other councils that are in a Cost-Plus contract. The member authority is considering taking this route and would really appreciate it if any organisation is currently using one or have in recent past with a view to offer any advice in terms of positives and negatives.

  1. Would you recommend Cost Plus based on experience?
  2. What worked?
  3. What did not work?
  4. If you could do things differently, what would you do?
  5. Would you be happy to have a meeting to discuss in more detail? (Team/face to face depending on distance)


HBM0603 - Reviewing and improving stores and warehousing arrangements - 301024

A member authority is reviewing and looking to improve their current stores and warehousing arrangements.

The member authority would be interested in finding out how other authorities manage this part of their business. In particular: - .

  1. What stock control software do you use?
  2. Do you use mobile devices and barcodes with your system?
  3. If you use a bar code system is this provided by the same provider as the stock control system?
  4. Are you happy with your current system and what pros and cons have you found with your current system?
  5. How is your stores and warehousing provision broken down, do you cover the whole authority or do individual departments/services manage their own stores?

The member authority would also be interested in any advice on implementing new stock control systems along with any pitfalls to watch out for.


HBM0602 - Charge for garden extensions – 170924

A member authority would like to know how much other councils charge annually for garden extensions.


HBM0601 - Internal Repairs and Maintenance Help Desk – 050924

A member authority is currently in the process of undertaking a review of their internal Repairs and Maintenance Helpdesk team, including job descriptions, staffing numbers, processes, and procedures.  Specifically, the member authority would like to know the following: -

1. Does your authority have an internal repairs and maintenance helpdesk?

2. What is the volume of calls received by the helpdesk?

3. How many works orders are raised and managed by the team?

4. How many staff are required for the helpdesk?

5. Is there any other relevant information you would like to share?


HBM0600 - Building Maintenance Service Structures - 260724 

A member authority is currently reviewing the structure of their in-house building maintenance service and is keen to gain information from other members.  In particular, the member authority would like information on the following:-

1. The size of the stock that your authority maintains.

2. The number of staff / operatives in the service

3. Is your authority making any changes to the structure due to the new legislation being introduced.

4. The member authority would also be grateful if you could share the structure chart for your service.


HBM0599 - Public Private Partnerships and Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - 110724               

Many Public Private Partnership (PPP) contracts are nearing an end, with Local Authorities working through a hand back process with their private sector partner to ensure building assets are handed over in a condition which satisfies contracted lifecycle requirements.

A member authority is seeking information on how other Local Authorities and their private  sector partners are dealing with the presence of Reinforce Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)  in any buildings. Specifically:

1. Whether the presence of RAAC has been identified in any of the buildings within scope of the PPP contract.

2. The approach adopted by Local Authorities in dealing with any identified RAAC – e.g. removal, mitigation, inspection regime, etc.

3. How any such work is being funded – e.g. by the private sector partner as part of their lifecycle obligations, or as a contract variation at additional cost to the Local Authority.


HBM0598 - Local authority library of things and repairs cafes - 220524

A member authority is interested in supporting local libraries of things and repair cafés.

The member authority would like to know if other authorities have supported these projects and in particular: -

1. Has your council experienced barriers of finding/renting a space?

2. How have these barriers been overcome?


HBM0597 - Repairs Management - 240424              

A member authority has asked APSE to circulate a short survey in order to understand the technology being used by other local authorities delivering a repairs service and what has worked well and also any challenges. It would be greatly appreciated if you could spare 5 minutes to complete this survey by no later than Friday 3 May. Click here to submit your response.


HBM0596 - Employment Transition Laws (England and Wales)-on call -on Standby provision of Councils Out of Hours - 290324        

A member authority would like to know what measures council employers are making with Staff and Managers regarding the Out of Hours roles (on call and on standby, gritting works etc….and making an availability online or via a telephone between 5pm [say] and 8am [say]) Full Week or Daily Rota wise, given the fast becoming effective Law: England and Wales Transition Law 2023 [Employment Rights Amendment Revocation and Transitional Provision Act 2023] and any working time type directives, especially if persons are called out for duties in the middle or the night or contacted in the middle of the night.


HBM0595 - PPE equipment for lone working onsite – 220324

This local authority is looking to identify suitable personal protection equipment for their officers who are lone working on site.

They would like to know what systems other authorities use and how they manage, monitor them and their effectiveness. For example - body cameras, smart ID cards that alert a call centre or monitoring station.


HBM0594 - Basic pay and bonuses for the repairs and maintenance service - 060324       

A member authority is redesigning the basic pay and reward (bonus) scheme used in their repairs and maintenance function.  They are looking to benchmark salaries for different trades and any associated bonus schemes with other social housing organisations.

What are the basic salaries for the following?

Non-operational supervisor / area manager


General builder / tradesperson / multi skilled operative            


Plumber / central heating engineer      

Carpenter / kitchen fitter           

Labourer / semi-skilled operative         

Enter the starting salary for Apprentices            

Do you have a bonus scheme in place, if so, please can you provide details.


HBM0593 - Digital Inventory Management System for the Stores Service - 280224              

A member authority is looking to procure a Digital Inventory Management System for their Stores Service.

Interest from providers has been limited. Therefore, the member authority is seeking information from other councils regarding what solution they have in place for digital inventory management in their stores.

HBM0592 -  Digital Inventory Management System for the Stores Service - 230224             

A member authority is looking to procure a Digital Inventory Management System for their Stores Service.

Interest from providers has been limited. Therefore, the member authority is seeking information from other councils regarding what solution they have in place for digital inventory management in their stores.


HBM0591 - Gas Audits - 310124           

This local authority is keen to hear from other member authorities in regards to carrying out audits on gas boiler servicing and repairs, in particular:-

•          Do you currently use an external source to carry out these audits?

•          If so, what percentage of gas boiler repairs are audited?

•          What percentage of gas boiler services are audited?


HBM0590 - No access policy for responsive repairs - 220124            

A member authority is currently reviewing their “No Access” policy for the responsive repairs service.

In addition, the member authority is looking to introduce taking photo evidence of visits, however are struggling to identify the best way to store these, whilst they are awaiting to submit a requests for a digital end to end system.

Any policies/processes or advice that other councils can provide would be gratefully received.


HBM0589 - Section 106 funding for supply of wheelie bins

A member authority would like to know if your council obtains section 106 funding for supply of wheelie bins? If so, please could you provide a link to your policy wording in any local plan or supplementary planning document.

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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